RE: Locked or unlocked | Enslaved or un-enslaved
Your comment is racist and demonstrates that you are a vindictive person who does not believe in peace. You only believe in peace only for your own people (that's racist) and want to destroy anyone who disagrees with you. Hateful people like you are why wars happen.
Your ancestors and my ancestors never had a war in the past, I am not white, so I could not care less about why you hate white people.
Communism killed hundreds of millions of people in Russia, China, Korea and South America. I merely pointed out that the Venus project is communism and for that you want to kill me and destroy my life.
Killing and destroying peoples life is what communists do best, perhaps that is why you like the Venus project so much. It is sad that you can't see how destructive your own heart is. What sort of awful person threatens to destroy another persons life with powerful energy?
If you were so educated, you would research communism and find out that things like a resource based society requires an enormous governing body to distribute all the resources, to make all those floating cities. The cost would be trillions, that is why you don't see any floating cities now. But I get the impression that you don't really care, just as long as you get to harm people you don't like, and you call that peace.
So sad.