Herbal Medicine: Growing, Tincturing & Using Valerian | #ihaveanxietytoo Half-Way Wrap-Up

in #ihaveanxietytoo6 years ago (edited)

The author with freshly dug Valerian roots grown on her homestead.

Good morning! This morning I'm going to share a wrap-up halfway post concerning the #ihaveanxietytoo challenge.
You still have another week to share your posts, if you feel so inclined, toward your experiences with anxiety and how you have worked with that energy in your own life.

I have been delighted and grateful thus far reading all of the posts beneath the tag. There are some amazing resources to glean and I encourage anyone interested to click #ihaveanxietytoo and read through the posts seeing what grabs your interest!


Today’s featured herb, Valerian

One thing I've really appreciated is the discussion around masking our anxiety - or being "con men" and our relationships around "faking it" versus (or together with) actually getting to the root of healing. Many of the articles have focused on getting to the root.

I have already experienced a lot of freedom/healing in this and the lessening of the stigma of saying #ihaveanxietytoo. Thank you to everyone who has contributed!

So many people in the comments of these articles are saying me too! or I have a family member who has this too! It is an honor to incentivize healing through the creation of a hashtag on the blockchain (to jog your memory, this cross pollination was started through the @sndbox challenge What makes a good hashtag? and the @naturalmedicine Share a Natural Remedy contest.)

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A sampling of the week's #ihaveanxietytoo posts. And yes, this is using Steempeak.com! I highly recommend it in place of steemit.com

Here are the posts under the #ihaveanxietytoo tag in the first week of the challenge:

has created a wonderful 3 part series on the difference between excessive anxiety and regular anxiety that we all experience (normal human response to keep us safe). He talks about getting to the root cause and uncovering it using META-health.

  1. Resolving The Symptoms and Root Causes of Anxiety Part 1 - #ihaveanxietytoo
  2. Resolving The Symptoms and Root Causes of Anxiety Part 2 - Quickly Clearing Symptoms With Tapping (EFT)
  3. Resolving The Symptoms and Root Causes of Anxiety Part 3 - Getting To The Real Root Cause With META-Health

fantastic post taking a good honest look at her relationship with anxiety. I really love how she also has focused on accepting and finding the root causes and not masking or judging the experience. She shares a host of techniques that she uses in relationship with anxiety in her life.

Finding Root Causes & Supporting My System: #ihaveanxietytoo

wrote a wonderful response detailing her intense journey with anxiety and the techniques she learned to "make friends with anxiety". I loved how her focus was on mainstream medicine and a host of natural medicine techniques that she learned, including focusing on what makes you happy!

Dealing with anxiety - tips and tricks

created a beautifully honest post sharing her experience of realizing she had anxiety and taking steps to shift her life as the anxiety was a message that something needed to change and that she needed to listen to her body. From her blog posts, you can see that she has followed her own advice to sculpt a healing life for herself.

Tuning Into Anxiety #ihaveanxietytoo

shared an interesting take on the nature of stress and community. I love that all of these posts are taking a look at the roots of anxiety and not necessarily of responding to it once it's already here. Check it out!

Of Families, Psychiatry and Stress...

created an insightful post on Breath and the power of the pause in relation with anxiety. Her post is a sweet and educational meditation on something that we always have with us.

Anxiety and the Power of the Pause

made a thoughtful post on the yin balance of the yang activity and "doing" imperative of our culture. This is also another aspect of anxiety- pushing ourselves to be "outward" when we really need to allow ourselves to be.

On Being Small And Unseen

did a write up on Skullcap & Lemon Balm. He has actively been sharing many anti-anxiety herbs so be sure to check out his other posts.

Anxiety remedies that work part 2: Skullcap

Anxiety remedies that work part 3: Lemon balm

This is only in the first week. Submission window (3 people will earn 3 Steem) is open until September 10th. Of course I encourage people to continue using the tag after this challenge ends.

