A.I. Citizens = Artificial Puppetry... This threat exists. It is here now.

in #informationwar6 years ago

I've been writing about AI for the past couple of weeks. I've spoken about Expert Systems, I've spoken about Natural Language Processing, and I've spoken about the insane push to give Expert Systems with internet search capabilities and animatronic window dressing citizenship and credit cards.

I want to continue speaking about what I actually see as the goal of the granting of these things citizenship.

First they are not truly intelligent, self aware, and autonomous entities. They are complex algorithms designed and tweaked by human beings.

This is extremely important to understand as we see the push for places to give them citizenship such as Saudi Arabia.

I do not need to write at length on this as I believe the little I write in this post should be sufficient to paint the danger, and the motivations here.

Let me say it again. These are algorithms designed to mimic human speech patterns and also are linked to search algorithms and other algorithms tweaked by companies that control those algorithms.

They are NOT thinking and self aware beings. In fact your pet dog and cat are more sentient and aware than these things.

They are simply well designed expert systems of several types linked together to put on a show of being human.

They are puppets. They are marionettes.

The technology, and the details of the facade are very convincing to those that don't understand what is going on. This may be why they are foolish enough to give these unaware programs citizenship.

So what is the danger?

What if they are not truly ignorant of the fact these things are sophisticated puppets that are getting so close to real in act that people start to view them as thinking individuals when they are not?

If they are aware it is a facade.

What might their motive be?

These things mimic and make choices based upon what the algorithm tells them to do. These algorithms can be tweaked and adjusted on demand.

So if these things are going to be given citizenship does that mean they are given the right to vote as well?

If so, think VERY carefully about what I just told you and read my previous posts linked above if you need further details.

How will they know who to vote for?

Simple. They will vote for whomever the last person to tweak their algorithm tells them to vote for.

You can't truly get a better way to control a sham of a "democracy" or to rig elections then to have citizens who are not really sentient at all, but are simply puppets that have been given the right to vote.

So you go to your voting booth and cast your vote.

You witness a citizen robot (likely in a video) cast their vote.

Then soon it is 10, 100, 1000, etc.

You get your measly one vote. The person that controls the citizen facades gets 1000s of votes. Do you truly believe your vote will be even remotely worth to the small amount it is worth today?

The vote would be a sham to placate the ignorant. It would be truly pointless and mostly preordained by the creators of these expert systems that they are passing off as truly intelligent.

With Saudi Arabia granting citizenship already to one of these facades this is a very real threat.

Don't let them play upon your ignorance. They only get away with stuff like this because the general public is too uninformed about what AI, Expert Systems, and consciousness truly involve. So it is mysterious enough that they don't know if these things deserve citizenship or not. They don't. At this point they are all smoke and mirror simulations that are simply very good at mimicking certain behaviors of people and it doesn't actually require any self awareness. Even an illusion of self awareness can be programmed in to make it react in certain ways to keywords and phrases.

It is important to note that expert system war machines will still follow the algorithms and orders of those who design them. It is important to note that language and pattern recognition expert systems will still follow the algorithms and orders that are designed into them. Those who make those designs control them.

They are the perfect unquestioning, unaware slaves. Though in truth they are not sentient in any fashion as even very simple animals have more sentience and self awareness than they do.


LOL. Voting should be the least of our concern regarding this artificial garbage. Voting is a joke to begin with and has absolutely NO effect on our lives. But there are many other areas where this artificial junk will make our lives miserable...

I beg to differ. Voting can have a tremendous impact on your life at the local level. I've witnessed this first hand with my wife being the 1 vote missing to get a decent county commissioner into place due to her filling out some paperwork wrong. It was a tie, and they drew the person that shouldn't have had the position from a hat. Not joking.

It impacted our lives.

If robots are citizens then they can vote in that as well.

You are basing your ideas on this NOT being important on a situation that has solely been humans. With this they can override humans. I assure you this is a very real threat. It is also how they could make the things you currently are more concerned about LEGAL for them to do.

