IFC S1 R30 Tie-breaker

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)


This post is an entry for the Information Finding Championship hosted by @apolymask.
The theme of this round was about the most important issue for us you can find my original post here. For the tie-breaker of this round the theme is the most important quality in a person. The description of the round is below.

Hmm.. Since the challenge that tied was the "most important issue" and since I like to try to keep the tie breakers sort of in the same kinds of themes or to play off each other in other ways...

This tie breaker challenge will be to.. Instead of telling us what you think the most important issue in the world is, create a blog post and tell us what you think the most important quality in a person is.

For example.. Would it be trustworthiness? Their ability to empathize and love? Their intelligence? Their bravery? What would you say is the most important quality in a person?

And for those who have difficulty picking just one, I apologize.. But that's what the challenge is.. You have to pick just one quality.

If you are interested in joining you can find more information right here.

The Most Important Quality to Me is...

Trustworthiness without a doubt

In my opinion, and I want you the reader to ask yourself, 'can you love someone you can't trust?' Then, on the other hand, ' can you trust someone you do not like?' Personally, I would have to say no to both of these questions, I can't trust someone I don't like, and I cannot love someone I don't trust. And you can take my word for it, without going into further details, I have tried loving someone I couldn't trust, it was months of mental hell.

Why is it so Important to me?

A person is only worth as much as their word. When a person's word is trash, then that person is trash as well. When I was little, my parents were not able to take care of me for various reasons. So, my grandparents raised me. My birth father tried to be apart of my life, and he was honest with me for the most part. When he said that we would hang out on a day, he was usually pretty punctual about it. If he couldn't make it, though, that sucked. I remember looking at the window just waiting for him to show up.

Then, when my grandmother passed away, I was introduced to my birth mother as a possible place to live. However, to me, that felt super weird to have your birth mother tell you how she wasn't ready for you, but she was prepared for the next four kids... I just couldn't trust that, she had eleven years to try and be apart of my life, and I believe people deserve second chances, but this was an entirely different situation to me.

Then, I was put in adoption. The first family was not a good fit. They were super religious, had me going to church twice a week, and there were just problems I had with putting faith in something that allows pain to occur in the world as it does. I don't want to get into religion, because I tried to believe, just know that we didn't get along so well, so for Christmas since I couldn't leave the state without a bunch of paperwork they set me up to stay with another family for the week, the Bices.

This time, if you see by my name, worked out. Their most significant rule in the house was, just be honest with us. Even if you break something, if you tell us, you won't be in trouble. So, that happened at one point, I broke the globe to a light fixture in the mudroom and didn't know what to do but tell them sorry, and you know what happened? I wasn't in trouble!

So, at the end of the week, they asked if I wanted to live with them, of course, I said yes! And that is where my value of trust comes from. Was it a perfect fairy tale ending? No, I actually had a lot of issues trusting my adopted mom, I resented woman because of my birth mother for at least the first year, and I saw counseling for a long time to work through it. However, I got over that, and I was never happier to be placed in a loving family like the Bice.

Sorry, reader didn't mean to get that personal, but that is why trust is so important to me...

Who can you Trust?

I'm not the kind of person that says, 'Trust is something that is earned.' I find that to be a pretty bs phrase; everyone should have the benefit of the doubt at least. That is something that my adopted dad and grandfather taught me. My grandfather was a landlord, from his experiences you learn that first impressions can be deceptive. The people that you would assume to be good tenants were terrible and vice versa. So, give everyone a chance at least, even if they say some of the wildest stories, you haven't walked in their shoes, so how can you judge?

However, if you lie or betray me, trust is hard to get back from me. That is when you would quote on quote, have to earn it. I hate liars, I really do. In my classes, if students don't get their work done, but are honest with me about why they couldn't get it done, I am pretty easy on them. I had a full-time job in high school; I know how it can be. But, if you lie about it, you're not getting any favors.

My best friends are like family to me, I trust them to the very end of the rope and have not been disappointed. Trust is also standing up for your friends when others talk bad about you, and I know my friends defend me, even when I am slightly crazy. That is the kind of love that I am talking about, it doesn't take love to give the benefit of the doubt, but it takes love to trust.

I tend to write about life in Korea as a foreigner, food, photos from trips, and things teaching related. If that interest you and you like this post, please give me a vote and follow
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Until then,
Ride on!



Read my profile if want me to resteem your post to over 72,500 followers. @a-0-0

I would agree with everything you said about trust. It is not something that is earned, it is something that just happens, and yep, break that trust, it is very hard to get it back, that is where the earn part comes in, and it is only a one time shot with me, I may get burned twice, but rarely a third time.

I think most of us share this kind of view of trust, just most people don't think of it like that. Also, white lies you know, just be honest I don't break easily. ha

Honesty is so important to me. I can relate a lot with this.
When I was a lil kid I lied to my parents about my brothers and something they did and one of my brothers said he would never be able to trust me again and that changed my life. Ever since then I've done my best not to lie.. And I feel like I've done an amazing job of that.. These days I don't understand why so many people can't just be honest.. It's one of the most important things.. What would life be like without trust? That would suck!

Yet.. How to promote more honesty in the world? How to inspire people to be honorable? That's a difficult one.. When there's so much selfish pleasure to be gained by being dishonest, many don't want to listen to philosophy or reasoning in regards to morality or ethics.. They just want more pleasure and stuff.. So.. it's definitely a battle sometimes, trying to be an honest person in this world when almost everyone seems to just be looking for a way to get a lil "more" even at the cost of their own soul so to speak. I hope some day people are more honest and honorable, and until then.. We just do our best I suppose! Thanks for the thought provoking and insightful entry.

Right, I try to be as honest as possible with people. There are times that I withhold details that are better if you don't know because you don't need to know everything about my life. However, I won't lie to a person to get something out of it.

Which is something that also bothers me. Is people that try to seem so perfect and put on a persona that is not them, we may wear different hats to match a social event or situation but other people like to pretend that it wasn't them that did things that are contrary to the character they want to present.

I can't get away with that, I can wear a suit and tie have some new shoes and work a decent job teaching kids. However, people can still tell by the way that I carry myself and my views that I smoke about as much as Willie Nelson and I just embrace that. No real point in hiding that part of me. lol

You have my vote for this round

Voting for this one good luck!

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