The noble lineage of the noble prophet MUHAMMAD SAW

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Our blessings are Muhammad ibnu then mankind becomes noble. His mother was named Siti Aminah bint Wahab Muttalib from the Quraysh. dullah is the son of his wife named Fatima Amr yah? from the Quraysh. 'Abd al-Muttalib was a sheikh (the exalted leader of the Quraysh tribe) who always demanded a decision from him in the face of difficult matters, and they always put him first in matters which' Abdul-Muttalib is the son of Hashim his wife, Salma bint Amran-Naijariyaha from the Khazraj tribe, Hashim was the son of Abdu Manaf from his wife named 'Atikah bint Murrah as-Sulamiyah and' Abdu Manaf was the son of Qushay from his wife Hubbiy bint Halil al-Khuza'iyah5) (the Ka'bah) during the time of ignorance is entrusted to Qushay, as well as rifadah (duty to provide drinking and food to the pilgrims), and the presiding post of Nuduvah, the consultative council which must solve all the problems in his house, as well as the position of liwa (warlord) When death is near, he hands over all the positions to one of 'Abdud-Dar.But, son namedManaf (the Abdu Manaf's children agreed not to let them know amongst their children, broke out the civil war of the yan group that almost gave up the post if they had no agreement for them to intercede in them.) The children came to the hands of the children in their hands so that the menu is also to ole ibn 'Abdul which is further admitted to the world, his son who remains in the hands of the Bani of the office is still Thalha syara' (Islam) until now 'Uthman ibnu Abu liu in their hands, namely Bani Syaibah ibnu Asapun the position of 'Abd al-Aziz ibn' Uthman ibnu is still in their hands (Bani 'Abdud-Dar) so that it is banned by Islam, Islam as the right of the Muslim khalif, and may only be held by the person who is judged by the person who is eligible to hold him , so the post of nudwah, bint Sa'd Qushay is the son of Kilab from his wife, Fatima is a Yemeni aegeri and from the tribe of Azdsyanuah Kilab Murrah from his wife named Hindun bint Sarir from Bani Fihr il Malik. Murrah is the son of Ka'ab from his wife, Wahsyiyah bint Syail from among the Bani Fihr as well. Ka'b is the son of Luay from his wife y known by the nickname Ummu Ka'b his real name is Bal iuti Kab, from tribe Qudha'ah. And Luay is the son of his wife Ghalib, known as Ummu Luay, whose real name is Salma bint 'Amr al Khuza'iy. Ghalib is the son of Fihr from a wife known as Ummu Ghalib, his real name ad Laila bint Sa'd, from the Hudzail tribe. According to the majority of historians, Quraish is a large tribe consisting of several Bani Manaf, Bani 'Abdud-Dar ibn Qushay, Bani Asad Abdul Uzza ibn Qushay, Bani Zahrah ibn Kilab, Bani Makhzum Yaqzhah ibnu Murrah, Bani Taim ibnu Murrah , Bani 'Addiy ibnu Bani Sahm ibnu Hushaish ibn' Amr ibnu Ka'b, Bani 'Amir ibnu I Bani Taim ibn Ghalib, Bani al-Harith Fihr, and Bani Muharib Fihr, Quraish people who inhabit Makkah city Quraish al- Bithah (Quraysh city people), while the Raisy people who dwell around the city of Makkah are named Quraish Azh-Zhav (Quraysh inland people).Harb from the tribe of Jurhum. is the son of An-Nadhr An-Nadhr is Malik named 'Atikah bint' Adwan from tribe "Ailan, the son of Kinanah from his wife named Barrah bint Mur ibn Idd is the son of Khuzaimah from his wife named 'Awwanah bint Sa'd ri circle" Ailan. Khuzaimah is the child of the Qais tribe from the tribe of his wife named Salma binti Aslam Khan Qudha'ah. Mudrikah is the son of nyas from his wife named nyas daf, an exemplary woman in terms of honor and courage. was the son of Mudhar from his wife Ar-Rabbab bint Jundah Ma'd. is the son of Nizzar his wife named Saudah from bint Nizzar is the son of Ma'd from his wife named Mu'a bint Jausyam from the tribe of Jurhum. And Ma'd is the son of Adnan Thus is the descendant of the Prophet. whose validity has been agreed upon by the clerics and scholars of Hadith. As for nasau from 'Adnan to the top there is not a single line of transmission that is valid. In broad outline they have agreed that the Messenger of God. to the Prophet Isma'il as the father of the musta'ribah Arabs and the Prophet Isma'il is the son of Prophet Abraham a s As you have seen, the Prophet's Messenger is a noble honorable noble, consisting of holy fathers and holy mothers as well. Messenger of Allah. still keeps moving from their sacred sacred bone to the holy womb as well so Allah swt. chose two of his fathers from among the Arabs from the Quraysh. The Quraysh tribe is a tribe that has a high and honorable position among the Arabs You will not find in the genealogy of the Messenger of Allah. besides being noble; none of them are shelves, even all of them are leaders and dignitaries. Similarly, the mothers of the ancestors of the Messenger of Allah (saws), all of them belong to tribes with high and respected positions. There is no doubt that the glory of the genealogy and the sanctity of the place of birth is a requirement of marriage which is done eh every prophet of the Prophet. so that to both his father's father is a legal marriage in accordance with the Arabic law of Prophet Isma'il, pen.). Never anything from the nature of ignorance touches the lineage of the Prophet's offspring even Allah maintains the lineage of his descendants from the act. Alhamdulillah.,
اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد على الهوصحبه اجمعين


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