Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 4 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)

@Apolymask is going NUTS with these competitions and I'm loving it. Feels like I'm back at the bar back home and Im already wasted and my friends keep coming around with shots!! But hell I do em anyways!

Just kidding its not really like that at all but its a great competition and I'm loving it. I will probably thank you once every post @apolymask because you're doing an awesome job and hopefully one day I'll be able to do something similar and give back in a way that is unique to me! So thanks :D

For some random news I am currently on my 3rd work and holiday visa abroad! I've done Australia, New Zealand, and I am currently in Denmark living with my girlfriend @josefinemk!

If you haven't read my last post you can check it out here 3rd Quest and the rest of the entries from all the other awesome competitiors #infomationfinding.



Lets just say the nostalgia was real for Kryptocek visiting the country that raised him. That made him the young CBot he is today. He can't thank everyone enough for the memories he has and the smiles they give him! Unfortunately it didn't last long as he knew the journey back to Cryptopia was nowhere near being over. With more and more authorities keeping a closer eye on transactions travelling back to Cryptopia undetected seems like a long shot.

For now he continues to stay hidden while he finds a route to get back stealthy and get the chest back in the hands of APOLY. With all the stress and anxiety really getting to Kryptocek its time for a good laugh.


Time to rethink how to get back to Cryptopia even though I took a different route I still feel extremely vulnerable especially with the chest. I need to get back but I know its not safe yet. Authorities are all over the blockchain just waiting for me to make a move. I still need to lay low for a while until things clear up a bit. I could use a good laugh right about now to get this stress off my shoulders and this anxiety is really getting to me.

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@Josefinemk : Hey babe come over!
@Kryptocek : Sorry not tonight I'm taking care of the house.
@Josefinemk : I just got to 500 Steem and got my slider with 100% charge.

@kryptocek : House on wheels.jpg

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When I look at all my friends who aren't on Steemit yet :no brain.jpg

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When people out there spamming the same message over steemit and upvoting all their own stuff : Kermit.jpg
" but thats none of my business "

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When you cash out all your Steem at 1$ into fiat :

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Ok ok.. so you're telling me theres actually a site that pays me for posting valuable content and becoming part of a growing community?? :

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I hope I got a few giggles out of a few of my friends, at least for me it made me forget about all this going on for the past little while. Now time to get some sleep and figure out my next plan to get back to Cryptopia. If you reading this Apoly I'm not delaying I have the chest, just trying to get home safe. For now friends GOODNIGHT.


hahaha, I definitely giggled. Well done

Mistake post haha! (DELETED)

Lol finally found it! Damn don't even know who that message was for now haha.

I would have given you my vote if you hadn't had too much mini posts. I enjoyed quite a few though. Cheers mate

Hey you can’t win over everyone am I right!? I’m glad you got a laugh out of a few of them! As for my mini stories I am just trying to build a character in this role playing world, because along with the challenges that’s the whole point. I do understand where you’re coming from and will try and downplay it in the future!

Awesome as usual! I definitely laughed a number of times and especially like the DBZ image at the end, I grew up on that show.
Oh! And this part..

hopefully one day I'll be able to do something similar and give back in a way that is unique to me! So thanks :D

You know it's so weird, yesterday I was thinking something almost very similar to that.. I was like.. This kryptocek guy is so good with his stories and stuff that eventually it seems like he should get his own castle, and then I was thinking hey who knows maybe some day he'll make his own competition and I can sorta help him get started and we can like network and sort of, umm. Collaborate on certain things across "platform" so to speak. And then you say this.. And I'm like.. Whoa.. That was just a weird thought that I was thinking and then you mention something very similar.

Who knows maybe it won't be a castle that you want, and maybe the challenges will be different, but I could totally see you doing something very similar where you take your love for RPGs and your great writing skills and some day create a sort of way to use that to give back to the community and create your own quests and thigns like that for people to do. :)

I think that's one of the coolest parts about this.. Is it's like.. An RPG but I'm sending REAL people out on quests, and it still kinda blows my mind. Heh. I hope some day you get to do something similar in time! :)
Thanks for another awesome entry and hope you're doing well!

Cheers @apolymask I've actually never had so much satisfaction before! Its really cool even if only a few people are reading your stuff!

DBZ was great! I'm not kidding 2-4th great I was Goku for halloween and every year the costume got smaller especially with my winter snow suit on up here in Canada haha.

Absolutely man. My whole accounts been build by joining contest and fun stuff like this. Thats what Steemit is about surrounding yourself with good people and sharing with other. That's what I've noticed from my time on Steemit and of course my challenge later will to be to give back as well. In a year from now hopefully my account will be that much bigger and with waves of new Steemians coming in I will have thousands of new members to try and help!

That would be so cool though. Im still not sure if @kryptocek belongs in a castle as I see him more of a Robin Hood type of individual but maybe he will fix up his farm that overlooks the castle and also building a city under the castle for everyone to enjoy the riches of the community of Steemit!

Appreciate everything you do @apolymask and I'm sure in the future we will have some bright ideas together!

funny and interesting! thanks

Wonderful, again! You've got my vote for Round 4!

I like it. You got my vote too.

thank you appreciate it :)

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