
Thanks for saving 2 hours of my life.

"When you're talking about third world cultures, you're talking about cultures that are almost uniformly and unbelievably brutal towards their children. I'm not just talking about female genital mutilation, or male genital mutilation, for that matter.

I'm talking about rape of children, sexual assault, sexual abuse of children, beatings, spankings, torture -- both mental and physical -- and so on. There are a lot of brutal cultures. The vast majority of cultures out there in the world are extraordinarily brutal towards their children.

And so, it's not just that there will be a bunch of people who will vote for the left and want bigger government and are dependent on the state. You are bringing a permanent or virtually permanent child-hostile set of cultures into the west. That is going to produce traumatized and brutalized adults who are going to be irrational, who are going to be hostile, who may be prone to violence.

This is just statistically the way it works out.

It's hard enough to get libertarians to give up spanking. Getting someone from Somalia to give up genital mutilation? Well, that is a task that is certainly beyond my abilities and, I suspect, yours as well."

  • Stefan Molyneux, responding to Adam Kokesh's cultural relativism.

Your response was a great big smile. I like you and all, but you are def a light weight compared to Molyneux. Moly contradicted you on numerous occasions or at least made you look like a hypocrite. The Brexit questioning was funny, thinking collectivism is universally bad(families are collectivist by nature), and constantly conflating nation with government. Open government boarders are preventing the defense of trespass but your position is don't violate the NAP regarding people who do not believe in the NAP. Government existing is the violation of the NAP the question is which is a larger violation open boarders or closed boarders? It is clear open borders is a much larger NAP violation. Not recognizing tax payers have the highest claim to stolen resources certainly not late comers. Not recognizing that in a private property society immigration would be much more strict as there would be many more boarders and non trespass would be enforced. Promoting Cloward and Piven strategy to overload tax payers while not paying taxes yourself(self admission that 3rd world immigrants are not adding value to the nation but a net negative economically). Not recognizing that if you import big government leftist who benefit from large government this will not lead to smaller government but it will lead to tribal civil war. The constant cultural relativism is nauseating. That shot at Molyneux at the end was pretty classless. Shitting on someone while they're respectfully trying to disengage and end the debate pretty weak, like I said over matched and outclassed.

The boarder debate over the past 18 months has exposed the leftist infiltration of libertarianism. Big government leftist are not going to transform into small government or no government people.

You are right, individualism never dies it infects others and spreads socialism.

What the hell are you talking about? The government steals your money and gives it to immigrants, not the immigrants come in and steal your money. Adam points this out multiple times in the debate.

And as Stef points out it doesn't matter. The government is preventing against the defense against trespass. Does a child of a bank robber get to keep the money their parents have stolen? That's a big fat, no.

Chase summarizes the debate well here:

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