What Does EU Citizens Really Think About EU And Immigration?

Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.04.07.png


In a survey in the EU with 28,000 respondants it cleary shows that the EU commission is not in line with what the people think. A significant majority (of bigoted racists) are concerned about the non western immigration to Europe. (Buhu..white tears)

Of course the EU commission is not listening. Why should they listen to the stupid racist masses? Our leaders know best - that's why they are our leaders. Duhh..

Let's take a look at what the racist masses believes


Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.07.59.png

Right: Will EU exist in 10 years? Blue: Yes. Orange: No. Grey: Don't know

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Who should decide EU's immigration politics? Blue: Brussels. Orange: The people in the different countries. Grey: Don't know.

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Should EU protect their outer boarders more effectively?
Blue: Yes. Orange: No. Grey: Don't know


Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.10.31.png

How serious/dangerous do you think illegal immigraiton is?
Red: very serious. Light red: somewhat serious. Green: Not very serious. Light green: Not a problem at all


Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.11.34.png

To what extent do you fear african immigration to Europe in the coming decade?
Red: Very fearful. Light red: Moderat fear. Green: Not a lot of fear. Light green: No fear at all.


Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.12.36.png

How serious is the growing muslim population to Europe's safety
Red: very serious. Light red: somewhat serious. Green: Not very serious. Light green: No threat at all.


Skjermbilde 2018-04-22 kl. 21.14.43.png

Why do you think migrants are coming to Europe?
Blue: Because of the welfarestate. Orange: Because their countries are not safe



And there we have it. White Europeans are clearly very racist. Hopefully all this immigration will swiftly delete the white race from history. Let's hope migrants outbreed whites and that the few white women who get children get children with africans.


I just hope UK leaves EU ASAP
Not sure if that will change anything but at least we will have our own government to blame rather then them blaming EU laws.
Im not speaking out against all foreigners here its about self governance and the ability of controlling ones borders which are basically essential for sovereignty. There are many positive sides of migration both cultural and economical but it does need to be kept at a certain level otherwise its colonization rather than people comming over to join the existing communities

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