Draw on Blockchain : Supermarket Queue 超市排隊

in #illustration6 years ago (edited)

Usually, even I choose the shortest queue, the result is I chose the one with longest waiting time... At supermarket, ATM, the Custom, etc... So, I like the one-line style the most ^^

通常就算選了最短的隊,結果也會變成等候時間最長的。超市如是,自動提款如是,過關如是... 所以我還是喜歡一列式的^^

Outline in black and white 黑白原稿

Pencil sketch on paper → scan into computer → coloring in software by Wacom

鉛筆手繪於紙 → 掃描 → 用Wacom板一筆筆地上色


Great poses. I love the little girl and her mom in the back of the line.

Thank you<3 I like them too~ Some how the 2nd important sub-scene in the drawing. I put them on the most right hand side to balance the cashier on the left x)

Thats a lovely drawing, love the colours

Thank you~ Drawing with clam and peaceful color make me relax too xD

I love your art style. So cheerful!

Thank you :) I am glad that my illustrations make people smile ^u^

love your style

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