Courage: Most Important Quality in a Person (IFC S1 R30 Tie-breaker entry)

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Well I'm liking these IFC contests. 😁 Always provides the perfect venue for my philosophy or psychology and such posts. 😅

For my tie-breaker entry here's what I think the most important quality in a person is: Courage.

What is Courage?

A quick search on its meaning gives us this Google result:

Courage is something not everyone has. It might perhaps come and go too depending on our moods or knowledge maybe but some people just don't choose to use it.

Why is this the most important human quality for me? Because of two things:

• Courage Makes You Say What Must Be Said

This includes saying you love someone or apologizing for one's mistake/s. If one can't say these things, well then it's the person's loss, right?

This also includes being able to say if you don't agree with what someone is saying or doing or what others are making you say/do. Meaning, if for example someone is harassing/bullying you, you will speak up and not allow such to happen to you. Or if someone is verbally abusing you, sometimes it is not enough to just ignore it, sometimes you have to tell them to stop or they will never stop.


Aside from that, this includes being able to courageously say the truth even if telling a lie would be sweeter. The truth hurts that is why it is never said much, most people prefer to lie but if we have the courage to say the truth and be honest with other people then perhaps the world will be a much happier place.

When combined with action it is much stronger and allows for much change to happen.

• Courage Makes You Do What Must Be Done

This includes being able to fight for and protect those you want to protect even if you die for them. It may be your ideals, your beliefs or faith, your family or significant other etc. For example someone is bullying you, you will stand your ground and still try your best to be a good person/citizen even against a group of people.

If you have the courage to fight for justice and/or the environment (conservation, anti-pollution, etc.) then I applaud you and hope more people will join you. Even if let's say the president removes you from your high government position as long as you did everything to protect the environment and got removed for doing a good job, that is still a courageous thing to do.


Having courage means you will push through and keep living and fighting to live everyday even if doctors say you will die from cancer or any other terminal illness. This human quality provides people the strength to continue living even if the living conditions are very poor and hard.

It also makes you sacrifice your life for the greater good. Courageous people are the ones who will let themselves fall for the sake of furthering a future common goal which makes this the #1 quality of heroes of past and present. This is also an important quality of admirable people like scientists or entrepreneurs where even if they are made fun of or persecuted and not believed at first they still have the conviction and the courage to continue something. Eventually after a certain time it can become a successful and big thing that people love, enjoy and use all the time like the technological innovations we see today.

Courage also makes you apologize for your mistakes or declare your love even at the face of rejection. Courage lets you leave that job for a better and more challenging one. Courage makes you reach for your dreams and actually follow through to get to your goal.


Without courage, you'd just let other people trample on your dreams and hard work. Without it, you won't be able to have fun too like do bungee jumping, cliff jumping, rollercoaster riding etc.

Courageous people take more risks and thus gain more than most people in the process. You know what they say, "No guts, no glory", right?

So you see, it's very important that a person has it, otherwise nothing much will be done in the world. It is really one of the most admirable and important human quality to have.

How to Have Courage

1. Knowledge makes you braver.
If you know what the pros and cons to something are then of course you will be able to take action and say and do something about anything.

2. Support from people will give you courage.
Sometimes people need support in order to be brave and courageous. Knowing that someone has your back or someone or a group of people will be there to help/assist you makes you do or say things you wouldn't be able to do on your own.

3. Faith gives people courage.
If you believe in God or Buddha or any Higher Being, then you can also gain courage. This can be what some people call blind faith sometimes where you just believe in the Divine and hope miracles happen after doing the best you can. Even if miracles don't happen if you have enough faith, you can move mountains. 😊

As long as you believe in something, (and if God thinks it's good for you and others) then anything you do or say to make it happen will definitely happen.

Courage is a great thing to have don't you think so? Have anything else to add? Feel free to comment. 😊


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Written by @artgirl for Steemit.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

@artgirl is a freelance artist and also a sales person. If you need some art done or any research/writing requirements, feel free to contact me.
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It also takes courage to not say anything at all or not do anything. Most of the time we are encouraged to speak up but we forget how golden silence can be. Inaction does not always mean we are helpless but it can save us from further hurting ourselves.

A point more people should maybe think about.

Hmmm, for me that is more on kindness or compassion. :D

Courage comes in different forms :D


This really is going to be hard on the judges, Courage - - "The Judges" - - picking only one response when they want to pick more than one. There are more ways to be courageous than there are to bury your head in the sand. Like @leeart said, knowing when to speak is as important as knowing when to not.

Hehehe. Yeah whichever wins will win, no pressure. :D

I haven't had a chance to read this fully yet as I'm still working on earlier rounds. But I just wanted to say that I think you may have forgot to post this in the official blog page, I only found this because I was just searching the tags of #ifc and #informationfinding
So.. You may want to drop it in the comments where it's suppose to go so the other judges have a better chance of finding it and voting for you and getting you the win! And.. I'll read this and give you a thoughtful response when I get the proper time to do it.

Thanks... I think I did comment on the right post? I put it there 4 days ago. 😊

Maybe you did and I just missed it! Lemme check.

Alright. :D

Looks like you did already post it in the right spot! My bad.. Not sure what happened, but.. I messed up somewhere along the line, heh.

Oh no worries, it's cool. We all make mistakes. Haha.

Courageous people are the ones who will let themselves fall for the sake of furthering a future common goal which makes this the #1 quality of heroes of past and present.

Hmmm... Yeah.. I think so.. I don't think I ever quite realized before that that's one reason I resonated with heroes so much.. Interesting.. It helps to be able to put these sorts of things into words sometimes. :) Makes things more clear.

Courage is such an important trait, if only people had more courage maybe a lot of these big problems in the world wouldn't be such big problems!

Makes you wonder sometimes too, when our entertainment is just full of heroes.. Comic books, video games, cartoons, movies, it's almost everywhere.. Yet for some reason, not many people themselves want to try to help save the world.. Or.. Just to make a serious difference in an important area like the environment or animal abuse or political corruption or whatever. So many seem content to just watch and play heroes in their games and entertainments, but.. That doesn't often enough carry over into the real world in regards to all the serious problems out there threatening even our very own existence some of them.. So.. Yeah.. Without courage, we might even extinct ourselves.. That's how important it is.. Thanks for the great entry!

True, which is why Kick Ass the movies were almost true to life... Ah courage, so hard to have some sometimes (or most times?).

Thanks for the great contest too. 😁

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