IFC S1 R34 - Time Travel

in #contest6 years ago

Hello there! Welcome to our digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Welcome back! We're getting close to the end of the first season and approaching the first playoffs pretty soon here and we have another player made quest, the second one by @bashadow this season to be incorporated. His first was a word game that was wildly popular and now.. A time travel quest!
I have a feeling this one will be great too! :) I'll let bashadow take it over from here!


Time Travel Question

Time travel is a tricky subject, for the purpose of this contest here is how time travel works.

It is a one way trip.
No fears of landing in a tree or mountain.
From whatever time you land history is unwritten moving forward from that point in time, however past history is still alive and valid. If you time traveled back to the christian inquisition and suddenly appeared in the middle of a church, odds are you would be burned as a demon or witch. Likewise if you took a stack of newspapers and expect to get rich off of lottery numbers, not gonna happen because the future has been unwritten. While the yankees in your pre-time travel time may have won the world series they may not even be in the series or it may have been canceled. The future from where you jumped back to is unknowable.

If you choose to travel forward in time, then the past history is gone, you may think you know what happened in the year 2014, but that history is gone, no longer a part of the timeline you are on.
Because of the way this version of time travel works, there is no "You killed your grandfather so you were not born" paradox. Also there is no other you in the time you travel to.
Okay so that is how Time Travel works for this challenge.

Time Travel Contest
Pick a time, you should be as specific as possible. As in year, month and day.
Pick a place, once again be as specific as possible. If you just say Rome, the judges could just figure you landed in the middle of a gladiatorial arena during a match.
Pick 8 things you would take with you to the past or future, (these could be kits, tool box excetera).
Write a short paragraph, or a couple of sentences for each Item you chose and why.
Your can only take things that would fit in a four by four space on the floor around you.
They can be anything, living, inanimate, tools, books, electronics, all rules of physics still work at when you went.
Then bring it all together in a very short story of your initial arrival.

This is where being specific comes in, Remember if they went back to the Spanish Inquisition you could assume that they landed in the middle of a church service. Did the items the person chose to take fit with the time selection and were they practical? Did they justify the use of their picked items in a valid and realistic manner in the short bring it together story. Did they take the history up to their selected time into account or the lack of history into account if they went forward? Did they make it all seem plausible?

How and what criteria a judge uses to vote is their choice, I just put out something to maybe help them.

How an entry might look:
The eight Items I would take:

1:My wife and her backpack
2:A medical book with the entire Foxfire series
3:A top of the line axe. (unbreakable handle)
4:A top of the line cutlery set, (Knives, forks, spoon, standard carving knife set included)
5:Professional emergency first aid/doctor kit. (Military footlocker type field hospital kit)
6:Fully outfitted 2 week 50 mile hike camping backpack
7:A set of professional grade wood cutting saws.


Ben was ready, he had gone over the list at least thirty times, Sara kept telling him it would have to do, That they just could not wait any longer. Ben and Sara had already decided on a when and where, Clarksville Tennessee, May 1st 230,000 years ago. The two fully packed backpacks for a long trek would help a lot having everything one would need for a one week outing in the woods.

The military hospital in a footlocker would come in handy in the event it was ever needed in the next five years, that unfortunately is the life/shelf expectancy of the medications. The axe and professional tools were going to be the biggest payoff, with them they will be able to build shelter and protection. And Fido, though she may be young for a Husky Hybrid mix, she would be more than a pet or a companion, she would be a help with keeping watch, and helping to hunt, maybe even finding a wild mate. With the foxfire series of book and the medical book, they felt they were well prepared to start a new life.

After doing a lot of research Ben thought that area central northern tennessee/kentucky border area would be a good place to start. Four seasons pretty much evenly spaced with out to drastic of a temperature change. Fertile ground, and water nearby, along with a few areas of cave systems. Valleys and pasture areas in the present, and according to what Ben could determine no significant changes in the past 230,000 years.

Short arrival story

As the haze of the time jump faded, Ben quickly did three hundred and sixty degree survey around, looking for any signs of danger. Then with a big smile on his face he turned to his wife and gave her a big hug and kiss, "we made it babe, we are here, we get to choose where and how we live from this moment forward it is us and survival." Fido started jumping up at both of them also wanting some attention.

"Okay big guy, where do you think we should build, this area here does not seem to bad, we are in a small glade, there are trees over there and I can hear water running, so all we need now is for you to get chopping with that new axe." Sara said with a silly happy smile, "and while you are doing that I'll get camp set up over by that fallen log." "Fido , you are with me, and stay out of trouble girl." Sara said as she ruffled Fido neck hairs gently.

