Locked or unlocked | Enslaved or un-enslaved

in #iinformationwar6 years ago

I read a post this morning by a relatively new Steemit user who was talking about the way people in society these days tend to seem somewhat asleep and that during their slumber Governments around the world are passing laws, some alarmingly bad ones, that affect us in profound ways. The user is @shakanin and if you're inclined go and take a look at her blog.

I tend to agree with her, (I think she is she), in that many [most?] people are unenlightened when it comes to what's actually going on around them, and this all in a world that has more information available than ever! Is it apathy or are people already so conditioned that they follow along set guidelines and directives as dictated by Governments, corporations and media. Hmm, I'm not sure but I have my suspicions.

People seem trapped, let's call it locked, in a mindset that is impossible to break free from. They fail to gain their own independent information preferring to be spoon-fed by the mainstream-media and whilst they may feel empowered through what they see as autonomous decision-making and opinion the real truth may be [is] somewhat different.

The word self-indulgent was used in her blog and I think that's a great descriptor. People are right? Self-satisfaction is the new black and no matter the cost...Just buy more, spend more and owe more...The Government love it too. It keeps people poor, paying taxes and a slave to their income...Did I use the S word? Hmm, yes I did. Mankind, and I speak generally here, is locked within the confines of consumerism, it's own self-importance, pride and ego. Mankind embraces a hubris-filled existence and the kind of inescapable captivity that can only come through self-imposition. That's right...We bring this on ourselves. We can exit the Matrix team...We can...Just gotta make the decision to do so.

I don't know if there's an answer, a cure, or remedy for this affliction. Extinction? Yes, that would do it but that resolution is quite final. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a drop in population, let's say an 80% drop, but is that, or extinction, realistic? Probably not in my own lifetime. It'll come though, I have no doubt. Sure, mankind in its hubris refuses to see it but all things come to an end.

What am I saying here? What is this post about? Well, I guess, like the user I mentioned above says, "it's time to wake up a little," time to turn off the propaganda, the infotainment, false information and other poison we are fed. Trust me, it's truly empowering, enlightening and a huge step in the right direction. I'm not suggesting people need to start an uprising, bring down governments with the gun...Although that would be an interesting concept. No, what I mean is that people need to simply limit the noise and the confusion the noise creates in their minds and hearts. They need to unlock their own thought, their own opinions and decisions. They need to look inwardly and not out...Just for a while. A reset period if you will. Once that break is made then that noise from before seems so inconsequential and becomes an intrusion on life. Trust me, I was there years ago myself.

Now I know some may read this and say in an imperious tone, "I'm no slave, that galenkp is a wanker and doesn't know what he's saying."...Well, yeah ok, whatEVER! Go buy another iPhone, I heard there's a new one coming like...Every month!

I mean I live my life, not anyone else's, and who am I to suggest that someone would get more value from life if they weren't a slave as opposed to being a slave? It's ok, we can all co-exist you know. Slaves and free folk. My blog merely points out a few things I believe and gives me the chance to showcase a new Steemit user who may appreciate the shout out.

You don't need to agree with me. I mean I don't agree with a lot of stuff and still manage to exist. That's what having independent thought feels like. We live in a world where men can pretend to be woman and actually win woman of the year - You know who I mean. We live in a world where a person's attention is captivated by some glittering Pandora jewellery whilst all the while Government policy get's passed as law in the dark recess of the Halls of Government. We live in a world where our fresh produce has no taste or nutrition because it was harvested 12 months before it hit the shelves or is GM to look better. We live in a world where billions and billions of dollars are raised for cancer research or many years and still there's no cure. We live in a world where Corporations act with impunity and individuals struggle for food, water and medical supplies. We live in a world where a Kardashian becoming a billionaire get's more exposure than the plight in Venezuela. We live in a world where charities can take .95 cent in the dollar from donations for expenses. We live in a world...That is dying day by day.

So, carry on in the same fashion, or not. Unlock the chains, or not. Be a slave, or choose otherwise. It makes little difference to the unlocked and un-enslaved. Oh, another thing...How truly free can a person really be in this world we live in? Hmm...Another blog maybe.

And...That is all.


Oh Venezuela gets exposure. When it suits the government that is ;) I checked out the account you mentioned. Interesting stuff there. And here.

"I'm no slave, that galenkp is a wanker and doesn't know what he's saying."

