Susan Rice named to Netflix Board of Directors and Obamas still staging, but will now do so on Netflix!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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Remember when Susan Rice went on a series of television appearances and stated what has proven to be an all out lie to the American people and the world?

Netflix is tickled pink to have forner UN ambassador on their netflix staff, now being reunited with her cohorts the Obama's. The Hollywood Reporter states, "the duo have agreed to a multiyear deal with the streaming giant, which will see them produce a variety of original content, including scripted shows, documentaries, and movies."

Borelli reminds us that Susan Rice is a long time Democrat public official who worked in the state department for Bill Clinton and served under Obama when she was the Ambassador to the United Nations.

Notice how they are sure to put her former status with the UN front and center which I find rather interesting. Now progressives are mixing politics with entertainment and making no bones about their motives. Here is part of the press release.
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You see what they will be indoctrinating or what they like to call "benefiting from her experience and wisdom," of course this is on Global Issues. Really? And with integrity?

Are they speaking of the lack thereof? Because no matter how much the news tried to spin it, those of us alert and watching new the truth. A news story went out and Rice was their front person to spin it in Obama and Hillary's favor.

Deneen sees her as, "lying Susan Rice." Deneen reminds us of how right after the Benghazi attack in 2012, Rice blatantly lied to the American people. It was yet another issue in which Obama and Hillary shirked off any accountability for their actions and in this case purposeful "lack of action!"

Rice stated on a circuit of talk shows that an anti-islam video was to blame.

According to Deneen, documents obtained from Judicial Watch show that Rice was coached to lie. Here are portions of the documents.
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These clearly show an agenda rather than a commitment to transparency and truth.

We get a very clear telling of the story from a soldier who was there. Kris Paranto, who according to Modern Combat and Survival, "Kris Paronto is a former Army Ranger from the 2nd Bat, 75th Regiment and a private security contractor who's deployed throughout South America, Central America, the Middle East, and North Africa, not to mention work with the US Government’s Global Response Staff.

But it was one fateful night on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya when an armed mob of militants attacked the US State Department Special Mission Compound and a nearby CIA station called the Annex that Kris earned the patriotic praise he is due as a true hero and warrior.

Disobeying "stand down" orders they knew they couldn't live with, Kris and five other American security operators went beyond the call of duty to courageously venture into the mass chaos in order to save the Americans trapped by the violent mobs.

Together the saved lives, and while both sides of the political aisle play hot potato with the "truth", Kris knows what really happened in the Benghazi attacks... and he's shared his compelling story in the book, "13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi".

When he gave his side of the story, referring to Susan Rice he stated right out, "She's a liar." He goes on to say their need to be some repercussions in dealing with this Benghazi issue, I see where a lot of them are untouchable!"

Was this kind of government filled with cover-ups, broken promises, mishaps, missing emails, the giving open access to classified information the kind of government We the People set out to have? We paid for it, paid to be lied to and have orchestrators like Obama and Hillary get away with their conniving and shirking of responsibility.

Deneen points out another deception on Rice's part to the American people. House intelligence Committee Chairman Representative David Nunes concluded members of President Trump's transition team were unmasked. So their identities were disclosed following an incidental collection of intelligence gathering.

Nunes had stated on C-SPAN2, "he recently confirmed that on numerous occasions the intelligence community incidentally collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition.

Rice, as is her usual stance, was quick to deny it. Susan Rice and Obama adhered to principles from Saul Alinsky. Hillary too was a follower and it's interesting to note one of his quotes was, One’s concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one’s personal interest in the issue. — P.26 in Rules for Radicals These three appeared to demonstrate this over and over.

Rice is found backpedaling when the straightforward evidence comes out. Notice how she says, "sometimes within that context." Giving herself an out for all she had denied.

Her last action to help the Deep State was to write a letter to herself to aid the fake dossier the DNC, Obama and Hillary helped to fund on the Russians meddling in our election. Never mind the people Obama said could vote illegally and never be prosecuted. Never mind all the votes where it was proven the DNC was using dead people or counting people's votes on their side numerous times. What does a Democrat have to do before their fans are outraged?

She wrote preemptive statements to help Obama out in the event his treasonous, criminal activity was ever brought to light. Rice stated in her letter that Obama had always done everything by the book. Apparently her "goal" here was to make it appear that Obama was utterly unaware of the corruption that plagued his administration.

Sorry Susan, evidence is evidence and sooner or later ones actions catch up with them. Truth does stand on it's own. It may take time to unravel the tangled web of deception and plotting set forth by people like you to shield the hopeful UN president, but sooner or later. . .BOOM!

Deneen concludes with the fact that, "Netflix is rewarding Susan Rice, not for her honesty, integrity or business skills, but for being a loyal foot soldier to former President Obama.

It's not an accident Netflix put her on it's board of directors. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings is a huge democrat donor, who backed Hillary Clinton for President.

Clearly another Trump hater, no surprise there as Trump has set out to expose these people's corruption,
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Breitbart states it this way showing a connection to the Obama administration, tech companies, high powered positions and the entertainment industry. Democrats moving into certain fields and receiving prominent positions seems to be a trend!

"Obama administration alumni have frequently joined large Silicon Valley tech companies.

Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor to President Obama, joined Lyft’s board of directors last year, while in 2015, Amazon hired former Obama administration Press Secretary Jay Carney.

In the same year, former Obama Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer joined GoFundMe. In 2016, Airbnb hired former Attorney General Eric Holder, and in 2014, former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe joined Uber, before moving to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Chan Zuckerberg Initiative."

I did a video on this Zuckerberg "charity" which reads like a democrat who's who list. Inside the video I go over his charity and what that staff is connected to. You can find the video here and see how youtube has done it's best to suppress it as I watched them take views away and continue to bury it in search results.

The Truth about Facebook? What Mark thinks of you! His email to Podesta and who he bragged about!

Last year, Rice admitted to unmasking President Trump’s transition team after previously denying any involvement, prompting her to be interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee, while it was reported that Rice had ordered the surveillance of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Following the September 11, 2012, Benghazi terror attacks, Rice was also the “driving force behind a misinformation campaign.”

"The lesson here for entertainment companies like this and the entertainment industry is, "if you lie, spin and defend your political masters, you will get an after life in the business world because of left wing CEO's.

I believe this is Precisely what the Obama's and Rice were counting on. Collusion. . .indeed! Remember one of the most used Rules for Radicals these Saul Alinksy fans use is, "Whatever You are doing, Blame the Other side!"

Deneen also states, "having a reputation as a known liar would end the careers of most hard working Americans, but with political democrats, lying and covering up for their boss is the path to the corporate board room!"

Thank you Deneen for spreading these truths and making America Aware and Awakened to the evil literally seeping up through the cracks and becoming front and center all around us.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe Susan Rice and the Obama's deserve positions in an entertainment industry? Did they treat their office as a stage and a way to further their agenda? Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed!

Here is the clip with Deneen Borelli, isn't she Spot On? Her clip is titled,
Man, It Pays to Be a Lyin' Democrat



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