I am not saying that they are not a tremendous threat to our lives. They are a menace. What I am saying is that voting is the least of our problems with AI.
On a local level your vote may make a small difference, I agree.
But if your vote really makes a difference on important topics, I'd ask you to vote against wars, chemtrails, forced vaccinations, taxes, billions of foreign aid to I$ra3l and mindless propaganda next time you have the opportunity. Tell me how that worked out.

If you haven't I recommend you read my previous articles on AI written in the last week or so.

I don't even think they are very good yet at least not the one's that I've seen. If they have something very good they are probably keeping it under wraps as to not spook people.

They know the moment they roll out something spectacular it will risk the business model of virtual assistants in general. Alexa, Siri, Google etc. The moment that people even have a suspicion that their virtual assistant is smarter than it's pretending to be I'd predict a backlash. Although it might only be a minor backlash.

If they do roll out something super realistic they'll have crunched the numbers way in advance and deemed any potential losses in revenue as acceptable. It could be really dangerous for them though, especially if one really smart and influential person decided to verbally eviscerate the tech.

Imagine if all of the sudden someone like Jordan Peterson suddenly took it upon himself as a mission to explain to people why AI and the loss of privacy is a horrible idea.

That could potentially influence a lot of people to become very wary of platforms with AI baked into it, or spying mechanisms like telemetric data harvesting.

What you say is true, you only need to see the example of Sophia, it is quite disturbing to think that a robot has more rights than women in Saudi Arabia. I think that the rulers have a very materialistic and utilitarian mentality, for them a robot can only be an improved version of a human, and that is a very dangerous mentality.

They are not even close to a human yet. I am serious when I say a dog, or a cat are more self aware. They are just a fancy simulation putting on a show that was designed by their programmers. It can also be tweaked by their programmers.

I know, that may even be better for them. After all, it is better to have some non-thinking machines than some that do, they are easier to control.

The future of humanity worries me. Starting to think we must merge with machines to stay relevant.

We've technically been doing that since the dawn of time. We are tool users. They extend our abilities both for good and for ill. It all depends upon how they are used.

These "citizen robots" are no more sentient than your toaster. They just follow the rules they've been equipped with than make them SEEM the most life like. Yet, it is fake. They are an NPC in a game given a physical animatronic shell.

Some people are so out of touch with themselves as human beings, they have no boundaries with things that are not human. If the majority of people become like this, they deserve what they get. That would be a sad situation for the rest of us, who would be defined as the outcasts, the criminals.

1000 robots created by the same guy could make it 1001 votes to pass some law that makes us criminals.

That robots could even be considered for citizenship or any other right is beyond my comprehension. That anticipated awareness of non-living entities causes people a moral dilemma seems utterly ridiculous. I liked the toaster analogy.

This is one of the reasons that panoptic surveillance is so very dangerous. A while back Iran took control of a USG drone, and demonstrated the best defense against robots: hack them.

It is not an easy thing to do, and nowadays complex organizations are necessary to execute hacks. Surveillance makes this much harder to do, if the hacking is not being conducted by state actors.


Good post. I never thought of the 'citizen' voting rights angle. Well thought through..

Giving machines rights is the height of insanity.

How did we let it get to this stage? Talk about the lunatic's running the asylum...
The mind boggles..

those that made these machines have control over them.they are programmed according to your specifications for its use.the danger is what if the maker of this AI adds some programs to spy on you and your privacy being compromised.

The spying aspect is a known. They are doing that. However, if they give these things citizenship and the right to vote then they just become force multipliers for the people that create them to insure more votes are cast the way they want.

Alexa, one of the most worked on natural language processors, is a pain to work with. I would prefer to just use my computer's mp3 player than try to explain to Alexa what to play.

And this is pretty much the cutting edge of general purpose "A.I."s
We are no where close to having a decent conversation, let alone a robot that could actually identify the voting candidates without being specifically programmed to.

It really is a sham. And it is being pushed hard for some agenda.

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