When You're A Radical Centrist steemCreated with Sketch.


Saying things like "being against people who use violence against innocent people is wrong and people who want to stop them, even if they sometimes need to use violence, are actually the bad guys" makes logical sense.

Like, imagine this, right. It's second grade. A bully just stole your lunch money and kicked your teeth in, you lost 4 of them and your nose is bleeding. You're sniveling on the ground and he's about to kick you in the face again and WAIT, someone punches him right beforehand, and punched him so hard that his teeth fell out, too! Wow, how thankful you must be! WRONG. The one who just """saved""" you is actually just as bad as the one who hurt you in the first place. They both belong in jail. Evil creatures. I can't believe humans would ever behave that way, what filthy fucking animals.

Now, excuse me while I go read my Spider-Man comic books and watch Transformers.


When You're A Radical Centrist Part 2

You think disliking white supremacy means disliking every single white person to ever exist ever no matter what for some reason because that makes perfect logical sense.

What I said still stands.
If you hate people based on what they are and not who they are you are a biggot. Reframe this all you want. Try to bring some kind of SJW mob all you want.

You are wrong and you are a bigot. :)

I really don't understand how you think wanting equality means you hate people for their skin tone, it's dumb and childish.

You are racist if you are collectivist and you cannot be intersectional if you are not a collectivist. The Nazis are collectivists as well.

If your sole reason to judge people is based on skin color or gender you are a racist or sexist. Period. End of story. There is no more to discuss. Its toxic and dumb to be a collectivist.

I agree with a lot of your other points but I will never be cool with being a collectivist.

This is a very difficult problem because humans are stupid. Many believe that their 'enemies' are evil and need to be stoped with any means necessary when in fact their analysis is simply incorrect. Then these people themselves become offenders and others think that they need to stop them again via violence.

People always believe that they are on the correct side of history. People always take a biased view on others, people always overplay risks. Legitimising violence should never be justified by the simple argument that we are the good ones.

The only case where violence can be justified is in defence. If Antifa would only defend people against nazis I think nobody would have a problem. When antifa attacks real nazis very few have a problem. But when antifa attacks people that are right-wing but have no intention of committing violence then the real problem starts. Then antifa becomes a force that opposes free expression and threatens people for 'thought-crimes'.

There's a difference between, say, disliking supposed "anti-fascists" that attack "wrong targets" or are overly encompassing to "get more people to attack" or something but that's simply fictitious.

Anyone that makes significant errors that the press would even get wind of (99% of anti-fascist work isn't reported on) they get ousted immediately and are rejected by comrades so this notion that antifa is some wild "group" nationwide attacking senior citizens and stuff is just wrong and made up propaganda by the right.

Anti-facist violence is literally only 0.001% of total anti-fascist work and 95% of it is done in last possible measure to ensure safety of comrades and innocents.

I work with anti-fascists and know the praxis. All this shit is literally right wing fan fiction.

The media is obviously misrepresenting everything as their goal is just to create fear and make people angry.

My problem with antifa is that I think their approach is not always very helpful. Antifa is part of the left vs right struggle (not the right vs minorities problem) which is just a distraction. Antifa is 'anti-fashist', a negative definition. Better state positive what you are for and then work towards that goal.

That said, protecting people against right-wing violence is a good thing.

Read my response to @thecastle before being propagandized further.

By the way, antifa is a negative on a negative, cancelling it and becoming a positive. Note that 99% of antifascists are also anarchists and communists and intersectional feminists, which are all positive movements and ideologies based on equality and peace and happiness. It just so happens sometimes we need to don a mask and get to work.

My problem with antifa is that I think their approach is not always very helpful.

Antifa empowers the people they want to fight. It sends poorly equipped self righteous bigots into a battle with slightly better equipped self righteous bigots. In turn they protect nobody and ultimately endanger far more people long term.

That said, protecting people against right-wing violence is a good thing.

Only if they do their job correctly. If they endanger people then there was no point in the first place. Also right-wing violence doesn't even make sense. Being right wing does not innately make someone violent. The country would have collapsed by now if that were the case.

Wrong. Again, 99% of antifa activity isn't reported and what is is mostly sensationalized, bait, or misinformation.

I work with antifa, and am part of local chapters in some degrees, I know what I am talking about. Some of them have saved my life before, even. Stop spewing fanfiction when peoples' lives are at stake. It makes you look like a fool to anyone with a simple education.

Also right-wing violence doesn't even make sense.

being right wing on any spectrum inherently kills people. Capitalism kills poor people, kills disabled people, etc. If you can't understand that when 40,000 people die in the U.S.A. every year because of lack of health insurance you're a fucking idiot.

The country would have collapsed by now if that were the case.

It did during the Great Depression, remember? It almost did in '08, remember? Oh, wait, you don't have an education, I forgot.

Wrong. Again, 99% of antifa activity isn't reported and what is is mostly sensationalized, bait, or misinformation.

So they disavow violent behavior?

being right wing on any spectrum inherently kills people.

Communism has resulted in more deaths any other political spectrum. Communism is on the left.

It did during the Great Depression, remember? It almost did in '08, remember? Oh, wait, you don't have an education, I forgot.

So now you want to pretend the government vanished in the 1920s ... As far as I can tell we do live in a society right now... I guess this is an example of how dumb you have to be to be a racist. Oh I'm sorry internationalist.

So they disavow violent behavior?

Antifa disavows violent behavior when mistargeted, of course.

Communism has resulted in more deaths any other political spectrum. Communism is on the left.

Calling something communism doesn't make it communism or left-wing. Most attempts at communistic governments have either been co-opted by genocidal leaders like Stalin or have been destroyed by fascist coups and interference like in Chile or Venezuela. So.... wrong. Plus, I am an anarcho-communist anyway, so you trying to pretend like that means I support the USSR or something is pretty hilarious.

So now you want to pretend the government vanished in the 1920s ...

No, it fucking broke and was barely salvaged, and what salvaged it was redistributing wealth (socialism), you stupid fuck. Again, history class. Try it.

Antifa disavows violent behavior when mistargeted, of course.

You agree with me then. They are violent as fuck.

Calling something communism doesn't make it communism or left-wing.

Anti freedom of speech is the most VIOLENT ACTION POSSIBLE. It results in genocide every time in the history of man kind. You are racist sexist and pro genocide.

No, it fucking broke and was barely salvaged,

so it stopped existing am I right? Its your argument that the government collapsed not mine.

Please provide actual arguments. Do my bidding

It's second grade. A bully just stole your lunch money and kicked your teeth in, you lost 4 of them and your nose is bleeding. You're sniveling on the ground and he's about to kick you in the face again and WAIT, someone punches him right beforehand, and punched him so hard that his teeth fell out, too! Wow, how thankful you must be! WRONG.

The argument you propose is to figure out who might be a bully based on the color of their skin then kicking their teeth in before they have a chance to do the same to you.

That is objectively wrong.

No, it's not. I literally have never said that ever.

No, it's not. I literally have never said that ever.

I was talking about how your argument plays out in practice. Basically you want an excuse to act exactly like the police criticize so much. You want to be the bully. Under the idea that its ok because

You are fighting fire with fire

Its bigotry 101. The first thing bigots like you want to do is get rid of free speech so you can expand operation.

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