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RE: Thinking About Disinformation Warfare...

in #informationwar7 years ago

Check out his interview with Sarah Westall from yesterday....And RDS did not actually say there ARE children sex slaves on Mars, he said he was told that by a source he trusted. If you can believe in Alex Jones but not everything he says (he clearly doesn't either, but instead often promotes the popular beliefs of his viewers-- and believe me, I am a big AJ fan)) why do you hold RDS to a different standard? On this nothing mars thing and the data collection point? Don't you think the recent indictments and massive round ups of criminals and sex perverts was achieved by analyzing the mass data collection? Thanks for your post. I enjoy discussing the topic. And, hey, how do we even know there AREN'T children trafficked off-planet? Do we really know that for sure?


And, hey, how do we even know there AREN'T children trafficked off-planet? Do we really know that for sure?

No we don't. That actually wasn't my issue though if you watched the entire episode that day which I happened to do that Mars part kind of came out of left field. Some people thought it may have been intentional to make Alex Jones seem nutty since that is what they zeroed in on and stated was an Alex Jones thing when he wasn't even the one that said it.

So do we know? Nope. That is certainly something I'd want to back up with some pretty significant information and sourcing before saying though. :)

The interview where I called him out on "every phone call and every email" was not bad. In fact, that was really the only thing I disagreed about. I do know that topic very well from a low level. That's my job, and I actually work with entities to setup the ports and devices to enable them to tap calls. So when I pointed it out it was more because I have a pet peeve with casual use of absolutes. I can get pretty pig headed about it. So I pointed out that one problem and received RDS response...

"You don't know as much as you think you do."

Which in reality this statement could be said about ANY of us. In this case I know more about internet protocols, network engineering, and SIP based PBX systems than he does. If someone states something that is false and I know it because I am well versed in that then I'll challenge them on it. I don't bow to appeals to authority.

Now one thing worth noting. Even though they CAN'T record every phone call and email it is better safe than sorry and not a bad idea to still have a healthy dose of paranoia. I do think they record a large quantity of both of those. I just know a lot of them that they don't, and I also know the mechanism they use to tap the calls in that environment when needed because I've been helping set it up. ;) If they already recorded them all there would be no need for CALEA certification and these devices and it'd also be doing something magical and violating all physics and network rules to make not connected networks suddenly recordable by the NSA.

Thanks for your answer. Do you think William Binney would have the knowledge base to make that statement about data collection? My understanding (very limited as a lay researcher on the outside), was that data collection was also compiled and analyzed more by a keyword algorithm? Our conversation has been great so far and I am upvoting and following.

One last issue I want to throw out there. Could you consider it could be the opposite and that Alex was setting up RDS? Its possible and I also watched the entire episode and hour or so long interview. Alex would not let RDS talk about election reform or #UNRIG, which was just trying to get off the ground for a national conversation about the root-level mass corruption of our congress members... Look forward to talking more! @dakini5d

Yeah Alex did talk over him about #UNRIG but that is an assholish bad habit Alex has anyway. He talks over a lot of people. I honestly don't see how Alex could set him up to talk about Mars out of the blue in all the other things he was saying. That was a very out of place statement. :)

And yeah I listened to the entire thing. I don't do so every day but I often have shows streaming in the background while I work if I don't have something else.

As to William Binney. I don't think RDS was wrong that they gather most data. Especially Cell Phone. I just KNOW first hand that there is still a lot of data they don't gather. In the percentage compared to the total it is likely a small number. It is simply the matter of some types of calls and emails never actually pass through any points the NSA has access too.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had access to All Cell Phone Calls, All GMail, All Microsoft Office 360 based Email, and all email provided by some big provider. That would not surprise me in the least. However, that is not ALL email. I can build an SMTP server and POP3 server on pretty much any machine and it could send/receive email and not be part of anything the NSA monitored. It is also still not uncommon for some organizations to still have their own private email server and the NSA would not immediately get all of that email, unless some device has been installed to do so or if they have hacked it and compromised the server. For when I said I can setup my own SMTP or POP3 server that protocol is not that complex so if I had to I could write/code it from scratch, so absolutely no possibility of back doors.

So if RDS wanted to say the NSA captures MOST Email and MOST Phone Calls that could very well be true. Yet, that is not the same as ALL or EVERY.

I actually saw the interview between Jones and Steele. They were discussing a completely unrelated 'earthly' subject when Steele, in a inelegant manner, dropped the "secret mars stolen kids' thing into a reply. Jones was actually speechless for a few seconds. It was quite frankly weird and unsettling and I felt Steele was unreliable ever since.

There was a second weird incident involving Steele that happened around the same time. Crowdsource the truth (Jason Goodman who I no longer follow) interviewed him.
At the end they mentioned Steele's unrig campaign and urged donations. I understand Steele received $10,000 from CST people as a result. For reasons I could not fathom, after receiving these donations Steele attacked Goodman pretty aggressively and told him not to contact him again. I honestly have no clue as the background to this dispute. I do know that many CST people donated where upset and wanted their donations back. In summary a giant mess with Steele at the centre and having financially gained. Those two incidents turned me off Steele.

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