Apolymask's Tasks. Looking for good ideas for The Marketplace.

Apolymask's Tasks..? What's that..?

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Cool Text - Apolymasks Tasks 285669701254075.png

Apolymask's Tasks is a shop I created which is in The Marketplace which is a place on our discord channel where anyone can set up shop if they want to right now and sell just about anything as long as it's not illegal.

And.. So.. I was thinking of ways to try to bring more attention to The Marketplace and was planning on doing another bonus quest in the IFC to help, but.. Then realized I haven't done much with my own shop yet! And the possibilities here can be pretty vast if I have the creativity to see.. I'm just scratching the surface right now with offering my writing and researching skills. I know I can do and offer so much more! If I just set my mind to it..


So! I'm going to do a quest/job out of my Marketplace room instead of using the IFC. So.. No XP will be awarded.
And I'm low on funds, but.. Hopefully I can make this worth someone's time.

I will give 3 SBD to the person who gives me the best idea to help The Marketplace.
Unfortunately only one person will win, and I alone will decide which one I like the most, so.. Enter at your own risk knowing you might not get anything, but.. Someone will almost certainly end up with 3SBD. Unless.. No one enters... Lol. But I have a feeling people will give it a try.. It's 3 SBD for a good idea! Not much work involved if you're good at thinking of ideas! :)

So.. What's The Marketplace..?
It's sorta like Ebay meets Upwork meets Craigslist meets The Silk Road without any illegal stuff and it's on our discord channel, but it also links into steem with the tag #informationfinding and can be used without discord if you just use that tag, but there's much more on the channel! We have a whole bunch of shops set up already! And hopefully many more in time. :D

Here's a link to my shop, but there's not much on there yet! And this is a temporary link unfortunately so will only last a day.. But you can scroll down further and click on the other discord link below which is permanent as well if you find this later on and then just navigate your way to The Marketplace.


So.. If you're up for it.. Gimme your best ideas! And this will finish in a week from now when the payout ends so you have until then to submit your ideas! Please leave your ideas either below in the comments here, or you can leave them in my store in The Marketplace as well. Thanks for your time! And bye until next time!

Also.. I may try to make this a permanent function of my shop cause I'm always looking for ideas for the Marketplace to help it grow and be better, however.. I'm not sure how it would work full time, so.. For now.. I'm just going to start with a week long challenge and then maybe in the future I'll think of a way to do it full time, or.. I'll just do numerous more of these in the future.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

Click to enter the Discord Chat room!

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777


I've been thinking about what we talked about and have a couple of ideas which I'll message you about later but one of them might help with what you're looking for here.

I was thinking about something along the lines of a Community Co-operation Charity Challenge. It could be a bonus round where everyone who takes part gets bonus points or XP. The idea being that everyone must co-operate to come up with a unified plan for promoting the IFC and The Marketplace. All work together to create one amazing post and when its completed, either everyone has to post it to their own blogs or its posted from the main IFC account and resteemed by everyone taking part in order to be eliginle for points.

The SBD rewards from the post or posts could be used to support either a local charity in your own area or a steemit based charity that everyone is happy with.

Just an initial idea. It could be improved on I'm sure. :)

Word! That's a really awesome idea.. Super creative. it would be like a... "bomb" or something so to speak, that might noe be the right word.. But a money bomb is when a bunch of people donate at the same time, so if we all posted the same article we all made on all of our accounts, that would be similar! Sorta like a virus! Lol.. But.. Not a malicious or bad thing just like the bomb word sounds a little weird.. Though.. A very fascinating idea to sort of organize an effort to get a message out! That's super cool.. I wanna do it!

In regards to whatever the rewards are spent on, we can decide that amongst the group!

Thanks for sharing! I look forward to discussing this stuff more with you and the others. :)

Finally just got back to this and you were the only one who really entered an idea, and the reason it took me so long to get back to this is because I wasn't sure if you were even entering or just giving me an idea and I still don't know, but.. You gave the best and only idea, so I'm going to send you the 3SBD and, in time I think we will do the idea you mentioned! I really love that idea. :) I saved it in my notes for later.