Dude, that's how people do react. That or they make fun of you. You're crazy, you know ?The other day, at that debate I mentioned there was this one chick and they were talking about phones and this chick was really interesting, you know, seemed to at least be trying to liberate herself a tiny bit and then she said something like this 5G technology is iradiating her and she has no say in that. It was an interesting argument and then I hung back with my friend and her friends (future doctors, mind you) and they were actually making fun of her. Crazy, right?

God forbid we open our eyes and take a critical look at the world we live in.

Totally agree...People fear what they don't understand and it's easier to follow than lead...Even in ones' own life.

People ridicule the independent thoughts of other because they are so indoctrinated and confirmed to have their thoughts and opinions fed to them hence them ridiculing others who do have independent thought.

Thanks for your comments.

Umm...Should you be at your job? 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed, they just love that. it's easy, if you ridicule others, it makes you feel good about yourself, it makes you feel okay about being spoon-fed information that you never check yourself.

Oh yes, sir, definitely. Actually, that's the good thing, I can work and do stuff on Steem :P What can I say, it's a pretty good job :D

Sweet gig you got there. Your boss must be a good bloke...

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not in the habit of gossiping about my employers, but yes, I would say he is quite a pleasant fellow :P

I'm sure he is humbled and grateful.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, I'm sure he is :)

It is such an honor that have mentioned my blog and have expressed some of my views, I would say, in a more eloquent and acceptable way, than I was able to convey.

Through reading your blog, I can see that you have expressed your opinions and thoughts in a very exceptional manor and people are very receptive to this and I have learned a lot from you, so thank you.

It is so awesome to have you in my corner and it feels so nice to have your support, so thank you so very much because you are very motivating and uplifting.

I hope more people wake up and I believe that this platform is a great way to come together and share ideas and learn from one another.

I believe the answer is peaceful non-compliance with the system and as Jacques Fresco states in "The Venus Project," (available on YOUTUBE), we can can become a resource based world and work together, instead of competing against one another and destroying our natural environment.

Thanks again for writing such an amazing blog and for giving me a shout out, that means so much :)


instead of competing against one another and destroying our natural environment.

Every living in organism in existence competes - so that being the case - why see this as a negative dynamic?
Competing is the every essence of life itself.

ergo - to not compete, would be the antithesis of 'living in our natural environment' - being that competition is the both the foundation and the structure, of all our environments.

Every.. single .. ecosystem... in... existence .

Do you then think that we are apart from the natural order of things? If so,how so?

To think we are not part of nature, seems like an anti natural logic...

I'm sorry to say but your perception is totally flawed and based on your particular worldview and understanding. We are complete opposite in our perception on life and you are from the consumerism perspective and following the elite brainwashing plan.

As Indigenous people our values and belief systems are in complete contrast the the non-Indigneous. We base our understanding on natural laws and following how nature works in order to determine how we as humans must live together.

Our culture was a peaceful culture and we did not compete with each other and collect meaningless items and call this success. We did not step-on one another to get ahead. We understood that our Earth is sacred are we must live in harmony and balance with our surroundings.

The idea of pitting each other against one another was a tactic of divide and conquer and to make us fall a part and become easy to manipulate. The idea of survival of the fittest is a racist ideology and is for people who are functioning on a lower level, I hate to say.

Our Earth is One living organism and everything works together in synchronicity and balance and we do not see it has competing, but as supporting the system as a whole.

Look at trees for example. They share with each other and when one tree requires nutrients and another tree has an excess of nutrients, then that tree will share with the one who requires sustenance. This happens underground.

Video-How tress help one another

Your perspective comes from your cultural understanding, or lack thereof, because I don't see the capitalist culture as a meaningful culture with strong values or beliefs systems. This is a low-functioning place with ignorant and sick people with little understanding of life and meaningful things.

If you have not studied Indigenous culture in university, then your understanding is very limited and based on racist lies that were told about us in oder to justify the theft of our lands and resources.

We come from two different worlds and we cannot reconcile our values and belief system, because they are completely opposed to one another.

Your worldview of competition and struggle, is leading us towards sickness, greed and eventual extinction. If the Indigenous Nations, had not been oppressed and you followed our culture and values, we would be a free people, healthy and happy involved with meaningful activities, based on intelligent and humane choices about how we must live together.

Check out this video and learn the truth, not the lies your teacher told you!


