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RE: Attacks On (Dystopian) Amazon Are Un-American?

in #informationwar6 years ago

Yes, if microsoft didn't hold government guarantees that their software can't be competed against, they would not hold such a large market share.

These things that you make up, Lolol.

And indeed Linux, with its open source protocol, has taken over the server markets. It is a much more efficient model. Microsoft wouldn't stand a chance.

Yeah, all those Linux games and apps.

The consumer. Sorry Charlie.

Lololol. Yeah, Amazon is in the hands of the demand. Lmao, not a monopoly even though they control the price.

Yeah, standard oil was broken up by government, and it probably would have been on its way out because the demand increasing somehow doesn't equate to expanding efforts to regain control had it not been broken up.

Sort: name is Baah, and I can count to potato!

Derpaderp, so many business servers are used to play games...derpaderp!

Derpaderp, my name is baah...and I don't understand economics....derpaderp



I am done with you.

Trolololololol on, the woo woo police.

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