Taking real world Blockchain applications to market - We can help you!

in #incubation8 years ago (edited)

During my years in business, I have NEVER seen such an exciting opportunity as where we are sitting today with the Blockchain technology set. The quantity of real world applications of this technology set is countless. I have been on the steemit platform for about 6 weeks, and I am really enjoying the people I meet, hearing their views about the platform and the various subjects that are being discussed on the platform.

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If the internet made the world smaller, Steemit, will make the world even smaller and forge stronger relationships in the community of digital friends

I have written on various subjects and learned so much over the past few weeks;) It feels like I have known some of the friends I have made on the platform for many years. One of the key statements that I made in various posts is that we are all a result of our history and experiences

We are all different, with different views and opinions, we have different goals in life … We are just different, but we should all have at least one common goal (I hope we all have this goal otherwise I am missing something somewhere :) This is a multifaceted goal, which I will try to highlight below.

Some of our communal goals should be:

Create the ability to transact in Steem on the internet and the real world.

Make Steem an internationally recognised crypto-currency

Add value to the Steem platform and grow the community of Steemit

Use every chance we have to create new applications to solve real world problems, which will result in increasing the visibility of Steem

Create platforms and applications where real world currency can flow into the Steem eco-system

Please feel free to add more of what you believe should be communal goals in the comment section of this post. I believe that the new bounty system, will also encourage a lot of the above-mentioned.

My history and experiences

During my history and experience, I have learnt many things, made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. Nothing in business is ever 100% guaranteed. But if you do not try, you cannot fail. Failure is very important to learn lessons. Even if you only learn what not to do.

I am sometimes skeptical to do business with people that has not lost money in their lives with a business venture failing. This obviously not a prerequisite, just a skepticism.

The most important lesson that I have learnt in my business career, is that you cannot do everything by yourself. I therefor ALWAYS surround me with people that knows more than me.

What do I do for a living

In short ,our organisation, identifies solutions to businesses problems which we then implement with the help of our large and extensive business partner network. We are a solution provider. We currently only focus on the African Continent. We have had success in Africa, as we understand the culture, and noticed that it is very difficult for large multinational corporates to penetrate the Africa, with the same business models, that they implement in the first world countries.

The old saying: Africa is a tough country is actually an understatement. We should always bear in mind that Africa has unique problems, and each African country is different in all aspects. Different tax laws, different cultures, different languages, different legal systems. Just like humans are different, each country in Africa is different.

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We have successfully taken various products to market, and thus have the experience and history of taken products to market.

What am I offering the users of the Steemit platform?

Our business are looking to expand our reach into the BlockChain community, to develop business ideas, into real world applications. We are replicating our business models we using in Africa, and will now solely focus on the Blockchain technology set and aim to expand far beyond the African market.

A key thing that we all have to understand, is that taking a product to market, are much more than the coding of a new application. That is the easy part. The more difficult part, is to get the application into the market and the monetisation of the product. This require a different mind-set, and specialist skills. Hence, having partners around me with those skills. We are talking about things like marketing, partner negations, to market strategies, business plan development, developing the concept from idea into a real world implementable product, only to mention a few. This is what we are good at. I am a techie and hard core developer at heart, but was also blessed with the skill to translate IT language into business language.

Value for value

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We are inviting everybody with ideas, to speak to me via the Steemit Chat platform. We will add value to your ideas, and we can work together in taking these concepts from ideas to implementable, marketable real world applications. I am not here to steal anybody's idea's. Our company subscribes to providing value for value!

We are inviting all developers, which have time on their hands to contact me via the Steemit Chat platform. We are not in the game of taking everything for ourselves. We can either employ a full time team of developers or we can use the current Steemit network to source developers to be involved in our daily operations. We want everybody to receive value for their value provided. This can either be in the form of monetary payment for the work done, or it can be shares in the future of each of the projects that we are working on together. We will discuss each opportunity separately .

We are asking everybody with marketing experience, who are interested in joining us to add value using you marketing skills to contact me directly on the Steemit Chat platform. Again, it is all about negotiation of the terms of our agreement. We want you to also receive value for the value you create.

We are asking everybody to offer their skills, whatever that might be, to add value to this project to contact us. Remember it is value for value at the end of the day.

What do we have in place

We have a large network of business people which we have built over the last 25 years. This network is across the globe, and across various industry segments. We have access to a network of investors, which can be accessed to arrange for funding, should this be required. We have a large partner network in place, which can be accessed to add specific skills as and when required.

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What I cannot promise you

I cannot promise that we will take on each and every project. I cannot promise you that every time we approach the funders we will get the funding. I cannot promise you that everything will happen as planned. I cannot promise you that everything will happen as quickly as you think it should or might.

What can I promise you?

I can promise you that we will listen to each idea and provide feedback. I can promise you that when we take on your project, you will have our full commitment that we will endeavour to open every door and network, to ensure that the project has the best chance to make it in the real world. I can promise you that all business ideas need to evolve in order to fit the need for a specific solution.

What we enjoy

We are a group of successful business entrepreneurs who enjoy working with like minded individuals. We enjoy being successful in taking products to market. We are very delivery focused and want our customers to receive just as much value as we provide the,.

I will be using the tag #incubation for all future articles related to this subject, to ensure we can track all articles. Your comments or any communication would be appreciated below.

Happy Steeming



That's the spirit.

Blockchain is the future.
The only question is when.

great post man, I will definitely support you on this @jacor

Thank you very much @funnyman . I hope to add value to the future of the Steem platform.

You are doing a great work buddy :)

Thanks a lot :)

These are the kinds of things I though would be happening by end of year. I love that I was wrong! Good luck in all of this

Thank you very much @prufarchy , Let's see where this goes :)

Great post @jacor.

Best of luck with all of this @jacor! I will be keeping an eye on your posts :)

Thank you @susanne, please do check it out :)

Hi @jacor - how exciting to take your business to the next level! I simply love seeing growth. While I focus on writing, front-end web design and advocate marketing, I generally focus on solopreneurs and independent artists. I do have a crackerjack marketing friend that I can refer you to. She's amazing, hard-working, and she absolutely loves what she does.
I'm not on Steemit Chat (maybe I ought to be?) but if you're interested in a soft introduction, I'd be happy to connect you both on Twitter. BTW - I'm merej99 there too. All best in your expansion! #DoGoodThings

Hi @merej99 , our company has various partners in the marketing sphere, but we would love to us the guys on the Steemit Platform first, so I am hoping to get in touch with them here :) I would love to contact you when we need some assistance. Followed you and we will chat soon :)

Of course! Steemers first for Steemit. It makes perfect sense. Sadly, too many of my friends are not "adventurous" enough to come here, which is pretty ironic since I've never really been the adventurous type....and yet here I am. :)

Good initiative, is it featured author post or yourself @jacor?!

I am not featuring authors at the moment @good-karma :) It is me :)

Love that you are taking a lead in this type of initiative. I will rack my brain for ideas as that is generally what I am good for. No coding experience and just a little marketing. Ideas and original content on steemit I do my best to provide.

Still a long road ahead, but let's see what comes from this :)

thanks, very helpful ur post @jacor

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