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RE: President Trump stops a war, permanently; with the stroke of a pen, and common interests!

I was unsure at first with Trump's Syria withdrawal but results speak for themselves. Turkey stopped, Russia handed a mess while the US preserves its true interests (stopping Iran & oil).
While there were some atrocities from Turkish forces, the overall death toll on Kurds was pretty small.

While I support the Kurds, they need to get organised and united to claim a state for themselves, just like the Jews did. No one is going to hand it to them on a plate.


I hate seeing our troops dying for the safety of others, when they will not stand up and defend themselves!

This was done as a business deal, where everyone comes out ahead. Solid diplomacy, because everyone wins. That is how you make peace last, where everyone has something to loose, if they renege on peace!

The Kurds have seen violence and death for a long time, but you are right, they need to organize, so they are NOT a soft target anymore!


but nobody invited US or turkish troops into syria? its an invasion into syria done by Turkey and FSA both supported by trump? war could have ended quickly if turkey and USA never stepped into syria in the first place and left the situation just to Assad and Russia. kurds never even had their country in syria before the war? if u want to help the kurds give the country kurdistan membership in the UN and their land back (but in turkey and iraq) that is being occupied for almost a century by turkey.

Bad area for sure, they have been killing there for centuries! Genocide was rampant a century ago, they were trying to do it again. So it is good someone interrupted them!

The UN is pretty worthless, and does little to actually protect people.

with genocides you mean the ones done by turkey like the armenia genocide or genocides done on kurds? that country that was not interrupted by america but america helped to do another genocide by willingly handing over the US gained territory to turkey? also isis happened in the first place cuz of the iraq war destabilized the sunni shia powers, hence saudi funded sunni terrorists while iran funded shia hezbollah.... iraq is the buffer zone for the 2 nations iran and saudi... isis was even funded by the US at the beginning to destabilize the country...

When the initial genocide happened in the early 1900's this country was a third world ag nation. It had no power to project into the middle east. ...

Personally, I would like to see us out of that region. Let them take care of their own messes!


at least we agree on that we are against US military intervention :)

I am tired of our troops being used as cannon fodder, to protect the money for certain people.

Let the Arabs fight the Arabs, They hate each other due to religion variations, and they will continue to kill one another until they kill one side off.

I see no reason to put our Men between them!


well it is due to US support of the saudis that there are so many weapons to do war with in the first place... if USA never intervened in the middle east in the first place there wouldnt be so many weapons there around... I really dislike how immoral Saudi Arabia can be... US chose a bad ally... US is also renting out the military in exchange for money to Saudi... I would welcome if US joined germany in their weapon embargo on turkey and saudi arabia, but trump vetoed against the saudi weapon embargo...

But are there not different Kurd factions? Just like the Jews. But regardless, I agree that they should fight for their independence.

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