Draw on Blockchain : Lazy Tomato 懶洋洋蕃茄

in #illustration7 years ago

Summer Summer Summer! It is hot in Hong Kong now. Last week, with heavy rain, felt like back to Autumn (or fast forward?). But this week, every thing melts @@ My nose get allergy easily, so unless it is in the mid Summer, I still use no air-con, fan is enough. However, with the very high density, the surrounding area temperature rises when other turn on theirs... There is an obvious hot rising air in the atrium. A drawing of gouache of a tomato. Fresh one is yummy, juicy and sweet. Sometimes eat with sugar. My friends from Taiwan tell me eat with plum powder! I didn't know it before and I like the taste very much. Sweet and sour brings the tomato to a new tasty level xD

這星期已經緊緊被夏天擁抱了,上星期下連場大雨,一瞬回到秋天的感覺。可惜舒服的氣溫總是稀有的。不過我的鼻很易敏感,冷氣不到不能忍也都不用開的,風扇也很夠(我很耐熱)。不過,住在人口稠密的地區,別人一開,天井就一股熱氣加溫,窗不開不通風,惡性循環就這樣形成了... 圖片是用不透明水彩畫的,又是另一番玩味。新鮮蕃茄多汁又甜甜酸酸的,夏天沒西瓜吃時就是一個很好的代替品xD 有時候加一點點砂糖,台灣朋友教加梅粉,梅粉再把酸甜度要提升,喜歡到不能自拔。

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要張羅一下,醬油膏可以醬油代替嗎@@ 這吃法有中餐館的感覺 xDD


sweet and sour tomato brings a new salty taste and it remove all tiredness.
Nice content with illustration.

Thank you ^^

你好请接受cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 对你作为cn区一员的感谢。假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。

You discovered something new and delicious! Is it me or your picture is shaped like an elephant mixed with a tomato XD?

Haha!!! Not bad, I like elephant too xDD

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