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RE: Shortage of Good Curators for Indonesia – Tackling the Problem Head On

in #indonesia6 years ago

LOL... Please accept my standing ovation for your great post. Lets jump into the topic that we are discussing, the shortage bla bla...seem you know much about Indonesia curators and it soon makes me curious why you currently so concern about Indonesia users. You are so allergic to the language that we use, according to you, is bad. FYI, we dont push Indonesia users to use English, but how can I say no when they are trying to show their ideas with English even the google is the last solution to make their post readable and again, is it wrong using the tool? I know you get confused when reading English from Indonesia post that you said, that is not good content. WTF do you know about great content? Any standard? If any, pass it to me. What is the great content standard on steemit? Do you wanna be a heroine for some of the dumbhead Indonesia users? I guess your popularity is not really working so you need the backup from whom they adore you like their mom. I have to remind you, check the accurate info before you speak, and kindly find who they are, what they are doing for the community? I am afraid you just heard from one side, then you make a post to attract them. Good job @paulag. Be good steemit police!

Well! I am so irritated when you say many of Indonesia contents are rubbish, then it makes me think again and come up with a simple question, do you think your content is great, @paulag? Then you carelessly judge the others content aren't. Do you realize that your post is not using the pics source, tell me, is it categorized as great content?


Why are you shouting at me? bold enlarged text is aggressive and there is no need. I am offended just by the formatting.

You have made allegations about me yet judge me for doing the same - shame on you. I am not 'allergic' as you put it to anything.

I do not make decisions for others, people can like what content they want. What you like and what I like are very different, just like the type of person you are is very different to the person I am. You do not have to be involved in the program I am setting up and I am free to delegate to whom I wish.

I will be engaging with those that wish to engage with me, if my curator program adds value to them and the wider community then I am happy. And by the way, this program I am talking about has been running successfully within other communities on steemit, and i am free to do the same.

You underestimated our english.. haha.. maybe you don't dig deep enough. There are alot of master in english here in Indonesia..and english is world language and everbody can use it.. if we are write in bahasa, that will make indonesian post cannot be access by world easily. But ya.. we admit it there are bad english posts, I see that as the procces of learning well english

Intinya, Steemit koen warisan yah atau ma teuh dirumoh. Kasep pungo nyan, bek lee meutamah, apalagi didukung lee si inong @paulag nyan. #keureulieng

i am very touched with your efforts for indonesia. we desperately want a change from this. I am very grateful to you mom @paulag.

Ha ha ha ha, Have you go to Indonesian Community meetup for this time to make some captured and show to your mom? GOOD BOY

Yes, it is true. but all look different after a while I search.

hahahaha, that's so funny bro @dilimunanzar

Kana ma dih yang barô ma droë dih aleh hana di tueng le...

Saya mendukung lahirnya curator conten untuk Indonesia .. #bek #panik #semoga #makin #bahagia #steemian #seureudeng

Saya mendukung ide @paulag ... dan saya menilai curator conten adalah kebutuhan saat ini

#curator #conten #curator #bek #panik

Saudara curator @levycore, nama anda telah disebut di mana-mana, dalam dunia steemit gaung nama anda telah dipuja di mana-mana. Banyak postingan memuji anda, mencoba meniru langkah dan gaya anda untuk mengaplikasikan giat giat menuju sukses di steemit. Puja puji di sana sini tentunya suatu penghargaan tersendiri

Namun, saya tidak mengerti, dalam postingan yang menimbulkan pergesekan dan permusuhan, malah anda memberikan kurasi nilai, anda upvote postingan tersebut.

Tentunya hal tersebut adalah tanda tanya besar, atas ketidak pahaman saya tentang bagaimana pola pikir anda.

Karena, katanya di steemit tidak boleh menghina dan menimbulkan permusuhan, tidak boleh plagiat, konten yang bagus, sangat orisinil, harus kreatif, membangun pertemanan.

Namun, anda @levycore yang katanya sebagai curator Indonesia, kenapa melakukan upvote atau memberikan kurasi pada postingan yang menabur kebencian, menghina?



