Now it's Quora Protecting Israel and Censoring Answers

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

At first it was YouTube, then hackers attacking our site, then Google itself, then Facebook wanting me to send a government issued ID with my photo on it which should match the profile there, which will be leaked somehow later and they will only apologize without compensating for the leaks, and then others and now it's Quora.

Received an email saying that one of my answers stating historical facts is not nice and was collapsed.

Can you believe this thing?

InkedOpera Snapshot_2019-01-18_234435_www.quora.com_LI.jpg

and this is a screen shot of my answer, the transcript of the answer is below the screen shot:

Transcript of my above answer:

We need to keep in mind that what we know today as Israel was the biggest crime in history ever committed by the worse criminals ever.

Israel was created based on the so-called Balfour Declaration: The promise of a land by who doesn’t own to who doesn’t deserve.


Britain needed money and had to borrow from the Rothschild who asked for a land in return, initially Crimea was the preferred one, Argentines was as well considered and somewhere in Africa, imagine how the Middle East would be peaceful if Palestine was not selected as the ‘home land’.

To execute the plot, the British colonizers of Palestine encouraged the migration, mostly intimidated migration, of the Jews to the new land, to protect those imported from the owners of the land and to show that Britain is not in support of the new invasion, groups of terrorists had to be created and there came the infamous ISIS-like radical terrorist groups like Stern, Haganah and Irgun, whose leaders became later as the Prime Ministers and leaders of the newly created Israel. Just like if ISIS would have won over Syria and Iraq they’ll appoint their terrorists as the leaders.

No condemnation was there internationally as most Western countries were in favor of removing their Jewish people from the Ghettos they were living in and send them away, you can ask historians and they will tell you this exactly but not in writing.

The idea to protect Israel from any harm was the hard work of decades by the Rothschild and their ilk, they managed to own the entire USA through the decision making figures and posts. Read This: Owners of the US Slaves.

How can Israel constantly get away with violating International Law? With the US ready to veto each and every UNSC resolution and threaten any country that think of stopping Israel, it’ll be difficult to stop these pariah criminals.

Wait a couple of more years when the US economy is more shaken and the world is less dependent on their baseless dollar, and Israel will be alone and payback starts.

Read: US Financial Aid to Israel, If Americans Only Knew they’ll Arab Spring their Regime…
End of transcript

Here's a link to my answer there in case you'd like to promote it and help against the Zionist propaganda:

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stating historical facts

Coincidentally, I read your answer before it was removed, as I have some interest in the on-going conflicts in the world. Your answer was not as good as it should've been. You seem to show a very, very one-sided view to the whole situation and you make jews look like some sort of criminals here, which is NOT the case.

Actual facts are that the jews had to defend themselves in a time where they did not have a proper place to live yet.

Now you may say: "Dude, they had the fucking british army at their side... wat more do you need for defending? "

Sadly, the British folks didn't care too much about the jews. Of course, they had to be protected somewhat, but an occasional death and a couple victims of violence a day doesn't matter that much to them. The jews felt like they had to defend themselves and voila, there came Haganah. This was NOT a terrorist organisation.

Now you also call "Stern" and "Irgun". Irgun split off of Haganah, as a group that did not like the orders given to them by their leaders. They wished for more payback to the people who had done them and their people harm. Many of their actions were quite questionable and some of those acts could indeed by called 'acts of terrorism'.

Stern was another kind of splitoff I'm not too informed about, but I know that they did some bad things too.

However, the Jewish community did not at all approve of those actions. It is not true that Irgun and Stern are the main components of the Israeli government. They're not now and they've never been. Yes, there were some members of them in the government, but the israeli government was most definitely not a terrorist regime, as you make it seem.

Talking about one-sided story. You just missed a small fact which you cannot go around and that is all those Jews who came to Palestine were foreign settlers not related to the land they're occupying, what about the Palestinians? Who cares for what happened between the terrorists themselves splitting up and creating new offshoots, they are all foreign imported colonizing settlers.
Do you care what happens in the ranks of ISIS? Or the main fact that they were brought into Syria in their tens of thousands just to kill and destroy.

And all of Israel's PMs were from a terrorist organization. During Madrid peace talks the Syrian minister that time displayed a photo showing a Wanted leaflet issued by the British about the sitting Israeli PM that time for terrorist crimes.

The "Palestinians" were given (By the british, should they give it back?) %78 of British Mandate Palestine to be their own country, no Jews allowed, it's called Jordan.

Seems pretty fair.

And now the US is giving the Kurds 35% of Syria to be their own country, no Syrians there, and connect it to Kurdistan Iraq..

Really? Who have Britain any right to distribute other people's lands to other not native people? What about the Jordanian people? What did Britain give them from their land?

Why not now the US gives Israel and the Kurds land their in the USA, they have massive land and they love these two people, and don't forget the Hispanohablantes: Hispanicstan the Lost Country for Hispanohablantes

These are the fruits of 70 years of belligerence pursuing the aims of Pan-Arabism.

Thing is, Israel got a good government.
The rest of the Middle East does not.

Israel gives women some actual rights.
The rest of the Middle East does not.

Israel is defending itself against attacks from outsiders.

all those Jews who came to Palestine were foreign settlers not related to the land they're occupying

No, I believe you're missing some serious historical context here. Jews had settled over there over a thousand years ago. Israel is rightfully theirs. Since the Palestines can't peacefully live with the Jews, they got their country. Since then they've been under constant attack by Palestine (which is still happening all the time).

Just to note: Your palestines were once also just some foreign settlers who had nothing to do with that place. Now that is quite amusing...

Germans has a good government, they give everybody equal rights, even residents there, why not give them to rule the rest of the world, especially where racism exists?

And you're mixing a race with a religion. Anybody cam become a Jew, that doesn't make them native to any place. Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism after marriage, were her ancestors in Palestine thousands of years ago?

Besides, read their own books, those Hebrews who crossed the river fought the native people there and took their land, what about those native people the foreign settlers who crossed the river and took their land?

The vast majority of imported foreign settlers came from countries with no connection to Palestine, just for converting to Judaism doesn't make them Semitic, Levant people are Semitic, most Jews are NOT.

What about the apartheid regime in occupied Palestine against the Palestinians? Or that's ok with you because Jews are entitled to what they want?

What does it matter that anyone can become a jew? I can only think of that as a good thing.

The Palestinians called the occupation and leser rights upon themselves. If you continue to misbehave for DECADES, what do you think they're going to do?

And what about Jews in Palestine? Of course, they'd be treated like gods mhm?

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