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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 8 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

Amazing job kryptocek, I wasn't sure if anyone would be able to do.. But you pulled it off. There's still time for others, and I hear some rumors about bashadow, but I mean.. Even if we do get more donors, which I think IN TIME eventually we will.. This quest of yours, has been so incredibly important for the competition! Epic job.. Epic job. :)

So I've never voted for a witness before, but.. Because of your pitch and ats-david's generosity for the contest as well, I will figure it out and definitely give him a vote!

And yes.. I agree with you, I think we need artwork of him drawn up as well, can you get a picture or an idea from him to what he would like to be represented as in our world similar to how I asked you for your picture the other day?
Since I'm not in contact with him, if you can do that, I'll get artwork drawn up of him as well! :D

So many positive vibes around guys lets all keep it up and make the first season of IFC special!

Indeed! I think this contest has been rather special since the beginning and has only grown more and more so, and with this benevolent deed by both you and ats-david, it has only become so much more so!
I was super excited about this contest idea already, and now.. I'm just like.. Blown away seeing it is really coming to life and in such a meaningful way so quickly.. It's fascinating, and I hope it continues to surprise all of us who participate in positive ways. :) Cheers man!


Thank you! I mean its a great start and if we do end up getting more then great, either way the pace we've been going I think its safe to say we're in an awesome spot!

Im sure it will be greatly appreciated by him. I unfortunately still don't know a whole lot about witness's but I've started to read up more on it after voting for David.

No rush at all! If it takes a month or however long there is no rush.

Hey none of this wouldn't be possible with your creativity. Before you thank us I'd give yourself a round of applause for setting this all up! Cheers @apolymask lets keep it rolling!!

Word. I voted for ats-david for witness. And I was thinking about putting a little note in the rounds in the future to suggest others look into voting for him as well since he's sponsoring the competition.

And yeah! I think we're in an amazing spot considering were JUST got started, it's lining up really nice and if things continue to go well, this could be a major contest here on steemit in the future. :) I didn't really plan any of this, it just kind of spontaneously happened! But.. I'm happy with what is happening for sure!

My understanding is that witnesses are sort of like our "politicians".. They vote for some issues regarding steemit and I think they also run a node which keeps a backup of all the information on the steemit blockchain, I also think they get paid a very umm.. Healthy amount for their work.

I thought there was only around 30-40 witnesses, but I guess there's more than 50 now?
Either way, from what I've heard the "witnesses" are sort of like the "superstars" of steemit, so you didn't just find a whale.. You found one of the superstars of steemit!

And thanks for the nice words at the end there! :) This started out with humble origins, it will be curious to see what kind of ceiling it hits in the long run.
Whatever ends up happening I'm super curious to see, keep up the great work man!

Awesome I think no matter how many votes we get he'll be pleased either way! It would be nice to get at least a dozen and maybe by the end of the season close to two dozen depending on how big it gets!

Yeah I believe thats pretty spot on! Very good way of looking at it. I definitely do know they get paid because I think in one of David's post he sorta explained what he was doing with the money and lots of it is going back to the community in some way.

Yup I guess now that its growing more and more people are getting into it! I know he's only been doing it for 3 months so maybe why he's not in the top 50 yet!

I couldn't agree more we're all in this together. Excited for the next challenge!


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