Do you wanna be a heroine for some of the dumbhead Indonesia users?..
soe nyang neu maksud bangai nyaan???
pue mentang2 kah awak rayek nyang hna saboh ide ngon kah bangai mandum???..
adak kah pih mnyoe hna soe dukung pue jeut keuh lagee jinoe???. krn na awak bangai nyan keuh kah jeut lagee jinoe..
Bek gara2 peng yg hna seberapa nyan ka peugah bangsa droe keuh bangai bak bangsa laen!!!.. ilong hna kumita raseki hinoe cma keu piasan mntoeng geulantoe ku meu pehbuuk, tapi ban kubaca pesan kah rapat igoe kuh..
neu jak beut bak tengku sigoe-goe.. neu tanyoeng kiban cara ta silaturrahim sabe bangsa teuh ato ngon bangsa gob!!!.
Kah caroeng @levycore, tapi intelektualitas kah boh itieeek!!!!.
I'm sory @paulag, just share to some people or "Aneuk Aceh"..

Many LOL for @levycore but If you have the courage today, then you won't be barking here, But you will be a good example to be more right, @paulag is the one who tells the truth and never invite you to feel guilty here, Never seek animosity because I also had to make the translation more posts mom @paulag, It's not about praising a woman, This is pure unadulterated truth, and we have become curators of the bad in me, How many people who complain a lot after some time they mention your name in the posting but neglected.
Just go to help people who become your friends and your brother when you continue to be the wrong person, If you tend to improve the way you work and the quality of the posts, then you'll be great.

#Become a great man @levycore, don't be so racist by the way you speak.

I am @elnazry, we are good.

Saya rasa Curator yang hebat adalah Curator yang dapat memahami Standaritas Conten. saya sebagai pemula di steemit juga tau sedikit tentang standaritas konten, hanya saja saya tidak menyanggupi kriteria tersebut.

Salah-satu standar konten yang bagus :

  • Konten Yang Bermanfaat,
  • Konten Harus Original,
  • Konten Yang Mudah Dicerna,
  • Konten Yang Berkarakter,
  • Konten Dengan Topik Yang Jelas,
  • Konten Dengan Panjang Artikel "Misal nya 500 Kata" Dengan dibagi Beberapa Paragraf Yang Pantas,
  • Dll.
    Semoga bermanfaat bagi anda @levycore sebagai curator.

Saya rasa anda tidak pantas menyebut diri anda sebagai Kurator Indonesia bila Standar Konten saja anda tidak memahami nya. Seperti yang sudah anda tanyakan ( WTF, apakah Anda tahu tentang konten hebat? Ada standar? Jika ada, berikan padaku. Apa standar konten hebat di steemit? ).

Pertanyaan anda itu mencerminkan kebodohan anda sendiri sebagai kurator. Terima Kasih
Salam Steemian Aceh

Hana adab sagai jak hah WTF bak postingan @paulag, bek ato ato awak Indonesia-Aceh, ka vote soe yang galak ka vote, ka atoe soe yang jeut ka ato dalam Indonesia-Jakarta manteng, yang na manfaat keukah manteng ka komen, yang merugikan kah hana payah peu seumak komentar gop,


Anda benar. Dang seratus dut 50

Andai geutanyoe na adab .. maka Hana Ta kheun njan ..

Beutoi bang, semoga semakin beradap dan menjadi contoh baik kepada pemula yang lain.

Njan ban model dan kadar ilme .. jadi ta maklum .. pokok nya ya dukung lahirnya #curator #conten .. #bek #panik


Ini contoh content yang didukung kurator steemit Indonesia... Konten nya menghina orang lain malah dapat upvote...luar biasa

COME To Mama Baby

images (2).jpeg

Ini bagaimana @levycore? Bisa dijelaskan?

Tiba - tiba @levycore hilang ingatan dengan dalih accountnya di bajak (ijak u blang)

Plagiarism is so bad in literary.... @levycore you're Bravo..... I am not so good language English with true grammar, writing etc but our want to try with other experience to socialize with foreign else Indonesia.... What it's wrong with us....!


Terkadang saya bingung dengan perdebatan yang terjadi, siapa benar siapa salah.

Saya terkejut membaca postingan ini, terlepas dari isi perdebatan yang ada, yang menjadi pertanyaan saya kenapa salah satu kurator Indonesia yang namanya sering saya dengar dan digadang-gadangkan disteemit ini mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kurang pantas?

Saya lihat beberapa postingan rekan-rekan saya disteemit, betapa bahagianya mereka jika dapat bertemu dan mengikuti Meet Up yang pematerinya adalah anda, saya memang belum pernah mengikuti Meet Up dengan anda.

Selama ini saya berfikir anda tidak akan mengajak orang lain mendukung postingan yang memiliki unsur kebencian kepada orang lain, apalagi memberikan contoh kata-kata yang tidak pantas dengan membawa nama besar INDONESIA.

Apa saya yang salah berfikir selama ini?

Saat kenyataan tak seindah harapan jangan lupa minum air putih, bro!! ah

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