My Entry - Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 10

in #informationfinding7 years ago (edited)

Haven't heard of the Information Finding Championship yet?!

There's a challenge going on here on Steemit and although we are in Round 11 already it's NOT TOO LATE to come and be a part of @apolymask's IFC.

This epic quest comes from @apolymask's dream to create a human-based search engine much like "Google" but even better because real humans are sharing their own knowledge and/or experience! This is the age of information sharing and @apolymask's vision of a Digital Palace where everyone can congregate and grow is at the heart of this challenge.

  • Every round has a new subject and is a new chance to enter/win.
  • Open to everyone - Newbies, Minnows, Plankton, Dolphins and even Whales!
  • Jump in when you see a subject that grabs your attention or take part every round, it's up to you!

Click here to check out all the details, rules and prizes!!
From the post:

Recently I started this contest called the IFC or Information Finding Championship. The simplest way to explain it I think is that it's kind of like the UFC, except people compete intellectually to solve problems, or riddles or create artwork or help others or... Etc etc etc.

It's a really fun contest that will continue running into July people so come and get involved!! It's a great way to get to know new people and help us build an well informed community!

Check out the #informationfinding to see what's currently going on with the championship!

Catch ya in the Comments Section ;-D


Great entry! I love how well you explained the concept of the IFC and in such a simple manner!

I'm usually so long winded, so I have a lot of respect for people who can break things down really well in a very simple way and I think you did that here! Plus I love the graphics too and the general positive energy of your post. Well done! :)

Oh and the "sharing is caring" part in your pic at the end.. I resonate a lot with that! That's sort of what this contest is about in a sense.. Cause.. I believe in something called Kopimism. People who believe in that tend to see information as "sacred" and that it is showing honor and respect to share something. I was originally going to call my Information Finding idea "Information Sharing" and I think that would have probably reached even a bit further in terms of people who would use it, BUT... Information finding is really important too! I think it's a little more targeted than just sharing anything. And if people just shared anything, there'd probably be a lot more spam and less meaningful content, but when you're finding information.. I think you tend to find more meaningful and valuable information. :) Which I think is super important!

Thanks for your awesome entry and for entering the contest! I hope you do well! :D

thanks @apolymask! I couldn't agree with you more about the sharing of information - it is so important. I dream of a utopia where all information and ideas could be shared lol some how we've mutated into this hoarders of knowledge concept where we sit like greedy dragons on all of our skills and knowledge - guarding them with our lives but in truth we learn MORE and get MORE when we SHARE our skills, little secrets of our trade and learned from experience types of hacks. We won't lose our value by sharing, our talents will not lose their worth or become less of a commodity - in fact I think the opposite happens.. we get better, we become valued teachers.. I wish more people would see this
I think your IFC will start to bring this back and I'm loving being a part of it!

Well said! I totally agree with your thoughts on hoarding knowledge and keeping it secret, I think that's one of the biggest issues we face as a species are these secretive groups that keep truth from us.. So.. Yeah, information is super important and I'm not sure if you're familiar with conspiracy stuff or not but there's a conspiracy dude named Alex Jones, I used to have a phase where I sorta liked him but these days I think he's "one of them" so to speak, however.. There is one thing I still think he got right, the name of one of his websites is "Infowars" this is an information war. And information finding I think will play an important part of that war. We need to try to be precise in my opinion in our effortings to gather intel, I think the more we hone those skills as a species, we'll be less likely to be deceived by the magicians and their sort of "street tricks" for lack of a better term, their illusions, etc.. It's much harder to trick someone who knows how to critically think and process information, so I think it will be helpful in a lot of ways! It truly is like a spiraling flower of an idea, I look forward to seeing how it blooms. :)
Glad to see you're enjoying the contest so far! All the best to you in your efforts, both in the game and in general! You seem like a good person so far from what I've seen.

oh I jumped on & off that Alex Jones train too lol! I do agree the naming of infowars was spot on. And not only is it a war on free information but a war on consciousness and sovereignty as well. Most certainly a mind-war with those of us on the free thinking side being the enemy.. what a strange thing for 2018.. in "developed democracies" of all places.. but hiding in plain sight seems to be their thing.
We seem to have quite a lot in common, perspectively. :) Glad to hear I come off as a good person lol that is my main goal in life (not to be SEEN as one but to simply BE a kind human) and I have to say you seem to be a good person as well! Thanks for everything & looking forward to more conversations. 😊✌

very helpful post.
thank you for sharing.

thanks! I hope you'll join in the fun! :)

you got resteemed

@bifilarcoil thank you :-D !! I hope you'll check out Round 11 and consider joining in!

I'll try.

I'm barely able to keep up.

Could / may i use the #informationfinding tag for this? and, if yes, how do i use it?
I'm about to publish a tech conspiracy with a science test everyone can do to check the facts.

And to be amazed. :-D

Science mess exposed


i missed this comment some how! but yes use the tag! Im trying this tomorrow when I visit my dad - he's got a microwave lol this should be interesting ! more to follow

:-D hi-tech kitchen science

Glad to see you jump in, see the water is not to hot.

@bashadow the water's just perfect! I wanted to get in sooner but just been so caught up on other posts and newbieresteemday stuff but I'm making sure to etch out time in the schedule from now on!

I met @amariespeaks on Instagram and I’m so glad you got into the contest! :) welcome aboard!

@kryptocek thanks! you do such a great job promoting Steemit over on Instagram how could I not reach out!?! I gotta step my game up over there lol been slacking on IG

I think there’s a lot of people in the crypto space that would love to know about Steemit! Time to share! :)

yesss definitely !

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