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RE: 🎶🎵What a long strange trip it's been!!!🎶🎵a

in #ifc6 years ago (edited)

I think even tears of joy were starting to form! I was so ecstatic that not only did bashadow's dream of his poem being put to musiccome to fruition, but also @apolymask and his vision of the IFC becoming something we not only see but now something we can hear! This song deserves more attention😄 not because of the IFC but because of what it takes for people to come together in this world around us, even if it's only for a moment, we all need to learn to laugh and have fun, love each other not for what they can do for you but love them for who they are! Without love being the motivator we will never see peace!

This part really stuck out to me.. Incredibly well said.. I haven't agreed so much with something in a while and if you were playing in the contest I'd wanna give you the hidden ladder for that.. So many great points. The song is amazing though didn't make me have tears, but.. Your comment made did.

Maybe if we can help bring people together in a shared common fun and form of love, then we can break some of those unhelpful barriers between us and work together more to help make some major positive changes in the world. Time will tell.. But I still have hope and this community at the IFC gives me so much more hope than I used to have. <3 Thanks for being a part of that "hope". And hopefully.. We can do our parts to help try to turn things around for the better in the world before it's too late.


It's honest! The way things are going with the ifc that positivity flows out into our day to day lives whether we realize it or not! I am glad my path has brought me here to steemit among others who want to see more of the beauty in the world, i don't want to ignore the real issues of life that's not why i have involved myself, like anything in life there is a process and I'm hoping this community we are a part of can help remove the facade that has been shown to us throughout our lives!!! That can not be achieved unless it is done in love! Agape is a word that describes the love that is to me the most important!

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