IFC S1 R34 - Time Travel

in #informationfinding6 years ago (edited)

#IFC (InformationFindingChampionship) is back again this week with yet another great quest.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram, Click the link below to the contest to view the rules of this quest. https://steemit.com/contest/@apolymask/ifc-s1-r34-time-travel. Feel free to join us in the IFC Discord group and hear of these great contests as they are announced. Discord Group: https://discord.gg/BugpR6c

Time travel, I could tell you a thing or two about that alright. Where to begin though when the beginning is at the end and the end is in the middle. The Middle is probably the best place to start from. One thing for sure, the present day is not the best day to start your time travel journey from. Mostly because we have not developed that technology yet. In 5 years though I will. and my Journey back in time begins then. From now till then I have been accumulating what I will need for my journey. I have custom made containers to make the most of storage space. So let's open the doors of time and see where we are going.


Image: 1

This journey takes back to the dawn of man's quest to learn and understand more about his surroundings. We have opened the doors and travelled back to before time was measured. On this journey with me are 2 ladies and my dog Kyrgen. It was a tough choice to bring spare solar panels or the wife, I figured the extra pair of hands might come in handy for heavy lifting.
Unpacking was half done for us. the landing was not as even a space as the take-off and everything toppled when we hit destination. No injuries though so a good start. We have landed in what is called in the future past times as Southern States of Central America.
So what did we bring with us?

![Travel kit.png] Image 2
The first thing I want to do is get to clearing some forestation and define our living area. Bringing two women along may not have been the smartest choice. So to set up the food area became the priority as we needed to be able to eat. After finding a secure Flat area to place the woodburning stove on and collect up the dispersed pots and pans. Just with the stove set out, it began to look like an outdoor home. Using Item 3 or our list Foods, we have a selection of tinned goods to last us for a just over a month, longer if we go easy on them, and are quick to find a food source. There are a lot of strange noises, none of us is used to hearing. This sets my mind back to establishing an area where we can put up a perimeter fence. Back to the landing pile and find some of those saws to cut down some of these tree's creating a line of site and materials to build a bordering fence and some sort of overhead shelter.


Image 3.
That was day one, no I did not build the hut in one day. That one in the image is much healthier than the temporary one I built on day 1. So far we have used two Items from our travel kit. The wood stove and the woodworking tools. We have shelter and the ability to cook. Time to sort out the rest of the items we brought and secure them. Ah. the weapons. number 4 on the list, 2 rifles and 1K rounds of ammunition, and 3 archers bows with arrows. The guns are reserved for an emergency and only the Bows will be used for hunting.
We can hear natives at night around us. We have not seen or met any of yet. We are nervous about our first meetings, yet we are looking forward to the interactions of time. After sorting the weapons away. The next task was going to be more laborious and monotonous the moving of books, Assembled are books on plants biology science and medicinal. Packed in alongside the books on plants were seeds, like tomato carrot potato onion cabbage and so forth. These will not be needed for a while as a farming area will need to be cleared. After about 3 hours of lifting and hauling books, to our new makeshift shelter. It's time to make use of that stove again.

Image 4

Next came the solar set up, This does not entail much a capacitor and converter are already linked and all that is needed is to attach the power source and batteries. For something so simple it is turning out to be time-consuming. We have 6 panels in total and 2 spare capacitors, with a bit of luck we can have a small amount of energy consistently for approx the next 50 year, given the life of a panel is 25 yr.

Image 5

Sheree and Laura have both shocked me this morning when I awoke to find them both preparing a garden area for cultivation of crops. Seeing the two of these digging getting dirty and enjoying it, was not something I expected to see ever. I am scared to tell them however that using the spade will make the work lighter than trying to dig with a shovel. Or more I have a fear of them telling me, ok Mr Know It All you do it.
Kyrgen is enjoying the outdoors, although he is on a long chain at the moment until we erect a fenced area around us. I half expected to hear him barking at everything new seen, it seems like he is adjusting to new surroundings like the rest of us with caution. The same with the natives, we think they do not come closer out of caution, the containers we have with us, the sawing and woodworking tools are items they have not seen before. Take with that, we appeared from nowhere poof we materialised. Their caution may be more justified than our own. Our little plot is starting to take shape and will be taking more shape for some time to come. We have our cooking area sweet, our garden area is being plotted, our energy is trickling into our batteries, our hunting skills need improving, our book library has been set up. The accommodation and border fencing still need much attention. We are on our way now though we are in the past and the future is ours to write, I wonder how many generations of living together in peace can go by before a war breaks out. And we return to the same place we left.

Image 6 Sit back take a look at the world are we starting anew or beginning what was.

Item list.

