SteemPh Iligan Compilation #49: Daily Featured Posts

in #iligan6 years ago

Welcome to our Compilation of Iligan Steemians Best Posts!

“Building Community, Uniting People, Nurturing Creativeness, Taking Aptitude to the Next Level."

SteemPh Iligan is an affiliate subsection of SteemPH. SteemPh Iligan is a community aimed to help the curators of @bayanihan project, @steemph.curator and @steemph to find aspiring Iliganon writers and support them by upvoting and resteeming their posts.

This post is a continuation of the usual @steemph.iligan's daily best posts compilation. But this time, only 3 posts will be featured per day. This is to comply with @steemph.curator's effort in rewarding good/ high-quality posts of Steemians in each @steemph hubs with upvotes.

To qualify,

Your post:

  • Must be free from Plagiarism (no @cheetah & @steemcleaners comments)
  • Must be composed of words not less than 300, with less grammatical error
  • Must contain not less than 3 attached photos to emphasize context,
  • Must not be more than 24 hours and not less than 1 hour by the time of compilation,
  • Must contain both #steemph and #philippines tags.

It doesn't matter if the photos are not yours as long as you properly give credits to its owner/s.

Again, this is just the usual best posts compilation of our community but the number of posts is reduced to 3 posts per day only. As a reward, these 3 posts will receive upvotes from both @steemph.iligan and @steemph.curator.

Log #29 @SteemPH.Curator Daily Featured Post

Today is Monday, April 3, 2018 and this is the 29th compilation for the daily featured posts powered by @steemph.curator. Thanks to @precise for this initiative.

This is the first time that we will only be featuring one post! So here it is, the blog of the day!

Kuya J's Comeback - After 6 Weeks of Recovery by @iamkuyaj

After more than a month of recovery and rest, I can finally start writing again, sharing my knowledge and experience with this wonderful and supportive community. For more than a month now, I have been suffering from an eye infection which hinders me to function well from my usual day to day work.

Follow @iamkuyaj for daily Kuya J's Diary Story/Blog

NOTE: We will continue to feature only one post if we wouldn't find any article which qualify with our requirements! Keep STEEMING!

The aim of this initiative is to support and encourage Iligan Steemians to consistently post high-quality contents with standards stated above, be featured in our daily and weekly compilation of Iligan's best posts and be rewarded with decent upvotes.

We would really appreciate it if you take the time to take a look at the blogs made by our very own Iligan Steemians. Your support (upvotes and resteems) will be very valuable for the featured authors .

Also, if you haven't voted for a witness yet, consider casting your votes for @precise, @steemgigs, @cloh76.witness, and @ausbitbank who have been adding valuable contributions to the Steemit community.

To cast your votes, just go to

Today's compiler,


logos and footers created by: @bearone
steemph iligan title page background photo credit to @patttyyy

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