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RE: IFC S2R5: A Potentially Funny and Definitely Insane Theory on the Origins of the Nephilim

in #ifc6 years ago

You're welcome for the info. I really have no idea in regards to logos and the ancients however I personally believe that "everything" is information and information is language so to me it makes sense that "logos" or the "word" are considered so highly in Christianity and other belief systems. Language is powerful indeed!

I don't think any of those words rhyme with father though. Not in my accent at least.

Oh that's interesting.. Hmm.. They rhyme the way I saw it or at least are very close rhymes. I wonder how you pronounce it?

I considered, and this is definitely a bit nuts, but that the cross could be a symbol used to capture life force energy, or perhaps even souls, and send them up the ley lines to the ancient temples and pyramids etc, where they are then transported up to the constellation Orion, charging "his" belt with the captured energy/souls.

That's a fascinating theory! And.. Whether true or not I can entertain the possibility. To me the cross is like one of the oldest if not the oldest main religious symbol I can think of an originated as a "sun wheel" used to measure time, IE the zodiac which is another fit in with Christianity and Christ as he had 12 disciples and he was the 13th whereas the zodiac also have 12 regular signs and there's the 13th mystery sort of one as well I forget the name right now, but if not that one he could also represent the sun as he is the "son' and he walks on water like the reflection of the sun and turns water to wine like the sun does in a photosynthesis sort of manner. SOO... Perhaps you could relate that as well to Cronus and father time and the soul catching thing as we are all sort of bound by time and perhaps the cross is a sort of metaphor for the collection of souls through time.

Nimrod is supposedly behind the tower of babel according to the epic of gilgamesh, and the tower of babel certainly seems like an attempt to exalt one's position above the throne of God. Whether the tower of babel is a metaphor, or was a real tower, I don't know, but it seems clearly to have been an attempt, by Nimrod, to conquer, invade, or replicate heaven.

Also very interesting stuff there and I've done quite a bit of research on that subject in my own studies and.. I can vibe with that idea.. I also don't know if it was a real tower or not, but there's a good amount of historical evidence to show that it probably was and that there perhaps wasn't just one but many of these towers over time possibly even in modern times like the Twin Towers in NYC which came crashing down as well.. There's some weird connections there with the Matrix movie as well which makes me think that it's sort of an archetype, as you can find the tower card in tarot as well as many other places.. A super deep subject I've been working on a documentary about though who knows if I'll ever be able to finish it.. It's soooooooooooooooooooooo deeeeeeep. Mind blowingly so.

So, with all these things in mind I questioned whether Nimrod was the ancient sorcerer who started the mystery religions for the purpose of creating religions, and having us worship him through many names, so that he could create a false after life, where he would rule as God and judger of sins, and whether he was successful in usurping the throne of heaven.

Hmmm.. Maybe. I'm very open minded to that.

.He is also entwined in a holy trinity of sorts, having married his own mother Semiramus, and then after being killed by his uncle for his crimes, and his body chopped up and sent to the four corners of the world(like william wallace), his wife and mother Semiramus then claimed to have been pregnant again, with a son who named Tammuz(I think), and who she said that Nimrod was not only the father, but also the son. If this is true, then it predates the father and the son from the Holy Bible, and could mean that it is based on him.

Gross, lol.. I didn't know that, but it also sort of reminds me of the Egyptian story with Osiris who got cut into a bunch of pieces and spread around the world.. I do tend to think many of these ancient Gods were the same being just with different names. Or.. Maybe not even a physical being but a metaphor or concept.

I do recall that when I first looked it up there was nothing to be found. But then after a news article about CERN discovering a "ghost particle" I got to thinking. CERN's agenda is reportedly, trying to turn dark energy into matter, or something like that, which sounds like a metaphor for trying to materialise the spirit of a dark sorcerer back into the world.

