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RE: I had a dream of hate, offensiveness, and the slippery slope of words losing meaning [This post contains many words. Reader discretion advised.]

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I have tried the other methods... to reason,

Dude. You are not going to convince me you are the super being and have tried all of the approaches.

You are also not going to convince me my way is wrong because you prefer your way.

You CAN convince me your way is an alternate approach and I'll agree with you. Yet I don't think you are a super being. I can see some merit to what you say, but I also don't buy into the supernatural SPELLING as in casting a spell aspect. I suspect some people might buy into that and it may influence them. I am not one of those.

They are a tool. They are used to communicate. Communication is about sharing things in your mind with other people and trying to get them to understand it in their mind.

You may call that spelling.

I call it communication.

EDIT: And if you try other approaches that don't work in some case that doesn't mean they don't work. Like I said there is no one method fits all. If you are seeking the perfect method that will always work you'll fail.


I feel that it is now time to reply to anything PC with, "so you want to end the conversation?"

I feel that way too. I do like HIGHLIGHTING what they are doing and trying to make them aware of it. I think most of them simply have no clue. Most of the time it may not work. Yet, I don't care as long as it works sometimes. I also don't expect them to get it and change their mind on the spot. That is unrealistic and is rarely what actually occurs. I simply plant seeds and hope they will grow later.


Dude. You are not going to convince me you are the super being and have tried all of the approaches.

That is because you do not know my background.
I can... no, i can't convince you, just like i can't convince PR-speaking people of their destructiveness. But, i can show you 10 years of data.
And this data does one of two things.

  1. you forget it ever happened.
  2. you become really depressed for a while.

But, it really doesn't matter any more.
The cards have been dealt.
The house of cards has been built.
The collapse is coming.

You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. This is what the feelers are going to find out.
They are convinced by indoctrination that the thinkers are withholding their aid because they are meanies.
The feelers will find out that the thinkers have no more to give, as the thinkers leave the system.

We will see a divide between the feelers and the thinkers. America will break apart. And there will be much gnashing of teeth.

The solution is to have the givers to give via charity.
Govern-cement and all of its welfare need to be run off of gifts. So that they can never spend money that was not given.
This puts reality straight into the face of the feelers.
And then the feelers will learn that PR destroys, by running face first into reality, .

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