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RE: "IFC S1: R35 - Catchup Entry" Creative Minds

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

Wow.. That was one of the best entries in the whole competition so far in my opinion. I read the first half or so the other night and was really impressed by your story and writing style, you've sure had some interesting experiences, the one with your teacher was inspiring and unique and you're extremely articulate and the second half just sorta blew me away.

What's really weird and crazy is that.. When you were describing the dream.. For some reason I almost immediately identified with the wise man character, in an unusual way.. It's hard to explain.. But.. I was like.. "This dude sorta reminds me of me.. I like this dude!" LOL... And then when I got to the end and read your words there where you said I am like that guy.. I was like.. Whoa.. And I actually got a lil emotional too.. I think there are some strong parallels there!

And you know.. I've told only a few other people about this, some day I'm going to make an official post.. but.. If steemit ever becomes like the next Facebook, and if the IFC and Marketplace do really well, and we make a healthy amount of money.. I want to make our own sort of IFC in the real world.. Maybe not a castle, lol.. But.. At least perhaps a piece of land where likeminded and good peoples can gather. :) That's my new dream.. Who knows if it will ever happen.. But I was like almost getting the chills sorta when I was reading your dream, how close it sounded to what I want to do.. And then when you said that at the end.. Kinda tripped me out.. Anyways.. I don't wanna ramble too much.. But really awesome entry! Thank you for sharing! A well deserved curie in my opinion! :D


Humbled to the core, @apolymask. And very moved by your words. Thank you on so many levels that I cannot even begin to articulate. This truly means so much to me...the exchange of human magical-ness ;)

Amazing synchronicities.....I suppose we are all just messengers - keeping that spark alive.

I hope that you do realize your dream and I thank you for sharing it (at least a glimpse). Really beautiful synchronicity always a good sign that it is on its way to manifesting ;)


You're welcome! Thank you as well for sharing your gifts and your wisdom and your kindness as well. :) I really like the word messengers by the way! I can vibe with that! :D I think we're all sort of messengers in our own ways! Especially if everything is information.

Oh and.. I'm voting for this one for this round. It touched me on a pretty deep level. As my previous comment explained. Really awesome, entry! Well done. Thank you again for sharing your imagination and creativity and knowledge with us. :D

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