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RE: YouTube's "Nazi Ban" further clamps down on free speech online 🧐

in #informationwar5 years ago

It's a big stretch to assume somebody is into Nazism of any form because they said "JouTube".

YouTube IS owned by Jews, and always has been, just like Google/Alphabet itself. Since 'tubes' are videos, is literally a Jew tube.

But because the term "JewTube" is censored on some platforms, a clever portmanteau and play on the original name is often used - JouTube.

Nazism is something really different. I recommend looking it up if you haven't done so lately, refreshers are always good. Information can't hurt.

Saying "JouTube" doesn't even classify a person as anti-semitic (let alone a Nazi). It's true, after all. Maybe pointing out the truth is potentially inflammatory, or in bad taste. It's not anti-semitic though, because it isn't hostile, prejudiced, or discriminatory.

In short, you're going to have to do better if you want to make those dirty terms stick.

If you only meant to imply "now you know why somebody called you anti-semitic", well, no. I still don't see any connection between what I said, and that term.

But yeah, YouTube has dug their own grave, and perhaps that was by design. A planned implosion (kinda like Building 7!) to make it appear to go away naturally, to be replaced by something bigger, better, and definitely more Orwellian. Like how MSN was fake-upgraded (ie: downgraded) starting in 2006, there were data leak scandals, they merged with other sites, there were outages, and finally they just announced it was over.... but that everybody's account would be automatically 'upgraded' to a new program called Skype! (What a privacy nightmare that turned out to be.)

So maybe YouTube is being imploded, or maybe digital totalitarianism is really their plan for total control of the video-hosting world.

You are right that my days of truthtelling on that platform are coming to an end.


It's a big stretch to assume somebody is into Nazism of any form because they said "JouTube".

I'm not calling you a NAZI. I'm saying what you said sounds like something a neo-NAZI would say, and it definitely sounds antisemitic, and silly.

YouTube IS owned by Jews, and always has been, just like Google/Alphabet itself. Since 'tubes' > are videos, is literally a Jew tube.

Okay, back up what you say with facts. That statement sounds preposterous.

In other words: [CITATION NEEDED]

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