Top 5 Storm Callers of to Watch in 2018


He whose ranks are united in purpose will be victorious
~~ From Sun Tzu’s Art of War

We are at war. What started purely as an Information War began devolving, in 2017, into regular violent attacks, destruction of property and, in some cases, loss of life. This is not the imagination of a group of hyperventilating, drug-tripping Poli-Sci Profs, but a solid, unmistakable fact. As evidenced by the latest events in the news, Establishment forces are desperate to divert attention and will go to any lengths to save their own hides. Fortunately, we have loyal forces fighting for the side of Truth. They have inspired a massive expansion of new and independent media. Thanks to these Top 5 Patriots, the Storm that began in 2017 will return as a Tempest, in 2018.

(5) George Webb

Doing the job that real journalists and authorities should be doing, this great American has taken to the road, investigating and visiting locations throughout the USA, and providing short, concise journal-style videos of his journey that contain breaking facts about relevant ongoing Deep State corruption. For those who are trying to make a name for themselves, Webb is one of those unique individuals it would pay to emulate.

(4) Brittany Pettibone

This well travelled, young Youtuber was part of a movement that began just a few years ago, involving the rise of young Conservative women. From the onset, Brittany promoted the idea of the family and tackled tough issues, such as feminism and race, the latter of which included the right of any race to be proud of their ancestry. Also a published author, Mrs. Pettibone plays an important role in inspiring other young women to embrace traditional values and return to a morally conscious society.

(3) James O'Keefe

The founder of Project Veritas, James most recent claim to fame is his brilliant undercover investigation of Twitter, which showed the company’s unacceptable bias towards patriots and conservatives. This was the biggest story of the day, and will not soon go away. Other investigations exposed how social media was colluding with major TV networks to undeservedly promote their stories to the Trending section, while suppressing Alternative Media stories that had very high viewership ratings. O’keefe’s content sealed the deal for anyone who is paying attention that the MSM is aligned against significant portions of the population – all because of a political agenda.

(2) Sarah Huckabee Sanders

This mother of three is a natural at what is arguably one of the toughest jobs in DC. She’s charismatic, tough and nimble-minded. Her ability to handle the spoiled, inconsiderate and entitled media – no doubt aided by her family-centric upbringing and parenting experience – is becoming legendary. While her predecessors throughout past administrations were known to take the regular abuse doled out by the press, Sarah hits back hard – armed with a high intellect and the facts. If you watch closely, you’ll see an almost imperceptible, sly smile begin to form on her face after absorbing whatever silly question the press core throws at her – the apex of which occurs after she counters with a crippling uppercut – silencing her opponent almost immediately.

(1) Field McConnell

Who better to lead Patriots in the Information War than a former Marine Colonel, who flew fighter jets? Although we are primarily in a war of words, it could be rather handy to have leaders capable of taking it to the next level. Field is certainly that man. Beyond possessing a genius mind, Field is also tough-as-nails. McConnell – through his organization, Abel Danger – is said to be in the process of creating an MEU assault force of 100 retired Marines to repatriate the ill-gotten gains of the US Patent Office.

Feared by many and revered by the rest, Abel Danger has risen to an almost mythical status – and deservedly so. Field McConnell and his team have been responsible for revealing some of the most incriminating details about the Deep State, to this date. McConnell is a former USMC/ANG Pilot. He flew F4 Phantom and F16 Fighter Jets. He was over Washington DC on 9/11. His military career led him to become a commercial pilot for 31 years, until his sudden, early retirement.

From that point on Field became a whistleblower and cemented his place in history as one of America’s True Patriots of his era. The enormous scope and importance of the information he made public is still relevant in today’s headlines. From the “Boeing Uninterruptible Auto-pilot” and its relation 9/11 AND HRC’s involvement in the US Patent Office, McConnell’s work has afforded every-day people an opportunity to finally fit the pieces of the puzzle together; to finally understand the truth behind some of the most scandalous cover-ups, false flag operations and inside jobs of the last century.

There are many more Patriots like those mentioned above, who are doing their part to affect a positive future for their family, friends and fellow citizens. Who doesn’t want to see the return of at least some form of moral code? There are easily at least a handful of others who could be interchanged with most of this list. But this just solidifies the point of this piece – that there are so many good people, who often pay a heavy price to get out the important information. Individually our opinions and our interpretations may be just tiny drops in the bucket, but together we are the Storm!

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other images from

George Webb:
Brittany Pettibone:
Sarah Sanders:
Abel Danger:


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:People to watch

thanks again for catching the error...great work!

perfect writing and amazing style . i follow you . upvoted and resteemed your post

Thank you kindly.

you misspelled informationwar in your tag;]

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