  1. Wood burning stove. 1 smelting pot, cooking pots pans dishes cups and cutlery. Some baking pans and kitchen utensils I know nothing about.
  2. Our solar array. Including capacitor converter storage batteries cabling some copper coils for repairs, and extra electric cable. Current barometer.
  3. Wood tools. Vice. Variety of wood saw which suits varying types of use, Such as from tree cutting to craft work. Chisels, Mallets, Rule, Guage, Plain, Files, Hand Drills and Drill bits. Axe, 3 sharpening stones.
  4. Weapons. Sheree won't use a gun, but she is prepared to use a bow. It was decided before we left the guns for extreme circumstance only, we would only use the bows. We also brought various knives in the weapons chest for hunting skinning and boning of our hunts.
  5. Garden Tools. There is just something hot about watching a woman in jeans and a loose T-shirt, digging in the dirt. 2 spades 2 shovels Garden Fork and Rake, Trowels, Pickaxe, 3 different length crowbars. Branch cutters, Shears, Variety of Seeds. I took a wardrobe 2.5x1.5x6 and Filled it with all sorts of tools that one day might be handy.
  6. Books. These books are Medicinal Flora and Forna Human and animal biology. Cookbooks, offering recipes from many cultures we might be able to adapt to what we have available to us. Craft books. for various knitting and sewing styles, woodworking techniques, Art tutoring books, a complete set of encyclopedia just the micro tho Micro not Macro. Science books on how things work, Chemical reactions of which we will make great use of when determining what seeds to plant where. Astrological books on the star movements. There are a few novels snuck in there I am sure, so long as it is not those dayum Mill's and Boon, I can handle it. I took a second wardrobe the same dimensions 2.5x1.5x6 and stacks it to the top with a variety of books, Informative books educational in the various sides to life.
  7. The Hidden Items, 4 cases of dark rum, although they were not in the cases, a bottle here a couple of bottles there 16 bottles in the weapons case. a few hid behind the books. Some marijuana seeds and 3lbs of freshly packed herb. My Spy kits. With night vision goggles and cameras, movement detectors, a mini solar panel, Did not bring the spotlights. walkie talkies rechargeable batteries, mobile phone loaded with apps, 7 laptops loaded with various software for my spy equipment and information storage as we learn about our environment. (I wonder if this is where pollution begins).
  8. Companions. Sheree Laura and Kyrgen, tho they may not have been chosen in that order. The necessity for these three I think is obvious to everyone. Well kyrgen should be anyway. :)

This contest is provided by @apolymask and the #IFC group. To enter this contest visit https://steemit.com/contest/@apolymask/ifc-s1-r34-time-travel
#IFC also hosts a discord channel https://discord.gg/BugpR6c

All images are from Pixabay under common license
Image 1 Image 2. I made by Jan23com in Paint. Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6


I hope to find out how they arrived here or why the wife allowed another woman along on this voyage! These doors must have been hard for the wife to close on this woman!

Nice work not sure the magical box could hold everything but its fine im still voting for you

I did work in a 4 by 4 area, using feet as a measurement, If you think about it 2 wardrobes in an L shape one packed with tools of all sorts and one with books, some space on top for miscellaneous stuff, Plus I am a very clever stacker ;) lol, Thank you for the vote, Make sure you have @dustsweeper

Ok Jan, So if I ever do have to go back in time OR am stuck in a doomsday bunker OR stranded on a deserted island OR zombie apocalypse I will be taking YOU as my 1 and only item cause you have got the packing covered my man. You did forget one thing though... What KIND of rum is it?

dark rum no girly clear bacardi for me

Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

lol I will bury a bottle for you under the rock by where the bridge wont be :)

lmao, well that will be a future stash for you my friend. I quit drinking many years ago. I guess you could say I wasn't too good at it. That or I was wayyyy to good at it.

You have it all well planned out. Those hidden items though!😂😂 exclusive!

Have to try add something different to make mine stand out, those other member write some really good stuff

Wow, what a fascinating contest! But it sounds like you are prepared with lots of forethought!


time travel interdimensional travel. I have much time wasted on those thoughts

Good luck on the contest! Upvoted :)

I really enjoyed reading that. Packing and thinking about what to pack, that is always the hard part...what can I take...want can I live without...what will I really miss? Very nice entry.

It got featured on steempowerpics it are at 1 hr 39 min
https://steemit.com/promoteyourpost/@steempowerpics/recording-promote-your-post-with-freedomexists-may-13-2018 I promoted the IFC too and got a couple new member over :)

That was cool. Got a nice plug in there. Was cool to hear.

Wow! I hardly ever pack a solar array when I leave the house!

This was an incredibly well thought out piece, so well thought out infact that I am starting to wonder if you know something we do not @jan23com.

I see why you took Kyrgen with you as for the rest, I am sure the reason will become apparent the longer I think about it. Sad that when thinking about a brand new society forming our minds always drift to pondering the approximate timing of the first war.

So the ladies are digging as you watch on, you have the foundations of a truly utopian society! I hope you have hop and barley seed ready for planting and a still, you can make some really cool fortifying beverages with those items Fab read, much funzzz :D

Take great care, hope your journey is a truly satisfying one :)

Knowing or thinking I know, or do I just think I know I think it, But we could maybe make that new beginning starting now too

Hive Bomb!

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