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RE: Information Finding Championship - Season 1: Round 15 (Kryptocek's journey to eternal glory)

Sure thing.. But really. Thank you!
Also yeah, your poem was great in my opinion. :) And I've created poetry for many years so I'm no novice at the subject, it was great! :D

Also I tend to agree.. I think the more we all work together the more we'll all benefit, and while it is a competition when it comes to the actual rounds, outside of that.. I think we all appreciate each other and want to see each other do well for the most part! :) Which is another reason this community is so awesome, it really genuinely seems like many of the people involved really truly care about others and not just themselves, which is another reason this IFC community gives me more hope back in humanity in general, lol.. You all are showing me that maybe my alien people shouldn't wipe out this planet and start over.. Just kidding. :D That was totally a joke.. But.. You guys and gals are giving me a lot of hope back in humanity, maybe in time we really can repair a lot of these problems in the world and make things better for future generations yet to come. :)

Oh and.. Agreed! Deliberator seems like a really good dude! Glad to have him here. :) I think the IFC will be well served. He seems like one of those "genuine" people. Anyways.. bed time for me. Peace and talk to you later kryptocek!

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