One world under crypto currency

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

"Fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value established as money by government regulation."


Crypto currency is a fiat currency

Sure you say, but it's nothing like paper money. Crypto currency is based on an algorithm designed to support its value by the power of a unique hashing sequence.

Is this value actually attributed to the currency itself? The surprising answer is NO.

The completion block is hashed, what now?

Where is the value now located after this occurs? In the individual hash blocks wherever they may be distributed, in the ability to access the information of the completed chain, or with the people that possess the currency and are knowledgable about its various functions?

While this answer may be hard to predict the answer is not what most traders of the currency would have you believe.
The value of the block chain, no matter which block chain is the first to be completed, after it's complete production will be nowhere to be found because it was never really there in the first place, the only value that will be measured by the currency will be debt. The block chain is an extension of debt based economies that can only survive by its successful implementation and the transfer of the world debt supply.

Years from now maybe 2022, or maybe 2027, depending on how fast the people can be motivated to secure the resources necessary to complete a block-chain can be acquired, The world economy will sit on top of the biggest chasm of value that has ever been, and will ever be created. When this occurs we all will pay the price and there will be no winners, we must protect each other from this trap.

But there is no government regulation that mandates a specific value or supply of the currency, how can you say it is a fiat currency?

You are not looking at the complete economic picture. I want so badly to have faith in the future of government to fairly commodify the world's debt to consumers who wish to invest in the world as a whole but due to the individualist mindset of those who will one day make this decision, I do not have any faith that this would go well for the population of the planet. The key difference in the proliferation of past fiat currency and this one is the style of government that is in control of it. The component that most predictions for the future of Bitcoin and other crypto currency is lacking, is a full realization of the nature of government we live with.

Governments have ceased to be collective ruling bodies and are now accountable solely to (radical) Individualism based loosely around the previous generations principals of government.

The institutions of government around the world are crumbling before our eyes and by the time a complete block-chain is created they will exist only in the minds of those who remember their once far-reaching influence, and those who are directly subsisting off of their demise and know that influence to be their own. While they may be dissolving and dying we must not try to kick the cowering animal while it is down, it is a gross underestimation to think that governments would allow an economic competitor to their business which is the largest single business on the planet to go unchallenged.

Nothing is ever truly gone and government in a hostile elite's mind is just as dangerous as a hostile subservient government knocking at your door. I see Bitcoin and all crypto currency as a pro-elitist wealth concealment solutions and pro-government in general. How easy would it be to pull the plug on the 100 year plus price fixing scheme and watch the markets crumble while having a nest egg that will conveniently be accepted by the economy destined to replace it. Weather crypto is debt or credit is debatable, but essentially it is no different from a government issued credit card, you can buy all you want but at the end of the year your going to get an IRS bill/investigation with the ultimate aim of putting you into debt and growing consumerism, for this reason I cannot spend any crypto currency in retail markets because I don't have the money to pay a 38% tax.

The world economy is already burdened with so much debt.

How could this happen? Who do we owe it to and why is this being done in our name?
The simple answer is war. War is expensive especially when there are no resources to be gained. This problem was solved by changing the nature of war from a conquest to victory into a consumeristic capitalistic expenditure venture conducted for maximum profit. In other words, since wars can no longer be won because there are very little public resources left in the world, the only way that the massive industries from the past when wars were fought for victory can still be profitable is through the budgeting of their production and the use of their products in a constant and consistent manner.

Now that debts have grown to absurd levels that will never be paid, members of government refuse to make decisions by the will of the population and spend taxpayer money only on the basis of personal interest. The next wave of resistance to the American government will be brutal and it will be funded with record amounts of taxes on crypto currency gains. Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 6.53.20 PM.png
Who wants to be a millionaire? the ongoing debt of fiat-communism is waiting
#google hasn't updated n-grams in a decade but updates the world debt every 3 days who is the program serving?

The fact that the programmers at google are willing to hang this debt over our heads with the same amount of importance as just any other query users may pose to the platform shows that they honestly believe in it. If a crypto currency was earned without the support of these debt based economies it could theoretically be an actual store of value and would fetch an astronomical figure when priced in fiat, however there is no way to prove that the crypto-miners of the world were not funded with the most negligent advance in credit in human history. The theory that a crypto economy is or will ever be an independent system standing outside or replacing the debt based world economy is merely accelerationism.

Save the world, make counterfeit bitcoin


This solution to counter "fiat" is our one way to keep the world from being enslaved...

The debt of a war that is being waged against us is what we are fighting. We should not have to pay for our own attempted destruction and enslavement but this is what you are doing by supporting the debt based world economy by using crypto-currency.


You underestimate the importance of this debt to the people in charge

Most of their lives were spent building it and their children will not simply forgive it. We live in a unique time if we were to flat out refuse to use this currency there would be no way for it to be transferred to the next generation, but fortunately crypto currencies are here to solve that problem.

Many people have said that crypto currency is the counter fiat money we have been waiting for that can free us from this debt that could never be payed. This is not and never will be the case, free is still a four letter word on the internet and anything but the concept itself has not existed in most of the world for generations. All bets aside, gambling on our future using a system designed to divide humanity while masquerading as hope is a bad idea. The use of digital currency and the future it entails must be prevented for the sake of every human being on this planet.


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