And now a moment for our sponsors!


First up is @ats-david who has helped greatly! If you appreciate this contest or just his efforts in general you may want to look into voting for him as a witness at @ats-witness, he does a lot of other cool things for the community as well!

Next is @timcliff who has similarly helped out the contest significantly and who is also a witness who does a lot for the community, so likewise if you appreciate the efforts you may want to vote for him as witness also!

@krnel has also offered some support and does other good things to help out on the platform in general, I suggest you vote for krnel as a witness as well if you want to support all of this.

@steemcommunity has also helped us and expressed interest in helping more in the future and they likewise also help the community in various additional ways, I suggest voting for them as witness as well!

I'd also like to thank @theguruasia who has pledged at least 20 steem to the second and third place prizes and he said he may even donate more.

And @nxtblg who has been regularly resteeming and upvoting our challenges which has been a big help!

Plus one other person who has been helping a lot who deserves some credit is @soundlegion who has also been upvoting the contests regularly.

And while not technically sponsors, we are working with @davemccoy and those at #newbiegames and #newbieresteemday and they do a great service to the community so definitely check them out if you appreciate that, or if you're new.

Also not a sponsor, though @iexplore has taken a huge workload directly off of my shoulders and is now doing the "catch up" rounds, those should be posted on the @ifc page.. And I suggest giving him a follow and some support as well if you appreciate the work as he is doing an amazingly helpful and important job! Oh and he usually posts the catch up rounds on Sunday the day after I post mine on Saturday.



For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. We will do another round to see who wins.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post. Though we do accept late entries if you get it in before all the judges vote.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the winner will gain the steem, the XP and have a point to go towards their long term win. (minus the 25% for curation)


1. Thirty Fourth challenge starts now and is a challenge about time travel. 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain, "IFC - S1 : R34 entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it) 5. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well.
6. If you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not justifiably hold us accountable. Take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make that decision for yourself. 7. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

Acceptable content

  1. Blog post on time travel with respect to the rules mentioned
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.
  3. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777


Oh wow, what an amazing contest - I have resteemed this and I really hope that I manage to find the time to create an entry!
Best of luck to all the entrants, I certainly cant wait to see what people come up with for this post!

Thanks for appreciating. :) And for the resteem! I hope you find the time to create an entry also. Would be an honor to have you play in our game! And yeah, I'm looking forward to going through all the entries soon! I think there's going to be some good ones! :D

Absolutely love the breakdown of how the entry would look! Hmmm. Time traveling to wherever and whenever you'd like!!! This ought to be a pretty epic storytelling round!!!!

Agreed! This should be a really fun one I think. :) bashadow comes up with some really great contest ideas!

Ahh this is a fun one! Gonna read over it again to fully understand it but seems like fun! :) @bashadow is this the challenge you created!?

Yes, I'm going to do an entry, but since I was the creator, I will be removing myself from the winners pool on it. Just going to do it for fun. Sunday is when I hope to get started on it.

I don't see a conflict in regards to you being able to enter a round you came up with the idea of.
You still have to play by the rules like everyone else, so.. And.. I'm not sure if I mentioned that to you when we did the last round you created, but I'm pretty sure I told kryptocek he was free to do the scavenger hunt he created. So.. I understand if you still want to decline the victory, but if you want to compete with everyone and have a chance to win the round I don't see any conflict there and I think you should be able to compete in the rounds that you created.

Sounds good, I am going to enter the round, I always intended to do that, but I will have to think on whether I want to be eligible or not, have to have that figured out by the time I post, so I'll just see how I feel when the time comes.

This will certainly be a fun one! Good luck to all the travelers of time! And hope you all come back safely! :)

woaw, mega metaphysics writing contest ... though out and throught, great idea, very well presented, i hope you get it to a place where it gets you what you deserve

i'm afraid its outside of the scope of my current capabilities though i hope to see the result

I had originally written my past self into my entry and was also on the story line of changing the past when I went back to review the rules and realized that I had broken them. So I changed it up considerably, but oh what fun you've missed with my current self and my past self. I also had to put the 2018 Sports Almanac back on the shelf and replace it with another item.

With all of that being said, here is my entry...

that s a great idea for all steemit friends! thanks for shared

good post year.....

Got one out :) https://busy.org/@jan23com/ifc-s1-r34-time-travel

I think I took the easiest route of all, :) My words flow like water, the path of least resistance :)

And I decided to try an entry. A New Ending, and here it is.

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