Last week, as part of my #ihaveanxietytoo posts, I wrote about Skullcap, a powerful mind-body ally that works on the GABA receptors to neurologically shift our experience of anxiety, giving us some space to remember techniques like breathing or positive thought to shift in the moments of anxiety.

Valerian self propagates by seed but also at the roots. We dug this up very carefully and separated the daughter roots coming off of the main mother plant (fully detailed in the video) and planting the dozen daughters around the homestead. This is a sure-fire way to propagate Valerian!

As I shared then, these herbal allies are only tools and YOU are the real resource when it comes to shifting anxiety. @zen-art said it well when she declared that You can get better if you want to! (and there are many tools to help you holistically get there along the way.)

This week I'm going to dig into another plant ally that has been crucial for me along this path of shifting my moments of anxiety and that is:


I had heard about Valerian for many years, but didn't get a chance to try it until one day during a landscaping job that I had- we were weeding out (yes weeding!) the abundance of valerian plants in a client's garden. I saw this as an opportunity and carefully dug up the plants and set them to the side. That night I made a tincture by steeping the freshly cleaned roots in high proof alcohol and letting them steep for at least 6 weeks.

Base of Valerian plant. If you look closely, you can see the multiple individual stalks of the plant. This is what you divide to make more plants!

I used this tincture many times that summer to help with my moments of anxiety.

Specifically I remember using it as I stretched my skill set by starting on a new endeavor: hosting a musical radio show. I had anxiety in the lead up to every show. One thing I loved about valerian is that I would take 2-4 dropperfulls and would feel my anxiety instantly lessened in my body. That window, that space, allowed me to continue on doing the thing I wanted to do but felt anxiety around. Once I got into the show, it was smooth sailing. I find that, for me, the use of herbal anxiety relieving herbs makes space for me to continue on and over time get used to the activity I want to do (like hosting a radio show) but feel anxiety around. Now I host a radio show each Tuesday on the Global Homesteading Collective about Permaculture and don't feel anxiety.



Valerian, Valeriana officinalis, is an anti-anxiety medicine and sedative that is very effective. For some people.

For others, it actually has the opposite effects and is very energizing! I spoke a bit to this in my skullcap article as well, but each herb interacts with people in differing ways. While for some, valerian may truly help them get to sleep or reduce their anxiety, for others it will "wire them up."

You'll know which one you are pretty early on. You can take a small dose of tincture to find out. Based on how effective it is, I'd say it would be worth trying it out.


Valerian earlier in the season starting to flower.

I have always found valerian calming and relaxing, but not mind-clouding and it doesn't take you out of the present. It calms you just enough so that you can continue on with life, only with lessened anxiety.

Similar to Skullcap, Valerian also has consitutents which act on the GABA receptors in the brain:

However, some of the GABA-analogs, particularly valerenic acids as components of the essential oil along with other semivolatile sesquiterpenoids, generally are believed to have some affinity for the GABAA receptor, a class of receptors on which benzodiazepines are known to act.

Scientifically, as they research and test Valerian, they're realizing it has powerful constituents which account for it anxiolytic features.


Valerian on the homestead earlier this summer before blooming.

The plant is very easy to grow, verging on "invasive" if it likes the spot. I am personally encouraging the reseeding of valerian on our homestead. I would like to grow a lot of this medicine, dig the roots each fall, tincture them and share them with my community. I want to make this medicine accessible to people and also have plenty of it around the homestead.

It sends up a lovely stalk which flowers with pink or white flows which some people like the smell of and others equate to dirty socks (the root gets the same feedback!). I personally love the smell and would visit it in the garden each day while it was in bloom! Heavenly!

Ini helped me dig up the plant yesterday.

This scent in the roots is likely due to the presence of the powerful Valeric acid which also is the source of some of its sedative activity.

It's also attractive to cats in the way catnip is! It's a fun and easy plant to grow and a stately addition to any garden.

Making the Medicine

Making your own herbal medicine is an easy, safe, fun and empowering way to take more control over your own healing process. Each time I put my hand to making herbal medicine, I feel a mix of gratitude, elation and deep reverence for the plants and the humans who have passed down this lineage.

