America, The Bloody Battleground. Christianity Vs. Atheism.

Christian Fish Vs. Darwin fish
One of the things that seems like a natural outgrowth, but indeed was a powerful psyop, is the war between Christianity and Atheism.

In many parts of america it is verboten to say, "Merry Christmas". Even though Christians like it, and most people don't care, the tiny minority gets all bent out of shape hearing about this holiday called by that name. This tiny minority has gotten decorations that have been used for generations banned. They have gotten people fired for using the wrong holiday greeting.

What is really weird is that truly, america was a Christian country, so where did this vocal opposition come from? Well, they were created. To point this out, there wasn't one disgruntled holiday ba-humbug-er, and then another, until there was a small group, instead, all at once, this small group had a lot of media attention and a lot of money to sue companies.

This is just one aspect on the war against Christianity.

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On another side of this battle, a group of anti-christians formed and collected under the banner of "atheism".

I call them anti-christians because that is their doctrine. They didn't go out and say, lets build a philosophy that would take the best from all the ancient philosophies/religions, what they did was discard everything Christian. Being completely against the teachings of Christianity is almost as idiotic as following all the dogma of Christianity. It is illogical, but every atheist i have talked to have been completely opposed to anything Christian. Whether it was good advice or not.

Further, if we look into this movement, what we find is this is one of the tenants of communism; get rid of religion. And we know that the Marxist dogma has taken over our institutions of learning.

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Along with atheism (throwing out god) the new religion seems to be, "I don't follow christianity, i follow science".

And really, the stuff they teach in "science" classes in college is a religion.

  • You must believe in the doctrines of Newton and Einstein, and never question them. (even if Tesla said they were wrong.)
  • You must believe that matter is all that exists and that the mind is in the brain. (doesn't matter if there is more brain cells in our gut than in our brain)
  • You must believe that man descended from the trees. (even if the missing link(s) haven't been found yet)

And questioning any of this doctrine is grounds for excommunication... i mean, being thrown out of the universities and none of the "peer reviewed" journals will touch your stuff again.

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So, we truly have one religion warring with another religion.

And this war is instigated / egged-on by the media.

Movies showing how stupid "christians" are, and how forward thinking and "smart" the atheists are, are quite common. So common it should be listed as a trope.

And, although Christianity has many failings, including contradictory dogmas, Atheism has thrown out societal important things like the "golden rule" and many other deep spiritual truths found in the stories in the Bible.

Under atheism, there is no "right or wrong", and with that kind of logic... well, anything goes. But, without societal rules, society goes to sheep. (and that is what is happening)

The Sheep is About to hit the Fan

In summary, Christianity is not perfect, but it has had centuries to collect some of the best fables and legends to teach important wisdoms to people. (and of course, lots of dogma) In contrast, Atheism is built on nothing but intelligence, and without wisdom, it is not a guiding force to live by.

Now, i am a let people live their own lives kind of person, however, there is a force that is trying to force Atheism on people. Atheism is allowed to be taught in school, no, its forced to be taught in schools. While Christianity is verboten in govern-cement schools.

So, we are looking at a colossal psy-op to destroy the moral foundation of humanity.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Thanks for looking at both side on this. Refreshing perspective.

I believe that all people, myself included, are born spiritually broken. For me, this explains why Christians, Atheists, and any other follower of any other faith have the capacity to wage war and hate one another. It seems to be our nature.

For me, religion is man's way of making himself/herself right with a higher power (the pursuit of knowledge included). I prefer to think of this journey as relational - God pursuing me.

Most people would label me as Christian. But if you asked me what I believe, I would say I am a follower of Christ. His words provide me with the best way of knowing God's pursuit of broken people, myself included.

You could say i follow Christ, like Buddhists follow Buddha.

There are many things that add up to war, and it is not human nature. In a couple more generations, there will be no war on earth.

People abhor astronomy as a bunch of tripe thought of when men weren't as smart... Still, people talk about lunacy, (dealing with lunar/moon) and how all the crazies come out on full moons.

Well, there are also times when hostility comes out.
It is what the Mayan calendar tracked.

The trouble is that humans are very short lived. If we were longer lived, when going into WWII, we woulda said, woah, we've already been down this path, lets not do that again.

The next piece is that we are taught "survival of the fittest" where the biggest and meanest (psychopaths) take from everyone else, and that's fine because its "human nature". But, it isn't. It is cultivated from the personal defense / self preservation.

After that, we get to a point of allowing people to be what they are. Seeing what we have in common, and not so much our differences. We develop compassion for others.

Then, we start learning that win-win solutions are where its at.
Win-lose 1+1=1
Win-win 1+1=4
And so, the basis of negotiation will start off with win-win.
Then children are taught how to negotiate. How to ask for what they want, and trade for it.

Just like any movement (including Christianity) you will find a variety of people. The more vocal and angry being the squeaky wheel draw the spotlight. I don't mind the atheists who are respectful and don't feel intimidated by others beliefs, it is the vocal ones who seem to equate atheism as a war on others beliefs that is the problem I find. They are as fanatical as any of the extremes of any religion.

And I have no doubt there was a control system formed to help create the fanatical ones I dislike.

I agree with you that you will find a wide variety of people in any given religion. There will be differing ethnicities, backgrounds, degrees of extremism, and much more.

You make a good point. We should be respectful. If you believe your truth is life changing, then please share it with me. And then please give me a chance to do the same.

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tradition vs. post-modernism is the antagonism as I see it

Yes, post-modernism would be a good umbrella term for all the "The other side" words i used. However, few people really know its meaning and ramifications.

It is true to say that we can't really known anything.
(We could be brains in jars...)
But it is wrong to say, "We can't really know anything, so don't judge (discern) me! You hypocrite!"

Ignorance crosses all barriers from race, gender, ideology, wealth, poverty, culture, and religion...hehehe

The only cure is wisdom and that takes a lot of work, you can't buy it or steal it...hahaha

That is so.

You can spend thousands of dollars to sit at the feet of a Zen Master and not get an ounce of wisdom.

I have seen people do it. Over and over and over.

We know why this plan to divide anc conquer is now a “full court press” on every level. Could it be they are feeling “some heat” that is not in the media?

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