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RE: IFC S2R5: A Potentially Funny and Definitely Insane Theory on the Origins of the Nephilim

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the info on author. I understand now. I know of the logos too. It seems the ancient Greeks wrote about it as if it were a very clear voice in their head. I wonder if it is the conscience, and if it's harder for us in modernity to hear it because of all information overload, as well as plenty reasons why we would want to ignore it.

I don't think any of those words rhyme with father though. Not in my accent at least.

My nimrod theory came to me when reading the bible for the first time - which was a time when I felt I had the logos in my head, I might add. Where it says, "he was a mighty hunter before the LORD," I know it is interpreted to mean "a mighty hunter against the LORD," but I had become convinced that God was an impostor and so I read it as, "he was a mighty hunter before [he was] the Lord."

So while thinking, could nimrod be the Lord, I started to think, and I realised that for one, the constellation Orion is known as the great hunter and all the ancient monoliths and temples and aligned with that constellation. The ley lines are said to flow past these spots too. I started thinking about the sign of the cross and why it's so popular throughout history. To try and ascertain its function I thought about where we find the cross most often. Hospitals, Cemeteries, Nationflags and therefore battlefields and war planes. I began to wonder if the the cross was around death, and why. I considered, and this is definitely a bit nuts, but that the cross could be a symbol used to capture life force energy, or perhaps even souls, and send them up the ley lines to the ancient temples and pyramids etc, where they are then transported up to the constellation Orion, charging "his" belt with the captured energy/souls.

In Isaiah there is the "Lucifer" who is claiming they will exalt their position above the throne of God and become like the most high, and as I already told you at this time I was thinking that Lucifer was the title for "king of Babylon," if that was correct, then Nimrod was not only King of Babylon, but the very first one and founder of the city. Furthermore, Nimrod is supposedly behind the tower of babel according to the epic of gilgamesh, and the tower of babel certainly seems like an attempt to exalt one's position above the throne of God. Whether the tower of babel is a metaphor, or was a real tower, I don't know, but it seems clearly to have been an attempt, by Nimrod, to conquer, invade, or replicate heaven.

So, with all these things in mind I questioned whether Nimrod was the ancient sorcerer who started the mystery religions for the purpose of creating religions, and having us worship him through many names, so that he could create a false after life, where he would rule as God and judger of sins, and whether he was successful in usurping the throne of heaven.

He is also entwined in a holy trinity of sorts, having married his own mother Semiramus, and then after being killed by his uncle for his crimes, and his body chopped up and sent to the four corners of the world(like william wallace), his wife and mother Semiramus then claimed to have been pregnant again, with a son who named Tammuz(I think), and who she said that Nimrod was not only the father, but also the son. If this is true, then it predates the father and the son from the Holy Bible, and could mean that it is based on him.

There were many other reasons why I thought this was a possibility but i don't remember them all. I do recall that when I first looked it up there was nothing to be found. But then after a news article about CERN discovering a "ghost particle" I got to thinking. CERN's agenda is reportedly, trying to turn dark energy into matter, or something like that, which sounds like a metaphor for trying to materialise the spirit of a dark sorcerer back into the world. You will notice this theme in movies such as lord of the rings and harry potter. It's common for there to be ancient magician who is evil and trying to find what he needs to rematerialise his body. So if all the souls or energy has been getting captured and sent to the stars or being used in anyway to give power to a sorcerer who died some millenia ago, then the discovery of a ghost particle by CERN ought to be of concern. Are they trying to resurrect the ancient babylonian kings? I don't know. My mind is crazy, but you asked. But after I started to think this I looked it up again and all of a sudden there were many people talking about Nimrod being resurrected. So fuck knows man. Perhaps the world is that fucked up, or perhaps I am not the only one with an extremely vivid imagination.

Also, there are some sources that say nimrod was diefied as Saturn, and what I am most sure of in all this mystery, is that Saturn seems to the bad guy.


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