I wasn't really entering the contest mate. We'd spoken a couple of days beforehand about me maybe judging and sponsoring a round and when I saw the post I thought it was a perfect opportunity to let you know one of the ideas I had been thinking about so I've sent the 3 SBD back. It was really kind of you but there really wasn't any need and I'd prefer it if you kept hold of it and maybe used it in some other way. Plus I know you have a big prize to be paying out soon for the winner of Season one of the IFC. :)

I'm glad you liked the idea and hopefully we can put our heads together and come up with some others going forward. :)

I look forward to chatting again soon mate. Won't be able to get on Discord tonight but will be on tomorrow. Hopefully going to get a couple of posts out on steemit so will likely be online for a while tomorrow night if you're about and want to chat.

Have a good one bud!

Fair enough! Lol. Thanks for returning it then,I'll put it towards the next contest!

Indeed! I think we can come up with some awesome ideas! You have a great mind and I think together we can come up with some super cool ideas. :D Look forward to it whenever it ends up working out!

And okey doke! Sounds good, will keep an eye out for you! :)

I just giggled as I went down the comments and seen who read this post and who didn't lol! Anyway, so I'm tired and cant think of anything right now but I do know that I love the idea of the marketplace. I have some cool physical items I'm thinking I might try out in the marketplace but I just need to take pictures and get prepared first. I have this one pic but there are like over 50 of these things, all different but each super cool. We some older action figures still in the box too. Probably a ton of mtg left over as well, I just need to find them. image

That's awesome! We would love to have you and I'd be happy to set up a store for you right now and you can add to it whenever you're ready! We have a couple other shops sitting mostly vacant waiting for people to figure out what they are going to do, so no worries!

Also I think you might be able to sell that stuff. :) We already had someone sell some Yu Gi Oh cards.. Or however you spell it, lol. So.. We've already had at least one sale that was similar to MTG and such. I almost bought the one Charisma put up cause I still play MTG with my friend every once and a while.. Though I gotta be careful with my funds and I'm being pulled in a lot of directions.. We'll see.. I may still buy what she offered. :D This Marketplace is really cool, I never planned on buying so much stuff, but.. There's a lot of cool stuff! And I have a good amount of steem/sbd, so it's actually pretty fun. :) Just gotta be careful not to spend too much. Anyways.. I'm rambling now, glad to hear you're interested in a shop! Thanks for showing interest. :)

Err.. Wait.. Did you just want to try to sell a few items? Or did you want a shop? Either way will work, but I just reread your message and.. I'm not sure.. So I'll wait to hear back from you before I make one!

Yes I walking about a shop lol I'm not sure what to title it but I guess we could always change that. Maybe this still will sell some eventually then, we have a ton of dragons. I'm keeping a few but we still have a lot! My husband and I are supposed to go through everything this weekend so I can try to get a marketplace post up to advertise it some too next week.

Dragons are awesome! :)
And cool. We would love to have you in The Marketplace. I'm not sure what to name your shop either, but I'll just make something up and then yes you can always change it later! And yeah who knows! This is an experiment. Some vendors are doing better than others, but.. I think it's worth a try to see what happens. :D Also.. You can get really creative with it, you could think of other ways to offer services.. Like.. I dunno.. Helping to cheer people up and motivate them! Lol.. Just throwing an example out there you seem like a cheerful and motivating person.. You could offer just about anything you can think of, and that's something I keep reminding myself as well! I'm like wow.. Hmm.. There's a lot of different ways I could offer my services. And I think in time I'll think of more and more of them. Anyways.. I'm excited that you want a shop of your own and I'll set one up for you soon and you can work on it whenever you're ready! :)

I will do a post on the market too to see if we can't get more!! I tried starting a jewelry guild on Steem awhile ago and initial enthusiasm was good but it petered out fast. Maybe having access to a market will pick up interest again!

Awesome! Thanks. :) Every little bit helps! And ah.. I see.. Hopefully this doesn't peter out fast, and yeah.. Hopefully the Market aspect helps keep it going! We'll see how it goes, but I'm pretty positive and optimistic about it! :D

I think it's just a little harder right now because of how the platform works. I think once communities come, that'll change.

Yeah.. I agree! Also I think in time we could even take this to a website app if necessary but we would have to get programmers for that. But.. If The Marketplace becomes popular enough we very well might do something like that.


I wish you success

its very informative...nice art...thank you sir for sharing

nice contant.....

Meaningful artwork. Thanks to share this great informative post

great informationfinding......

Lovely artwork... This artwork describes a true marketplace as it combines several professionals on a street... Each doing his own thing. Well blended within the market and very colourful too.

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