Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 6 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)

@Apolymask finally giving us a little bit of a break! As you can see I'm a little behind on my post with only 1 day left in round 6 of ICF. For those of you that still don't know what it is its a competition that @apolymask created. I could explain it all to you and it would take 10 minutes of me butchering a paragraph or you can read about it here : what is ICF?

I got some work to do though. I want to compete in every round but I also don't want to half ass it since the judges put their time into reading and judging and @apolymask put the time into setting this up for all the participants (still not to late to join). Also a sweet little treasure of 150 Steem for the CHAMPION!

Feel free to check out all the other post here #informationfinding & if you haven't seen my last post about a Steemian I am supporting you can check that out : Quest #5

Other random news, how about them Eagles! Nice to see them win their first Super Bowl. Hopefully the AZ Cardinals can be the next bird to take flight and win it!

Also the top 4 Australian banks have no intentions of barring people from buying crypto. So thats some good news to share in this time of panic! Could be some extraterrestrial life-force trying to help our planet since it knows that blockchain technology is the future!

2018 the year of Steem. Lets take it to space and don't even think we're stopping at the moon baby, because nothings gonna stop us!



Days feel like years on the planet of Cryptopia and Kryptocek has been hidden away for what seems like years. The Cbots have been patrolling the lines non stop. Jose has been trying to do everything in her power to get the message across to Canada but with the lines being patrolled she hasn't been able to communicate much besides small code which Kryptocek is still trying to debunk.

She did though get in contact with a human(an extraterestrial life force from planet earth) who has helped her family in the past.

He has come up with this software using his formula to stay under the radar and transmit messages on a separate line which the Cbots can't tap into. The only problem is he has no idea how to get the software to Cryptopia for Jose to use. With planet to planet travel still very new and difficult to find there is no way the human(who we shell not name to protect his identity) can get to Cryptopia. He will have to work in code to send over the formula so she can communicate with Kryptocek safely. For now they wait..


Growing up these were the only aliens I knew!
Cute little buggers I always loved the fact that there was the possibility of other life out there.

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In my entry I'm not going to post a video or document stating why I think aliens exist or don't. I believe everyone has their own opinion and I am not one to bash or to push down someones throat!

I will give my two cents on the topic though. I personnaly think its crazy to think that no other life form lives out there. Im sure you've seen it before but just look how small we truly are. Am I naive or is it crazy to think that there is other life out there?

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Everyone has their own beliefs. Whether its a religion or anything it comes down to your beliefs and I think there is nothing wrong in that. Some people believe in Christianity, Buddhism, scientology and I think that is totally understandable. I think its totally acceptable to believe in what you want. For the most our beliefs come from the chart you'll see bellow.

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I won't be posting any hard facts or documents about extraterrestrials since 99% of what is on the internet is absolute bollocks. With that being said though it doesn't change the fact that my beliefs say there is other life out there. We live on this tiny planet in the milky way and theres just so much unknown out there just waiting to be discovered. There has to be other life out there in some shape or form. They probably don't even need oxygen or water to survive but they are definitely out there! Its such a cool topic to discuss because you can essentially just use your imagination and think whats out there!


Thanks for reading guys and will see you soon. GOODNIGHT


I enjoyed reading your entry as usual. :) And I agreed with about 99% of what you said. Though the one thing I disagreed with is the 99% of alien info on the internet being wrong.. I dunno what the number is.. You may actually be right with that, though.. I've personally seen a lot of really compelling evidence, though that doesn't necessarily mean they are "alien".. Yet there does to me seem to be some weird stuff going on in the skies, maybe it's all human experimentation and classified technology, or time travelers or spirits or who knows.. Though I definitely think there is something mysterious going on up there.. Thanks for the entry!

Ahh I definitely agree there is people with knowledge in that field out there. But if you actually compare it to the amount of videos on the topic it is very small and rare to find! Absolutely nothing againts it that is. I mean it could be said about anything with the internet now a days. Even 90% of the news we listen to is false or manipulated to a certain extent! Thats all :)

1st pick looking as blue moon.

Its from the movie ET! well could be for sure!

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