The time for acceptable speech is over. Its time to speak truth to power. Unfortunately resourced based utopias are not possible and are not the answer. Don't let the fancy graphics of floating cities fool you, it is communism with pretty pictures. Made for you by wizards.

How does it differ? It doesn't. Communism is anything but humane and the Venus Project is a technocratic wet dream. Perhaps if they were able to humanely keep the population down to the 500000000 (as per the Georgia Guide Stones) one could live in a sea born rat hole, waiting for rations, calculated by an algorithm.

But hey, for globalists, this would sound awesome

lol. "Free thinker, freedom fighter" ...communist. Why do you hate whammins, honour the wahmyns with good energy. Bad energy is for wypepo and orange man, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

...glad to see you're still alive - we had some bad energy heading our ways - (phew, we made it)...

All good here so far although I sneezed today...

Posted using Partiko Android

be careful - could be scouting spell....

Hi @shakanin, you're welcome for the mention. I try and give new users a bit of a boost where I can and your post made complete sense.

We live in a crazy world and us enlightened people need to stick together. All the best for the weekend. ☺️

Posted using Partiko Android

good post.l

If you are a debt slave in any way to any financial institution or government then a you are also - wittingly or otherwise - supporting in the very problem.

This is not a judgment on people being in debt - we all have our own stories - but it doesn't change the reality.
This is statement of mathematics.

To be part of the banking debt dynamic of borrowing and repaying with interest on a fiat system where the currency has no relative value (thus then making it money, and not just currency).... is to be a tacit advocate the existing system.
Harsh but true.

Not very free at all these days as it becomes more difficult to not follow the herd. I have felt enlightened as of late but sometimes ask myself if it is too late and if I can do enough to hedge this potential impact... Still unsure but I can try and maybe knowing is half the battle!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm afraid you're right...Too little too late? Still, like you say it's better to be a little enlightened (aware) than not at all. Even that small amount is a huge leap over most people.

Posted using Partiko Android

No kidding I will write down the content of this post of yours in one of my notebooks! I love a good realtalk!
The truth is that society doesn't give one f*** about our well-being.
This way of life most ppl are caught up in leads to what in the end? Still wondering! I feel like to awaken from this madness we are enslaved in, sometimes people need to experience some dark shit. I owe my awakening to life experience and personal tragedy.

Hopefully one day, soon enough, a change will come around!
Love what you mention about enlightnement btw! ✨🔮
It reminds me of a quote from one of my fave spiritual teachers:

“Many people are alive but don't touch the miracle of being alive.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Hmm, nice quote and so damned true.

Unfortunately some will never unplug from the Matrix preferring the default life that governments, corporations and media feed them. It's a plague. Still, that's their choice. They find comfort in the false feeling they get when their Facebook post gets a like and when their Instagram selfie finally gets a comment...Tragic, but that's their journey, not ours right? 😊

Personal tragedy can be a great motivator (or de-motivator) yes. It's the person who makes the choice to be one or the other. It seems you made that choice and are/will rise because if it.

Again, thanks for jumping in and commenting. I'm always pleased when what I write resonates with someone. I'm a small account so don't get much exposure so when someone actually digs what I say well...Makes me feel good. Legit. So thanks. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

Funny you mention the Matrix (my best friend today reminded me for the 10 millionth time that I should watch it:P shame on me for being an anti movie and tv person:P)
Absolutely agree. What can I say, they don't have the awareness to wake up from fantasy land;) and oh... they love the good dopamine hits that these platforms give them 😉

It's sincerely my pleasure! Small account? You kidding me?:P You are killing it with that 69 rep!!!
Number is just a number... To be honest your content has so much value... like a lot!:P
Keep it up!:)

Thanks for your kind words on my content. I post about a lot of varied things I guess and not everyone will love it all but still, it's just a reflection of the true me so why portray someone I'm not by conforming with my post content? 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m an anti conformist myself 😏 we’re vibing on the same frequency💫 love it!!

We have a bit in common then. If you look at my blog you'll see I wrote about and do a lot of different stuff but an enduring theme is my desire to find enlightenment and to live the best version of my life possible; Be the best version of myself as often as possible. I hit the mark sometimes and others not so much. I'm human. (Well, I'm actually from another planet but shh...Don't tell anyone.) 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Well said an excellent post mate and may it help to wake someone or many up to being enslaved.

Posted using Partiko Android

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