The Marketplace Flyer - Volume 1

in #ifc6 years ago

Welcome to The Marketplace Flyer

Volume I
May 10th, 2018
source: the illustrator @yeszuzia

Your weekly guide to events and happenings in The Marketplace.

To enter The Marketplace, click the above Icon. It will take you to the IFC discord chat room.

How to find and use left hand side rooms:

▶ THE MARKETPLACE If you see a triangle that means the room is collapsed, just click and it will open, and allow you to see the contained rooms, as below:
  # marketplace-discussion
  # buy-and-sell
  # volunteer
  # verify-your-transactions-for-digicrystals
  # Weekly flyer

All of the above rooms have pinned messages, so please read them from time to time, as this is an evolving process, and changes will take place. The Marketplace Member Rooms work in the manner as above, there are approximately 15 rooms offering services.

All offers and transactions are between the individuals involved in the transaction, and IFC, Discord, and Steemit, will not be held liable for anything going awry.

The Marketplace Member Rooms

          This will be a weekly flyer issued on each Thursday. In this section I will be profiling 1 storefront each week, so drop a line in the weekly flyer room if you have a special going on that you would like profiled. I am currently going to limit it to one store front at first and will try to rotate through the rooms. If you have a storefront Icon or picture that can be resized on the fly leave a link to it and I will use it in the flyer.


          Hello and welcome to my store front, for the next week I have a special offer I would like to extend to the players of IFC. To get this special discount you must have entered at least one round of the Information Finding Championship. This could be one of the base rounds, catch up rounds or one of the bonus rounds. As long as it was an official round it will allow you to receive the special 8% discount. I will make the icon clickable also so people have easy access to your room or blog page, whichever you prefer.
If you also have a resizable picture of a product I will include it also. So two images, this is to avoid slow page load times for those of us that do not have unlimited High Speed internet. Even though the images are resized on the fly to fit better on the page and with formatting, they are still full sized images and still take time to load.


          Are you looking for that something special but don't know what store to look in, or are unsure if one of the store fronts can help you out or not? Like with the Storefront owners, I extend the offer to you to advertise for services needed. Drop a line or two in the Weekly Flyer room, and I will try to get intouch with you to get your request formatted into the weekly Flyer. Try to keep the request and description short and to two paragraphs if possible so as to keep the length of this flyer to a reasonable length. Like with the vendors, I will initially start with one (1), shopper, and then evaluate how it worked out.

          Just under the wire for the first issue of The Marketplace Flyer, @apolymask has issued the very First Marketplace Challenge. Read all about it in his post: Apolymask's Tasks. Info from his post: "Looking for good ideas for The Marketplace. I will give 3 SBD to the person who gives me the best idea to help The Marketplace". Could be worth your visit.

          Here is a direct link to his storefront in the IFC Discord Chat Room:

Above links to the IFC Home Page

IFC Open Rounds

Round 32 - - Freedom
Round 33 Catch Up Round - - Kindness

All rounds open til post pay-out, and there can be a little bit of flexibility in the acceptance of slightly, (note the word slightly) late entries. I would not bank on a post being two or three days late as being accepted, but it never hurts to plead your case. @apolymask and all the participants and Judges are pretty good guys and gals.

          The content of this post was written by @bashadow, any complaints should be directed toward him, and not @IFC, or @aploymask.

          All offers and transactions are between the individuals involved in the transaction, and IFC, Discord, and Steemit, will not be held liable for anything going awry.


This is a great first edition!!!! I think the marketplace is going to become a great place to find original pieces of art, and great personalities!!! So excited to see it's growing fairly quickly!!! Great job @bashadow!!!

This is so cool...And it's freaky to think this is only the beginning! Look how far you have come @apolymask. You have started and watched this community grow to this point! The sky is the limit and can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of Season 1 and Season 2! Awesome work to you and everyone involved! Now lets get some buyers! :)

It is pretty crazy. It kinda blows my mind. I ask myself on a regular basis if this is really happening. Lol. I'm such a poor nobody loser, how the heck did this happen? But.. There's still a lot of time either way to see the potential. I have unrealistically high hopes and dreams about it, though.. Who knows. I'm happyu that it's made even just one person happy.. Yet, it's made more than one person happy it's made quite a few happy and that makes me happy! So.. Let's see how much we can all help enrich and empower and make each other happy and help change the world together! :D Sounds like a good quest, regardless of the IFC, Marketplace, steemit, etc.. In a broader scope, we can look at all of this as.. All of us being on a quest to help make the world a better place.

Let's see how much we can all help enrich and empower and make each other happy and help change the world together!

Well Said!! I'm glad I found the @ifc, it's been a blast so far and probably is the main reason I stayed on this platform.

welcome curation trail

This looks really good! Nice work @bashadow! I look forward to each new edition. And I think you'll do an awesome and fair job of helping to shine a light on the great artists and creators who want to get their work out there more! :) Thank you very much for helping out! I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates it. ._.

Also, I think @iexplore posted this, so a shout out to him as well for helping! Thanks iexplore! :)

Just one thing to be clear about, any rewards stay with the @IFC account to do with as you or the others see fit. So when post payout comes do not stress over what to do with it. Any changes that need to be done let me know. I will have next weeks ready on wednesday for @iexplore to review, fix if needed, and post.

Understood. I appreciate that a lot. I was thinking we could even do it on your page so you could get the rewards for your time and reach a broader audience, but.. If you want to volunteer and not take any payment, then that is up to you and I respect that. BUT.. If you do want something for your work, I'd be happy to help try to reward you. I want to see everyone rewarded for helping. But.. Either way.. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. Much love bashadow.

This way I think is best, like you said it is for the community, if say in two weeks someone else wanted to do a flyer edition, I would have no problem with that. As far as reward goes, you all ready reward me enough through upvotes of this or upvotes of that, this is just giving back to the IFC, as it's account grows, one day ti will be able to provide the upvotes, the prize rewards, and help people that need helping. So it is a win win for everyone. Free advertising for IFC, Free advertising for Vendors, Free advertising for Shoppers. So everyone is a winner.

Well said. And.. I appreciate your integrity. However I still want to try to reward you more when I can. :) As I told you before, I think you're someone who should be a whale on here. I hope I get to see a day when you can help all the newcomers much more, at least in terms of monetary value.. Cause.. You help a lot in ways that you can't measure with money! And sometimes that's even more important.. Just the wise words and advice and help you offer others. That will be golden regardless of the amount of money you can award!

Yes great work @bashadow! Volume 1 turned out great and this will only get better! I think this will be a great weekly edition to The Marketplace! Nice way to keep updated with offerings and promoting store fronts!

Great sharing.

From speaking with many artists that are frustrated by the current way that the art market operates, I hope that the marketplace provides a trusted network where we can explore ideas for how creative people will become more empowered in the new digital economy.

It was nice to see this news story coming out about how technology is enabling new ways for artists and their fans to interact and support their work:

I hope we can explore new ideas and ways of working here as well :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63493.34
ETH 2578.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79