Virtue Signalling SJW's Are Now Trying To Socially Engineer Cryptos: How To Tackle Inequality In Cryptos

Skjermbilde 2018-05-14 kl. 09.57.06.png

This is not something entirely new. We've had this guy Andreas M. Antonopoulus who's a real virtue signalling social justice warrior that annoyes the hell out me. We also have all these communists in Bitcoin (core) and in general a lot of socialist and wanna be communists (I call them that, because they are usually spoiled western brats who have no idea how communism works) who has never done any hard work in their entire life and now they want free money.

Now the "debate" about women in cryptos is starting to happen. I've been seeing it on Twitter lately, and now this piece of journalism (or shit really) came up on Cointelegraph.

Women In Blockchain And Crypto: How To Tackle Gender Inequality

You see, the problem is that only 3 of 88 speakers are women. 95% invested in cryptos are men. And the solution this guy is proposing is of course the same as always - trating women (and minorities) as children and try to carry them forward on a golden chair to something they don't want. And of course you have these conspiracy theorisits that annoy the hell out of me who seriously believe that "men" exlude women. Like men aren't excluded from stuff. How do you even debate with people like this?

Yesterday I was watching a video of an amazonian tribe seeing white people for the first time. Who came up to the white man? Who were the curious ones? Who took the risk? The women? Of course not. The men.

And this is all we have to know. Men is designed to take more risk. Women are not.

In cryptos and in everything else today, there are no barriers for women other than desire. Women generally don't start garage rock bands or garage tech companies for that sake. Women generally don't have the high risk traits men have. That is only natural.

Of course, the cultural marxist politically correct nonsense is creeping into the cryptosphere. What kind of impact do you think it will have? Will cryptos be able to reject it? As we know..socialism, marxism, communism, "equality" or call it whatever you want have in 100% of cases destroyed anything it has touched. Can it potentially destroy cryptos?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments field!


Antonopoulus ? I guess people whos name ends in nopoulus like to virtue signal.

I dont see that taking foot in crypto. At all. But i do like that they keep doing this, if it wasnt for ever more ridiculous sjws, i wouldve never realised that women were and are opressed exactly nowhere and never.
Quite the opposite, women benefit from sharia, women benefitted from old testament law and so on... And sometimes, yes, they did suffer due to it, mostly due to attempts at eliminating intrasexual competition from other women. Who decides to cut up a daughters genitals? Its the mother, not the father. And usualy performed by women as well. Muslim men are more likely to oppose that practice than muslim women. And, of course, they also perform MGM. No misoginy there.

When it comes to available jobs in the crypto market, the best and brightest will be hired regardless of race, gender, creed, religion, or nationality - which is already happening. pretty soon, the best and brightest will be artificial intelligence, it's already happened in other industries.

On the topic of equality in the workforce; economically speaking, if you force twice the population into the work force, everyone makes half the pay (in terms of spending power), which forces more people to work for money to make ends meet, which means children see less of their parents while growing up. That's not my opinion, it's just historical fact. The grass is always greener on the other side, until you find out that the other side we jumped into is a swamp and everyone is burnt out, tired and broke on the inside and out from trying to stay above water.

Where I live, our labor laws state "equal work, equal pay." I'm proud of the progressive stance on that, but I'm even more in favor of hiring someone who is competent in their field. There are many fields of work where men make up a small percentage of the work force, yet no one cares. Do you want to send your child to a daycare full of bodybuilding men who are taking roids? Well if you apply the "SJW logic," Then you are a descriminatory biggot for not wanting the Roid Rager to change your kids diaper and snap their leg by accident.

But, artificial intelligence will be doing that soon as well, so in the end maybe people can be free to do what they want, unrestrained by financial burden and the stress of the rat race. There's only so much money pie, and the more people that fight for it, the less money everyone gets, that's just reality.

