If You're Semi-Intelligent, You Can Ride With Me. "IFC S1 R30 Tiebreaker Entry"

in #ifc6 years ago

It would appear that we have a 5 way tie in the IFC Season 1 Round 30 contest "The Most Important Issue."

Congratulations to my fellow IFC warriors and tie mates @mr-bike, @plushzilla, @artgirl and @bashadow


For the tie-breaker our fearless leader @apolymask has asked us to write about what we think the most important quality in a person is. When I think about the finer qualities in people the first things that come to mind are Integrity, Kindness and Confidence. Although the one quality that I believe everyone should have but unfortunately not everyone does is:


That's right, not full blown intelligence but semi-intelligence. I don't need everyone to be a fucking Einstein, Da Vinci or Hawking (notably all passed from natural causes and NOT from walking in front of buses) but some basic common sense from EVERYONE would be awesome.

Not a day goes by it seems where I don't come into contact with one of my fellow human beings and think to myself "How are you still alive?", "How have you not walked in front of a bus?" From pushing a baby stroller through a busy parking lot while texting to stacking chairs to climb to a high spot in order to save time on pulling out the ladder, I have seen it all.

Just a few days ago while driving on a highway in South Dakota U.S. I saw a family of five pulled off on the side of the highway. The patriarch of the family was attempting to take a full family selfie with some of South Dakotas' finest scenery in the background. All in all not too horrible of an idea except for the fact that the aforementioned scenery was on the OTHER side of the road and he was inching his family out onto the highway to get that perfect shot. I had to slow down and beep my horn to avoid hitting them. I mean seriously Pa, if you're trying to take your family on the next big adventure to another plane of existence go drive off of a steep cliff and keep the rest of us out of it, ok?

Just two short days after almost introducing the Father of the Year, his wife and three progeny to their creator I pulled into a parking spot at a campground store front. Next to me on the drivers side was a mid size sedan and next to the sedan was an SUV. All of us had to plenty of space to open doors on either side but upon returning to my truck I found this...


Now I'm not saying this guy is stupid but... A semi-intelligent human being would never have parked a tiny little car like this so close to a behemoth of a truck like mine.

If you or someone you know is anything less than a semi-intelligent human being it is not my intent to offend you (not that I could cause you're probably to stupid anyway). Although if I have managed to offend you I apologize. After all we are all on this big rock together, this place called Planet Home, so let's make the best of it.

Live your life with INTEGRITY, always show KINDNESS to others, have CONFIDENCE in yourself and most importantly... Don't be a dumbass!

Come check out the #IFC for some great contests andeven better camraderie. Open your own store or play in the Discord Dungeons. We hope to see you there!

Good luck to my fellow IFC Warriors and keep posting on!



Just a wee bit!!! lol semi!!! That's hilarious! That type is everywhere for sure! Is that a soul?? lol figures!

Yes, it was a black soul. Stain on our society. Lol

yea i've seen ppl park like this all the time. irks the hell outta me. sometimes they're forced to park like that or sometimes just very old. some just clueless.

I've seen it before but this was one of the worst I've seen. There's no way this person was forced to park like that. The car was one of those little tiny boxy things. I kept looking around for Ashton Kutcher cause I thought I was getting Punk'd.

The old lady who got out on the other side needed that extra space for her walker.

That must have been a BIG walker.

She was a really big woman too lol

I think they were dropped on there heads as babies! There's no other reason I could understand. People like that drive me insane... or when you evidently wait for a person and hold the door and they just walk right by without even a thank you or a head nod. smh.. :l

You’ve been to several countries. Is it like that everywhere?

Ahh I mean it's hard to say. I feel like Europe more people tend to have more decency then the typical North American. Except for when you get to Capital cities.

I've witnessed a guy piss on another guys car because they were parked to close. My uncle in Paris would just move the cars a little bit to fit his car into the spot and it's quite normal.

Safe to say theres savages out there everywhere lol!

LMAO! That’s great. I do think that we here in the US have the worst pricks though overall.

It is curious when you realize the other driver must have had to squeeze out of their car when exiting. With more awareness or care they should have realized not only do you get your door open but trucks are harder to climb into. I hope you rose above the situation.

That thought went through my head as well. It was either intentional or the person was WASTED.

Love the title of your post! haha. Great entry! Good luck this round! We all run into these types of people and it's a good time to take a step back and realize the good in you and the value you add to the world!

Thanks @iexplore. To be completely honest though I have to admit that I really love stupid people because they make me feel like a genius.

Well I hope you opened your door and bashed his little car, would have served him right, but I guess the first thing to do is thump the bumper and see if a car alarm goes off first.

Of course you could have gone into the store and asked the manager to do one of those intercom callouts - - - manager - - "Will the idiot driver of the ridiculously small car that is incapable of parking in a parking space designed for an 18 wheeler please go and move it or lose it" - - Announcement. I bet they would just be mortified.

But I know, you did not stoop that low, even though we all want to at times, but we never do.

LMAO. A few different scenarios did go through my head. I just stood there and looked over at the small crowd of people near the store and yelled out “C’MON” while looking to see if anyone owned up to it. Then I climbed in to my passenger door.

It's a shame the nearest High School Wrestling team was not near by, I bet they would have loved to lift that tiny car and put it somewhere real hard to get out of. But being civilized humans, well some things we just have to deal with, unfortunately that means dealing with people who think they fart odor de roses.

I’m pretty sure I could have hoisted that little piece of crap up by myself. I didn’t want to break a sweat.

Haha! Yes, we don't have to score above average IQ to become a decent human being. We must have common sense because having that makes us considerate of other people. Clear example is that photo of your car and the car next to it on the parking lot. I have seen many of these and thought to myself, I wish they gave me enough room so that I don't have to squeeze myself in just so I could get in my car.
Anyway, thanks for making us laugh. Your post is hilarious!

Thanks @evlachsblog, I see a lot of funny things in this world. Being considerate is something they should teach in school.

The teachers may teach the kids but still it is the parents' duty to mould their children's character. It's what the children see from their parents that they turn into the person they are when they become adults.

You know I never thought of it that way, but you are absolutely right. Silly me would have thought something common like love, or compassion.
Now that you mention it natural selection would wipe out the entire human race if not for some small shred of intellect.
Can you just imagine if humans had no intelligence? Which animal would be next in line? Would they stick us in cages and feed us treats?

It is entirely possible that we are some intergalactic zoo exhibit and are just unaware of our spectators. Hmmm, makes ya think.

Well looks like you ran across a few who don't deserve to get a treat🍟. Those aliens better get on it with training the pets. 👽

I could not even believe my eyes when we came out and saw this. I had to take a picture since I knew @jbreheny had just written a post on common courtesy.

There was not enough room to open the driver door. Our family all squeezed into the truck through the passenger door.

Can’t we just all get along people?

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