Valerian tincture I made from roots I dug

You can make your own medicine by growing the plants yourself or ordering from a reputable company (like Mountain Rose Herbs) and tincturing the root- a process wherein we steep the herb in alcohol (90 proof is best for roots) for 6 weeks or more in a cool, dark place, shaking the roots gently each day. Strain and store in dark glass bottles and you have made your own medicine!

I will share more herbal profiles on anxiety reducing herbs as a part of my endeavor that I wrote about months ago in this intro. It is worth noting again, however, that the causes of anxiety and their remedies are many and diverse. What works for one person may not work for you. It's also best to think of these herbs as tools instead of magical pills. As many have written, it helps to not think of "getting rid of" or "fighting" anxiety, but treating it like a friend bringing a wise message that something is off or that we could heed. In some cases, that message happened long ago during an event or string of events.

Long term meditation or breathwork practice, EFT, therapy, anti anxiety medication (whether herbal or pharmaceutical), and a host of other methods can all help shift the experience of anxiety so you can live a freer life and thrive living out our dreams in the world.

Thanks so much for joining me and for all those taking part in sharing #ihaveanxietytoo!




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My grandmother said that natural medicine is better than pharmaceutical, because although it is slower to solve diseases, it is much better because it does not give harmful side effects and heals more effectively

your grandmother is very wise! i agree with this 100% :)

I love Valerian. That scent.

They used to say if you hid dried Valerian at your door, you'd keep away unwanted guests, I wonder if we could do that to keep unwanted virus on our computer? Herbology for the modern age ;)

Me too! So many people hate it, I am drawn to it too...

:) hahah valerian for the tech age! I’ll start keeping garlic by my computer at night...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Your valerian flower pics are BEAUTIFUL. In my head I always have that musty-medicinal smell in my head when I hear the word 'valerian', but from today onwards I shall have those glorious white blooms to balance. Lovely post.

Thank you ☺️ hahah love that! That old musty valerian, uck! The blooms are so divine... certainly visited them many a time 💚🌿

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Great post!
We are very grateful to have Sitka Valerian (Valeriana sitchensis) growing in many places close to where I live in Alaska. Something special about a plant that can survive -40 :)

special indeed! happy to hear about your relationship with your local valerian variety. love it <3 thanks for stopping by.

Wow! I just bought some valerian yesterday. J. hates the smell too - just LOATHES it and I cant even open the tablets around him. I love how herbs give us SPACE to do what we need to do to reprogram our brains!

Yes!! That SPACE! For reprogramming... makes all the difference 🌿💚

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Wow... I love herbals and I have my own company that produce herbal and natural beauty products and medicines because I do not trust drugs with chemicals. I think god creates a lot much better than human being. I think I should join this challenge so I can share something for you and all in here, which is papaja oil.

yes thanks! would love to hear more about papaja oil. if you do, please use #ihaveanxietytoo tag and #naturalmedicine so we can find you :)

Wonderful! Your papa will be glad to see this new tincture! Perfect add to his nightly tea. So it is a perennial root or just through self-seeding? This will be great to have in your herbal tincture medicine cabinet :)

:) it's great for that - i know you both have an affinity with this plant! it is perennial plant, but you can harvest it in its 2nd fall season (or let it keep growing, but the root will lose potency). We divided the root ball, took some for medicine and replanted around a dozen small valerian plants the mother root had grown. It will also self seed and sow hundreds of plants into our gardens. We'll see how many plants come up next year :) I'm sure in years to come there will be an abundance of valerian tincture to share! That's the plan <3

In India they are emphasizing on Ayurveda a traditional medicine , so natural medicines holds a great scope

Yes! India has long led the Natural Medicine front on a mass scale (and China too!). We are all catching up.

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Yes and we have to do much more

Real interesting @mountainjewel I'm gonna say it here #ihaveanxietytoo too.

