Perhaps another peice of the informationwar puzzle. Thuggies and Elite behavior link.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)



                                             Photo Source Freedom Outpost 

An article written by freedom outpost attempts to explain the loss of  the separation of powers for the United States Constitution.  The  Common Constitutionalist reiterates:"I describe this phenomenon as such,  owing to the fact that three branches of government are no longer  “separate but equal.” As far as I know this is both unlawful and  illegal. So under what agencies has this been done? The Common  Constitutionalist explains further: "As we see by the take-over of  government by the federal judiciary, they are clearly the most powerful  of the three." he goes further and writes "The other two branches, the  legislative  and executive, take to bended knee before them, and as  blind mutes,  comply with any and every decree. This was clearly not  intended by the founders." The Constitutionalist goes even further and  suggest an amendment that the founders could have implemented but didn't  make the cut. I share a link to the article and the amendment below: 

The Bill of Rights is Missing an Amendment

“The powers delegated by the constitution to the government  of the United States, shall be exercised as therein appropriated, so  that the legislative shall never exercise the powers vested in the  executive or judicial; nor the executive the powers vested in the  legislative or judicial; nor the judicial the powers vested in the  legislative or executive.”

The truth about this situation we find ourselves in can be found in  the pages of history. In the bible, which has much history that has been  verified and many misunderstandings exposed, we find that God ordered  the death of every man women and child several times. However in today's  world people don't want to read the bible nor give it any credence  despite the massive amount of verification. Thus I think I will provide  you  a secular page of history that shows exactly the same kind of  practices that lead to the mass murder of an entire society.

Just so you guys know this Newsweek article is a bit of a red herring. When I first stumbled onto the Thuggies it was the early 80'. So I provide you the Link to the Newsweek article and than tell the story from memory.

A Brief History of the Word ‘Thug’
Maryland’s governor, Baltimore’s mayor and even President Obama have  referred to the Baltimore rioters as “thugs,” a word with long-standing  racial connotations.

                                                    Photo Source : Newsweek

From Memory:

There was an  entire society of people who where called Thuggies. They would surround a  town kill all the adults and teenagers and make sex slaves of the  children or sell them out right. Of course this was done to steel all the products, goods and services produced by the victim tribe. The slaughter was also purposeful and allowed the Thuggies to continue the practice for generations.   

When the surrounding tribes discovered  the fact's they surrounded the Thuggies and slaughtered them all. Or at  least they thought they had. Don't know how true this is, but history  use to be all I studied in college. I remember finding more than one  document of the story from the surroundings where this happened in the fertile crescent.


                                                  Photo Source : Pixabay

I share this story, because these horrible behaviors have not stopped and are still practiced today. We have numerous articles written by creditable authors using hashtags like #Pizzagate #Pedogate and so on. In fact it is so prevalent that it makes one wonder if perhaps the slaughter of the Thuggies was not complete and more than the pages of history have made it down through the ages. It also makes me wonder if those genes are in the Elite who have consistently been found to be guilty of crimes against humanity. 



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