Well..I don't believe that there is not equal pay for equal work. If that was the case, I would hire just women (who claim to do just as much and good job as men for less pay) pay them 10% less and outcompete everyone. That is of course not possible, because there are less capable women. That's just biology. Women are less extraordinary than men. Men are more on the outliers. Women are more centered around the middle. For GOOD evolutionary reasons. Women take less risk, because they can't take as much risk(children).

Everyone is for equal work equal pay, and we have that pretty much everywhere in the modern world. Women do however work less hours, they have in general lower paying jobs because they chose those fields (nursing, daycare, teachers, public service etc) because they are less competetive by nature. They also are a lot more sick and away from work. In Norway for instance, women are taking sick leave to the point of ridicilous compared to for instance Finland..and you can imagine which country has the best agreements? Norway. 100% pay from day one. Men..not taking as much sick leave.

When it comes to money and income you have to create value to others. People won't be able to just hang around doing yoga, eating veggies and "realizing themselves maaaan" while getting money for free. Someone must earn that money. Perhaps if companies who "take over the world" with AI and robots are forced to pay for others through taxes and call it UBI perhaps that could work? I dunno..socialism rarely work. With cryptos though you can earn through blogging, computer gaming, reviewing, travelling, interacting..a lot of new and different ways to provide value. But people will HAVE to work. It's not like people on Steemit who are earning a lot are not working. They are working hard!

Thanks for the comment man! Appreciate it.

Both capitalism and communism have proven to be a disaster for the population and the world entirely. Hopefully with cryptos we can unite again, and work together as one with all people and the planet. A new consciousness is what we need, if we keep this old and horrible forms of organizing our society, nothing will change.

Or we can go back to feudalism. Should be better than now since capitalism was a disaster.

Yeah, exactly. Keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.

Im not the one saying capitalism was a disaster which would mean the situation is a lot worse than before under feudalism.

Why are you so attached to the past? I'm saying capitalism is a disaster. Actually, a weapon of mass destruction. Where sickness and deseas is a business, to make profit. Where we work to produce shit that is consuming the world resources and destroying our health. Where war is the main industry. Where every day we through away food that could feed th whole world, but still half of the planet is starving. Where 1% of the population holds over 80% of the wealth. I can go on forever, but my point is that capitalism is destroying everything, even our souls. It was fueled by the industrial revolution. Now we are in the internet and technology revolution which should lead to a new way of organizing society. If we are mature enough to recognize this and make the necessary changes.

Well, i wouldnt say a lead box is a disaster for radiating a high amount of gamma radiation, if it wasnt there, its content would irradiate its enviroment even more. It would be a disaster if it reflected enough radiation to make its content decay much quicker.

THATS why the past is relevant. Its not a disaster if it didnt make things worse.

Things are much worst. Capitalism has brought all life in danger of extinction. The fact that you, an many don't see this is the most frightening truth about our present situation. Only we can make a change, humans, if any left.

Open source programming has no barriers to entry, accept one. You must be good and deliver good, solid code.

But that bar is set to high for most women.
And so, in the past, people have lowered the bar.
However, this is one place where lowering the bar means cryptos die.

So, i say to everyone, this is the proper place to say back to SJWs, its not our fault, you girls get your act together.

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Women generally don't have the high risk traits men have. That is only natural.


If I had a gun I'd be so triggered I'd blow my head off!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: I haven't felt the violence of misogyny so palpably since I didn't read the Google Memo.
Our Purpose

There is NO problem at all in Crypto with Race or Gender. It is strictly Business Ideas, Creativity & CODING...... WHich I dare say is where MOST Women Fall Away- Personally I've Never met a woman coder in my life.

If they're calling themselves Communists or Socialists- but their putting money into crypto- then they are not REALLY communist or Socialist- they are jest Vindictive Jealous People looking for free handouts- and as soon as they get any money of their own- in their pockets- Would NEVER want to share a dime of it.

As a woman & a narrow minded bigot- I say the only thing about cryptos that matter- is which ones can I make a profit off of?

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