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RE: What is so wrong with imigrants?

in #immigration6 years ago

Well...I think we all should discuss things occasionally. I often can find things I agree with people on from various parties, because I don't walk party lines. Actual people don't often go perfectly along party lines. You may find that many lifelong republicans hold some views that are more liberal than democrats, but they vote republican because they can't support the democrats for various reasons.

Of course, there are also a lot of people that for whatever reason just tow the party lines. I guess maybe for some, it feels good to just be part of the team.

But it's only through discussing these things that we can change minds and even develop our beliefs, or find middle ground.

Who talk about Muslims not respecting women, but ignore that every 4th woman in their own country has experienced domestic violence.

Moving towards equal rights for mankind and ending violence is a world doesn't really have a ton to do with people being one religion or another...though there certainly is historical violence in many religious groups. But we can't exactly change people and beliefs easily. We certainly can't change other countries by invading them. Changing leaders in other countries often goes wrong.

The only thing we can really do is try to slowly change the world and improve things. We shouldn't invade places and kill people because their beliefs do not align with ours...even if those beliefs are violent and extreme.

We don't even necessarily need to do anything, because the internet is slowly bringing us towards a more level singular community. But that goes both ways, which does scare some people. Slowly, those countries will change, and people will get equal rights, and we should try to move towards that, but not through violence and hate.

We all should try to move the world forward, but it takes time, and we shouldn't hate people because they don't subscribe to our beliefs. It's easy to forget how much we ourselves have changed in the last 100 years. We shouldn't meet those that haven't moved forward as fast as us with hate when we ourselves still have so far to go. We have to try to accept others, even if we fail, because everyone's trying. Even countries and people that seem to be stuck in the past have often themselves moved forward, just too slowly for our liking.

I hope what I mean has come's very difficult to talk about these topics, because they are so sensitive and complex...


Oh, I'm not talking about party lines at all. That kind of politics don't interest me, and I don't judge someone by what they vote (or that they participate in that game at all).

What makes me avoid discussions are people reciting memes and quotes that fit their prejudices without thinking a bit further. Be it the alt-right, "liberal" left, or whatever name they're given or give themselves. There's no changing of minds there, when they realize their "arguments" don't work it ends with insults.

I agree with mostly everything you say, although I cant help the feeling that the Internet fuels the formerly described groups by providing them with bubbles to self validate their hatred. Violence between those groups is definitely on the rise, and based on the development during the last years my outlook on the future isn't as good as yours seems to be.

although I cant help the feeling that the Internet fuels the formerly described groups by providing them with bubbles to self validate their hatred.

Yeah, this is definitely true. Especially with places like Facebook. If you look at Facebook's influence in other countries, it's been disastrous in some circumstances. The internet is a communication tool...and in some instances, it's resulted in people that want to spread hate to get a lot larger audience. I want to believe that this increased communication will have a net positive over time though. We just need to be careful about hate speech.

Sadly, it might be that we need to censor some speech, like that encouraging violence, or we might need to watch those that are using such speech. I honestly don't really want to. I don't think some government should be watching us for what we say, or censoring what we say...but we have seen violence as a result of such things. Just recently we actually had an ethnic cleansing as a direct result of such things in Myanmar. Myanmar has a horrible problem with hate speech on Facebook.

We have to do something about this...but it's hard to think about what to do.

Of course, such things have in the past often been the start of revolutions...though not the type that are often given a positive light. It perhaps should be considered if we should interfere with such things, because they have resulted in the changing of nations, even if often negatively.

If we do interfere, what should we do? Should we perhaps arrest people for that hate speech? Or have someone talk to them? Should we investigate such things to make sure they don't do anything violent? Do we want governments watching us for everything we say?

I'm sure most people have said something violent in the privacy of our own houses, about how we wish someone would die or something. I don't think that should necessarily be a crime if it's said on the internet.

Spreading lies is definitely not illegal... We could actually have AI push such things down a bit, but still allow it as speech...or watch people...but we do need to consider these things, as far as what we should do...because they often do result in loss of life in some circumstances...or at least hate...and occasionally violence...

There is a chance that we could be coming to a head of some sort where violence between groups might reach a tipping point, and it could even become some sort of civil war...and there's a chance we could possibly use AI to deal with that in some ways...but we need to consider what we should do, because it's a huge issue. We have better communication tools than ever before...which is good...but it also means that individuals with violent beliefs can find others with similar beliefs and create "echo chambers" of sorts, where everything negative is just enforced, rather than talked down.

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