
Notice how we are ignoring you because your just a problem starter in an adult conversation. If you do not understand grammar Then you have no business being on here I never once Said that no one deserves rights nobody said that here so go somewhere else when your bullship the only 1 that saying it is you. I am part of the LGBT community so go somewhere else problem starter

Posted using Partiko Android

If you're part of the LGBT community and say stupid garbage like this:

but they're acting like the gender that they don't want to be associated with

then go the fuck away and never talk to anyone again. You're disgusting and your trans exclusionary attitude is gross. You're a child. Human rights aren't up for debate and you should be a better person before you attack minorities and pretend that it's ok because you're a different one.

Because in this situation the post I'm not talking about everybody again educate yourself. I'm talking about this post this situation this woman that is demanding her rights to be treated as a woman. Where she went wrong, was acting like an idiot and then turning around and in a deep man voice say I'll show you a man if you want one. I have a problem with that. It's a contradiction. And if you can't understand that then I can't help you and if you would please just leave me alone. Will agree to disagree

Posted using Partiko Android

How is it a "contradiction" to speak to other people with your own voice? It's not like every single trans person is 10 years into voice training, you ignorant loser.

Educate yourself, stop telling me to do things that you clearly won't. You're ignorant, spiteful, and hateful.

When you attack one trans person on the basis of their "validity" of their transition, you attack every trans person. You're gross.I will NOT leave you alone until you apologize for spewing gross and hateful garbage against who you claim to be supportive of. Be better.

You have to much hate in your blood you have too much fight for nothing people understand words that are nice rather than the attack words that you use. It's no wonder the world is the way it is with people like you.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm the hateful one when you're the one literally calling someone's rights to humanity in question? Yeah, ok, jackass.

Go preach bigotry somewhere else and stop crying about me being "mean" you special snowflake bitch.

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