Breaking: Brittany Pettibone and Martin Sellner Return Home After Spending MINORITY REPORT Weekend in England.

Right Wing Royalty

Just two months ago, I wrote about people to watch in 2018. One of them, a popular 25 year-old American Youtuber – found her way into the international headlines over the weekend – although, likely not in the way she’d intended. She and her boyfriend, Martin Sellner, were arrested in Britain and detained for 3 days, on suspicion of terrorism.

Brittany Pettibone's details can be found here:
Top 5 Storm Callers to Watch in 2018

Showing off their famous hospitality, the British government graciously picked up the duo and expidiciously escorted them to their free lodging in what would become an all-expenses paid (by the British taxpayer) three-day exclusive weekend stay in a UK detention center. This seems to have been a move to provoke Identitarians – who are purposefully mis-labeled as a “right-wing hate group” by the MSM – into acts of violent retribution. Just as likely, this was additionally an intel-gathering operation by the Shadow Government infiltrators, as Brittany and her boyfriend were held separately and soft-interrogated by British police (more likely they guarded the doors while question sessions were conducted by Brit and US intel officers). They were given very little contact with the outside world during their detainment – reports indicated as little as 1 minute every hour for an undetermined window.

Three reasons Mrs. Pettibone was given as cause for her detainment were:

• She was planning to interview Tommy Robinson – a man despised and branded by his own government as a far-right extremist – clearly a thought crime.
• Her boyfriend, Martin Sellner, is part of Generation Identity, a (peaceful) right-wing movement.
• She was planning violence at an event her and her boyfriend were scheduled to attend, along with Tommy Robinson.

Brittany and Martin were also said to be on a government watch list, no doubt spurred on by members of the Deep State and a radical far-left organization called Hope Not Hate. This event was an international incident that requires an explosive social media response. These are our allies! Regardless of political affiliation, this appaling injustice requires a measured and appropriate response. It will not be forgotten.

Now, I know you're asking, "why not just turn these individuals back after they landed instead of the British impression of the movie, 'The Minority Report?'" The answer is FEAR. The Identity Europa/Generation Identity movement is sweeping across Europe. It's a powerful paradigm shift which has broken much of Europe's youth out of the Deep State programming of moral decay and continuous world conflict. The resulting power-shift could lead to the first peaceful transition of power in Europe since before the Bolshevik revolution of 1918. Peace is an affront to the mindset of military industrial complex and their bankrollers.

And, these two charismatic, highly intelligent individuals - a European and an American - could bridge the gap of the cultural divide and bring us together. They are the PERFECT STORM.

Check out Tommy Robinson's Twitter for up-to-date reporting.

Other Sources:
Black Pigeon Speaks
Peter Sweden



Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Government Repression Censorship, Imprisonment and Slander
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You can't stop an idea whose time has come.

Very true, @borntorelax. The trickle of truth seeping out into the public sphere has now become a flood.

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