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RE: I had a dream of hate, offensiveness, and the slippery slope of words losing meaning [This post contains many words. Reader discretion advised.]

in #informationwar6 years ago

The knowledge is there for both Black and White to ditch these labels and come up with something new in these times.

This I agree with.

Racism is really about the Black race in America being victimized and abused by non- Blacks.

This I don't.

This is wrong. Racism is about elevating or restricting ANY race. If one race is getting special treatment either positive or negative over another. That is racism.

Simply by saying racism is about Blacks that itself makes your statement racist. It is giving special treatment and rights to blacks.

If a person says "White people are X" that is racist. If they say "Black people are X" that is racist.

Another feature of racism is that it is a generalization. Generalizations are almost always FALSE. All it takes is a single case of a member in the generalized group not to fit the generalization for it to be false.

Your first statement I said I agreed with that I quoted. That is indeed the goal. We need to just deal with injustice when we see it regardless of skin color. If we emphasize skin color in the process and perhaps accompany it with a generalization then all we are doing is fueling racism.

If something is done wrong to someone. We should seek justice for THAT act. We shouldn't generalize and assume that people that had nothing to do with that event are somehow responsible.

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