View of Life Pessimistic

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

Saleum steemians...

Thinking that the pessimistic logic is not the thing or trait that is desired by everyone, even sometimes the pessimistic nature is hated by many people except those who are both souls and pessimists. According to the Indonesian wikipedia pessimism is the understanding that everything that exists is basically bad or evil. The word pessimism comes from the Latin word *pessimus* which means worst. These adherents will see that life always contains evil, even though there is always good and evil. Thus the picture of life shown is gloomy and hopeless. Feelings of sadness, moodiness, despair, absurdity, sickness, and death, are seen as essential. One of the holders of this understanding is Schopenhauer.

In a social or community environment sometimes pessimists have become commonplace as if being a person who embraces pessimism is true. Whereas if further study is understood, this pessimism must not be hard for everyone because it will be complicated in solving a business and a problem. Examples in real life a child does not want to go to school because he does not have a bicycle or among teenagers a student does not want to go to college because he does not have a private motorbike. Now that's one of the pessimistic traits that we often see in today's life. The reason for a child or teenager is none other than feeling insecure with his friends who already have a personal bicycle and motorbike or another reason the distance is a bit far away so they will be afraid later too late. If we are in the 90's down the motorbike or bicycle, the moon becomes a problem even though the school's distance is farther than it is now, and those who lived at that time never considered it bad to be a barrier to education for them. Unlike the millennials today, most of them apply pessimism in their daily lives.

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sometimes its reallly hard to stay optimistic. Life could be so easy if everything would be distibuted farily.

I agree with you...

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Sikap Optimis dan Pesimis adalah dua sisi yang saling bertolak belakang,..Namun kita harus lebih spesifik dalam menggunakan diantara keduanya sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat yang kita butuh kan tentunya.

Bener sekali bg. Tapi dalam suatu usaha atau pekerjaan mungkin sifat optimis lah yang harus di prioritaskan..

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