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RE: Locked or unlocked | Enslaved or un-enslaved

in #iinformationwar6 years ago

.... but I wish their racist mentality would die.

....that' dumb statement makes you look like a fucking idiot. lmao.
.....I'll go ask my indigenous girlfriend - yet again - just to make sure.. She's confused to! lol
Then I'll email my ex - she a black African girl, know....just to make really sure. lmao.

(pssssst: hint - you are the only one expressing any racist views - you do realize that, right? lol)

They both are very uninformed about my culture and they have no right to say that we were brutal and savage and I did not take too kindly to be called an "it."

Oh, I am informed about indigenous culture. Your assumption is incorrect.
I have every right to say they were brutal and savage. It is a subjective opinion, not an objective fact. It's relative.

I am a human being and I don't put up with people being condescending to me and I demand respect.

Your insecurities are your business, but respect is earned not demanded. (except by the extreme narcissist, personality type)

.>... but once you try and cross me and name call, calling me mentally ill and and "it" and so forth, well I have a hard time controlling myself and I can act in cruel ways, I admit.

You think menatlly ill people are not as valid as non mentally ill? That very racist in it's structure, you do know that?
I see myself being mentally previously, nothing negative, it's an objective 'state of mind' - which I see you express in bucket loads.
It is only your perception (and fragile ego) that wished to see it as offensive.

to me, it is not simply a difference of opinion, as you state...

It is not a difference of opinion, it is a difference of interpretation of objective facts.

I am not proud of how I responded, but I don't bend over and take it up the ass with a smile on my face.

I do not see how your sex life proclivities comes into this, but everyone is free to express.

I give it back twice as hard as it was given to me and I do not see this as a strength, but as a weakness. I'm really trying to hard to work on this, and hopefully it time, I can learn to forgive, but right now when people go against me, I can be a really a hard-headed bitch who does not take any shit from anyone, once they have crossed the line.

You're feeling threatened by facts is indicative of mental illness - delusion (thinking non real things are real) is mental illness, btw - And can be remedied quite easily if there is the will to do so.

Both have tried to bring me down and they were not trying to have a logical debate with me whatsoever. I really don't wish to debate, I want to connect with like-minded people and lift each other up here.

Don't even try to play the victim in these parts - it won't end well.

I'm not proud of how I acted, and I just want those two to stop trying to ridicule me and tell me I don't know what i'm talking about.

Playing the victim card again???...nooooo....don't do it. What you write on the blockchain is forever.
I am ridiculing false logic, not you - You just take is personal - A narcissist transfers objective discussion an internalizes it, thus making it an emotional , personal issue - the ego is offended!
(although ridicule is an excellent tool to snap people out of delusion)
If you are sure of your position then why would hate filled emotionally charge bile take the place of reasoned argument? (you are being disingenuous).

I have dedicated my life to studying Indigenous culture and society and I don't appreciate being told i'm full of shit.

It took me 25 years of perusing a life I was dedicated to, until I realized I was full of shit - It can be a painful experience!
The facts are still the facts though. And you are incorrect.

..... I am not proud that I have caused harm to people who have hurt me, but I wanted to make them feel remorse for their actions and learn respect and decent behavior.

.....and you thought you would teach them by acting like a piece of shit? lmao

I don't want anyone to die and cause harm to anyone here, I just want people to support me and not ridicule me here.

I'm ridiculing your ideas. If you cannot separate the two - the idea and the person - that's your very serious issue.
Supporting an alcoholic by giving him another beer, is not support.


It has come to my attention that you are being very disrespectful to a few members here, name calling and being a general nuisance and argumentative. Perhaps you should do some self-reflecting and understand that your behaviour is based on your own insecurities and negative feelings that you have about yourself and you're trying to project them onto others. May I ask what you do in your life for humanity and to help others? Maybe you need to get out and exercise or forgive the woman who has abused you and is causing you to hate women so much, and people in general. I honor women and I would never talk to any woman in the manor that you do, it is unacceptable and utterly disgusting and you must stop immediately! No-one wants to here the nonsense that you are getting on with and it is serving no purpose whatsoever. I am advising people to mute you so you are not contaminating us with your bad energy. you are muted, effective immediately! Please get well soon.

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