Draw on Blockchain : Kinder Egg 出奇蛋

in #illustration6 years ago

One of my favourite snacks in childhood. The package is changed nowTT The shell is made plastic no more chocolate's. The concept of playful, taste and surprise. Well, usually the toy is not very surprise by the way xD And the quality of non brand theme (e.g. Disney) toy varies. Sometimes not surprise but angry and disappointed xD

小時候喜歡的一個零食--出奇蛋。現在包裝不同了,塑膠外殻,不是巧克力蛋殻了... 它廣告口號是「一次滿足三個願望」,我忘了除了巧克力跟玩具到底第三個是甚麼?是驚喜之類吧?但印象裡除了特別主題,像迪士尼之類的,不然它自己的玩具質素很參差的,有時候不是驚喜是失望跟怒火,哈哈。


奇趣蛋 是我儿子的最爱。


你好!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 很开心你能成为cn区的一员。倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk



It looks like a kinderjoy😂😂

ya~ old version of kinderjoy

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