I have had it for a long time along with my other health issues. Lol, sometimes it feels like telling a ridiculous saga of ailments but these things are for the sharing. Funnily enough, my anxiety is its least intense for a long time these last 2 years. I'm not sure what has changed, maybe not working a full time stress-fest of a job has had this effect. Or it could be trying to deal with a (physical) chronic illness hasn't left enough space in my psyche for those ruminations to propagate into full blown anxiety.

Anyway, Valarian sends me hyper, I remember from trying it for insomnia as a teenager and I was up all night lol. A friend of mine has tried CBD oil which has just been made available in the UK and says it's fantastic I might try that for my 'now happily mild' anxiety :-)

hey @raj808! thanks for stopping by and sharing. it's been quite healing for many of us to just say #ihaveanxietytoo, not matter where we are in our journey with it now. interesting that through your chronic illness journey your anxiety has become 'happily mild' :) i mentioned that a bit in the article, how valerian can wire ya up! haha luckily it works for me, but actually i tried it a CBD oil earlier this year and felt wired up! just going to further show that these herbal medicines interact with each of us differently and to start off experimenting with small doses. <3

It once helped me to more or less stop a panic-attack, I took a couple of strong valerian pills, and then I felt much better... Other times I have taken it and it has not helped much with insomnia for me (valerian pills)... I guess it is person to person and brand to brand... Etc...


exactly! i think valerian - more than any of the other anxiety herbs i'll be sharing, has this mercurial effectiveness. as i stated in the article, worth trying though!

Yes, you are right! I could see how a combo of Lemon balm and Valerian could have a good synergic effect, since both are "GABAergic" and Lemon balm potentiates other "GABAergic" medicines... It would be cool to make a tincture out of those two combined... Okay @mountainjewel sorry for rambling on and on here, lol, see you later! =)


Hey @mountainjewel I did part 3 "Lemon balm" good thing we did not post on the same herb simultaneously, that would have been too weird...


I tried valerian a few times, it has always had a different effect depending on the brand, I would like to try some fresh root one of these days...

I tried wildcrafting it a few years back but it is too similar to certain deadly plants that I didn't dare to try it in the end...

Thanks for all the cool info, and the link, maybe I will grow Valerian next year...
I will have like a full on anti-anxiety garden...

Cheers and happy steeming!


Awesome; I added it to the section mentioning you above. Thank you for sharing your herbal profiles. It's quite easy to grow if you go through with it :) best wishes!

Its smells funky right? Valerian?
I remember I found a root and it smelled funky and looked right but since it was extremely similar to Hemlock I did not have the guts to consume the root, (but hemlock would have cured my anxiety permanently, because that is deadly stuff , ask Socrates, lol )... Thanks for adding my article, I will add yours too!!! =D

yeah it has a strong smell some find unpleasant. it's somewhat similar to hemlock, but different enough you should be okay if you have basic plant ID skills. but if you don't feel 100% safe, i would do as you did and step away from harvesting it!

Yeah, I did not have the internet or a good field-guide or anyone to show me the "exact" difference... Ha ha... Not everybody has "basic plant ID skills", so maybe you should do a warning or something for people who wants to go out and wildcraft? How to tell the difference or something??? I think the hemlock root is full of these weird cavities...Or maybe it was the other way around? Ha ha... Anyway be safe out there everyone!!!

Hugs and herbs!


yes exactly. it's not within the scope of this article to also go into ID and i didn't mention wildcrafting of valerian (only growing your own or buying from a trusted source online) specifically for that reason. there's only so much i can cover in an article ;) i do sometimes i write ID and wildcrafting articles tho :) the plants themselves, before they're dug up, have a lot of differences. it's my opinion too that anyone going out looking for plants with white umbel flowers and tall stalks should know how to ID hemlock! or not touch it at all. if you can ID hemlock, you'll be much safer finding the plant you ARE looking for! :)

@mountainjewel, did not want to critices your article, the article is great, but I just read that some dude in your comments wanted to go out and wildcraft... And then I remembered my dilemma a few years back whilst wildcrafting...


Valerian (image source) Good.


Hemlock (Image source) Warning (poison).



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