Fascinating. I haven't got too deep into CERN stuff, though I have got sorta deep into it and I think that is possible, they have a BUNCH of weird symbolism going on which makes me think there's something more to it than just a science project. The elite seem to be connected to it in occult manner. Also you may or may not know this but there was an ancient god named Cernunnos who some also believe to be the "Green man" who is essentially Lucifer/Pan/Osiris etc etc etc, and I do believe that's probably where they got the name "Cern" from. Definitely can't prove it, but I think probably that is the case. There's not a lot of information on the internet about Cernunnos, he is a rather mysterious God.. Though it really makes me wonder.. Maybe they are trying to bring their dark lord into this reality through that machine. Also to be fair they don't probably think he is "dark" they probably think he is "light" and the misunderstood good guy rebelling from the tyrannical God. Pretty weird and really interesting to think about one way or the other!

Are they trying to resurrect the ancient babylonian kings? I don't know. My mind is crazy, but you asked. But after I started to think this I looked it up again and all of a sudden there were many people talking about Nimrod being resurrected. So fuck knows man. Perhaps the world is that fucked up, or perhaps I am not the only one with an extremely vivid imagination.

Heh. I tend to consider myself pretty crazy sometimes too, but maybe just maybe we're more sane than the average folk.. Maybe there are real dots we are connecting.. Maybe it's not as crazy as it seems. However, without more proof I think it's smart to leave it open as a possibility and not try to claim it is 100% for sure happening. Who really knows? There are some crazy things pointing in that direction though!!

.Also, there are some sources that say nimrod was diefied as Saturn, and what I am most sure of in all this mystery, is that Saturn seems to the bad guy.

Once again.. I dunno. I tend to think of these ancient Gods as metaphors that represent the good and bad in all of us humans, but perhaps there is something deeper to it.. Maybe there really are Gods out there that are real, maybe there is some kind of war going on between dark and light. I wish I could say for sure, but I can't. I'll continue to ponder the possibilities though and try to stay open minded to the potential! Much better I think that being in the dark and not even thinking about this stuff at all like most people seem content to.


Yeah I know about the Celtic God Cernunnos and the statue of Shiva outside CERN. There's also some talk of the location of the LHC being above what is believed to be the grave of Abadon. I don't know what the fuck is true and what is false, but if you ever seen the opening ceremony for the LHC at CERN, there is no way to label that as anything other than fucked up. You don't need to understand the occult to look at that video and know that whatever they're doing there is not solely about science.

I think that the gods may also be a part of or reflections of our subconscious, but for me there would still need to be a Creative force behind the universe, which would supersede any lesser gods. Though I have wondered if perhaps life itself is that creative force.

I hope you complete the documentary you speak of. I'd be interested to watch it.

There's also some talk of the location of the LHC being above what is believed to be the grave of Abadon.

I think I've heard that before or that it was built on top of some ruins or something like that, though it's been a while since I researched it.

I don't know what the fuck is true and what is false, but if you ever seen the opening ceremony for the LHC at CERN, there is no way to label that as anything other than fucked up. You don't need to understand the occult to look at that video and know that whatever they're doing there is not solely about science.

Hmmm.. Not sure if I've seen that. Perhaps I should do a search on YouTube and see if I can find it.. But yeah there's definitely a lot of weird symbolism going on. If I remember correctly the firetruck or police cars in their music video thing had the number 33 on them which seems pretty clear they are connected to the Free Masons as I doubt that was an accident/coincidence.. It does seem like they have a lot occult going on.

I think that the gods may also be a part of or reflections of our subconscious, but for me there would still need to be a Creative force behind the universe, which would supersede any lesser gods. Though I have wondered if perhaps life itself is that creative force.

I agree, though to me the creative force isn't necessarily a physical entity, it could be more like a spiritual energy. Though I admittedly don't know.. Just trying to theorize.

I hope you complete the documentary you speak of. I'd be interested to watch it.

Word! I actually have part of it online, I'll link it to you as I think you may enjoy it! There's some really fascinating info contained within it. Though the movie is still far from complete, there's sooo much more.. But what I have so far is pretty powerful in my opinion! I think I made a few connections no one else in the public realm has, like the Tower of David for example having the 9/11 address and also the Free Masonic connections to the number 9/11 with their lodges.. I had never seen some of this stuff before in anyone elses research.

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