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RE: Racism is one of the funniest scam's. So I draw a battle line for informationwar. Stop supporting the liars.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

@thoughts-in-time I am not a member of any religion. That includes evolution. I don't consider creationism a religion, just the most likely logical, and reasonable way to think about what I wasn't present for. The creation we see has some characteristics that as far as I know match everyday life. Never in my everyday life have I seen anything just pop into existence. To be honest without seeing that happen all that I have read concerning how the universe came about sounds like the quarreling of squirrels trying to get a nut. That there is a God I have not doubt at all.

P.S you cannot unknowingly consent. If not know consent isn't interring into it. The truth is there just criminals and believing them is and always has been a mistake. There is however Natural Law and everyone who ignores it receives their just rewards.


Yep, I didn't claim to know where you stood on the matter. Just saying that the law calls men "animals" meaning it was written from an evolutionary bent. So if the Bible claims that God put man in dominion over the animals. Then sneaky legislators claiming that man is an animal is the same kind of end run around as the divine right of kings.

Kings claim to be superior to man because of the will of God, I do not know the scripture off hand. This was rebutted with the declaration of the independence. So the new con which needs rebuttal, is the notion that man is an animal. Then men can stop going to jail for drug laws that have side stepped the constitution.

In regards to this "Learn more: Alfred Adask on Man or other Animals" after listening to Alfred Adask, I was impressed that I heard nothing whatsoever that was wrong. The only thing that I missed was something he never mentions. You see not only do you have the right to believe in God, but you have a unlimited right to contract.

Merely writing in your fee in any of your briefs would also mean being paid your consultee fee's whatever you decide those are. One merely needs to make continued contact the consent of the principal. There principals do not exist, thus there is no way for them to deny the contract.

Men have done this. They do not pay, but leave alone after that. Sadly this is actually proof that playing in court with a criminal doesn't pay. We must support our committee's of safety and begin to go after these criminals. God will not be patient for ever! At some point those who ignore his laws suffer the consequences. It doesn't matter if you do it knowingly or ignorantly. The price is still the same.

"P.S you cannot unknowingly consent. If not know consent isn't interring into it."

In the case of man or other animals, it is written into the law. Most people will not catch it because their lawyers are doing the footwork for them. So they likely would not have the wherewithal to have their legal council challenge the foundation of the charges. That's not even getting into the quagmire of whether or not people as opposed to PERSONS can be chargeable instruments in the first place. Point being, a presumption in court if not met with rebuttal stands as truth. That's where the unknowing consent comes into play. Failure to rebut is received by the court as tacit consent to the presumption.

Yeah you have to take the right to assume or presume anything from them before you step into the courtroom. That is an absolute necessity. More importantly we need to support our committee's of safety's so that we can clean up the mess.

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