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RE: I ran into the highest expression of liberal intellectual pursuits; by being trolled to stop my free speech rights on steemit!

in #informationwar4 years ago

Drunk Yoda Time:
Yoda was way too old to understand how subtle life is.
Objectivity vs Subjectivity
There are absolute objective truth nuggets out there. Humans can often be lost in subjectivity. I sometimes choose to use subjective wording in order to appeal to people who are unable to grasp objectivity.
Appealing to Crowds
So, I try to appeal by being extremely vague by suggesting a move in the right direction.
Private Property
It comes partly down to private property rights. Therefore, there are several different issues that we are dealing with all at the same time. We have probably talked a bit about some of this before.
What is Censorship?
Censorship, for example, is and is not several different things depending on how you define it.
X-File Truth is Out There
Again, I believe in objectivity, meaning I'm not trying to sound subjective. Rather, I'm trying to describe how people sometimes use different words to describe different things.
Different Definitions & Applications
So, censorship is one of those words that different people sometimes hijack and perhaps redefine.
Specific vs General
Again, it depends on how specific or how general you want to be with these terms. It really does come down to what it might mean to censor. I prefer freedom over safety.
Mind Your Business
So, you should have the right to do what you want with what you own to the extent it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.
Applying Priciples
How those principles applies to the Internet is very tricky because it depends on who owns which things on the Internet.
Who Owns The Internet?
Yes, people can own physical and tangible hardware, computers, servers, phones, laptops, devices, hard drives, etc.
Who Owns Electricity?
But what about the actual electricity? Well, technically, some might argue and say that power plants and power companies own the electricity and that people rent it as they pay for their monthly electricity bills. I'm not saying that is true. However, if that was true, then perhaps they own the Internet in the sense that they own the data that is running around the world wide web.
Data Soup
But then the data goes to different jurisdictions, different countries, different places, globally. So, the waves, electrical currents, volts, watts, energy, radio waves, signals, packets, etc, are running around the Internet almost like cancer.
Drop in the Ocean?
Uploading a picture onto the Internet is like dumping a drop of water into the ocean. Where is your drop of water now?
Tracking Air?
It can be hard to track and find the water or oxygen. We can talk for days about how complex the Internet is.

Now, some people may like flagging systems. Perhaps, if people vote for flagging systems, and perhaps if that is what they want, then power to the people to some extent maybe, as long as that is what they want lol. Baby Yoda is cute. Is flagging the same as censorship? I do not know the answer to that question. I do not know a lot. I like asking questions and trying to figure things out.

The point was Excessive Flagging, the point that he utterly failed to express, but the real point isn't excessive flagging, but the real point is that he, you, and many others, view a completely harmless expression as no different than being Suppressed from Expressing yourselves, even though it never Suppresses you from Expressing that you are Feel Suppressed from Expressing, as many times as you Feel like Expressing, exactly like the hundreds if not thousands of posts that this leech has spammed over the course of a few months. This Expression is no different than someone Booing at someone else, but many idiots seem dead set to ban booing or to curb it, while they hypocritically lament about the erosion of freedom of expression. I could ask you simply, What about Steem Flagging reminds you of FB flagging, but we both know that you are the vague weaselly kind who'd only specify about everything and anything else but what about Steem Flagging reminds them of Facebook flagging. Your entire rigmarole that almost broached the subject of Flagging by implying something about proprety rights being violated

It really does come down to what it might mean to censor. I prefer freedom over safety.
Mind Your Business
So, you should have the right to do what you want with what you own to the extent it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.

And does it? Does flagging interfere with other's rights? And is Minding your business Demanding that others Express themselves sans Booing and when your demands are not meet, is it minding your business to resort to spamming? You don't seem to prefer freedom, you are here supporting and encouraging a relentless attack on other's expression. Your can ApPPPPppppply your principles now...


Are you trying to put words in my mouth? Do you enjoy telling people that I said something I didn't say? Isn't that what they do to Trump?

What are you talking about, trying to put words in your mouth etc?

I do not know how to answer those questions because it depends on who owns electricity. It depends on who owns the Internet and different parts of the Internet. It depends on the debate on copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc. Again, it depends on so many different things. The ability to censor is like the ability to close your door. You have the right to close your door. However, if you are closing my door, that might be a problem. So, it comes back down to private property rights. If it is not yours, then it is not yours. However, it depends on who owns what. Now, flagging can violate private property rights. Flagging can be a form of democracy. However, I prefer a republic over a democracy. In conclusion, it all depends on so many different factors and it ultimately depends on who owns what.

It doesn't matter who owns the electricity one bit. A vote for or against rewards for a particular contribution isn't predicated in the least on who owns the electricity.
It doesn't matter who owns the internet one bit, just like the irrelevance of who owns the electricity.

Voting for or against rewards for a particular contribution is also not predicated on Copyrights, patents, trademarks or any laws because voting for or against rewards is a fundamental part of a voluntary Tokenized Social Media Blockchain, and nobody is violating anyone else by choosing to vote FOR or AGAINST would be rewards. Nobody is Closing someone else's door either, so stop alluding to the crap about suppression of expression because clearly this is not suppression one bit when they can and do freely express that they feel suppressed as much and wherever they want and however they please. Flagging Cannot Violate Property rights. Stop Promulgating Grade A Nonsense.

Why do you hate private property so much?

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